It's time to up the max character limit

No one claimed they were selfish so what is that nonsense about?

I have quite a lot of friends who hit cap a long time ago. Characters are played for all sorts of different reasons and all sorts of different levels.

Which proves nothing. Poor attempt.

Because it solves nothing. Blizzard doesn’t care about us showing numbers they can claim are falsified. They need to do the survey. It has to come from them.

Dude, I literally quoted the in-game CoC. Do you not know the general “Disruption” rule ?

Here, the actual text of it :


Behavior that intentionally detracts from others’ enjoyment (such as griefing, throwing, feeding, etc.) is unacceptable. We expect our players to treat each other with respect and promote an enjoyable environment. Acceptable behavior is determined by player reports and Blizzard’s decision, and violating these guidelines will result in account and gameplay restrictions.

Acceptable behavior is determined by player reports


Stop trolling dude.

I claimed they were being selfish.
I imagine they wont do it because it would cost them money and they would get nothing in return.

Just like their original stance on Classic.
You think you want that, but you don’t.

Prove you want it. Make them eat their words, and change comes naturally.

How will you report people for having characters you can’t see on their account(s)?

Very much support OP.

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Nope, you imagined things about them why do I need to prove things you imagined.

Plenty of people make name reservation tickets. When they track down all those names to your “trial” accounts, and see you’ve made many just to reserve names, all those names will become available as your account is perma banned for griefing.

Good luck with your little stunt.

Yeah, right! I never saw anyone post they got banned for this ever. Going to need more source from you on this otherwise you are making stuff up here.

I have seen many people say they reserved names even on the forums. It isn’t some huge crime.

It absolutely does. If you follow this game at all you would know this to be false.
We literally JUST went through this when they “decided” to limit Covenant stuff outside of Shadowlands.
They put it in the game, everyone freaked out and gave a bunch of reasons why it would not work, and they saw those reasons and changed their minds.

This is more concrete than that.
They have upped the stakes saying they know no one uses 50 characters actively.

Is that a lie?
Prove it!

They wont be doing any surveys because they don’t want to do this. They believe it will get them nothing.

You must demonstrate it will.

Like Nostalrius and other Classic private servers demonstrated that Classic could make them money.

There’s this strange thing where getting banned revokes your forum access.

I am struggling to believe you are being serious on this.
Stop worrying about what I am saying.
Worry what they are saying.

What is even stranger is those same people are still posting.

They aren’t saying anything. I agree though you aren’t being serious about this.

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Damn, I thought this was gonna be about the characters in a name limit of 12.

I thought you never saw people get banned for this, now you’re seeing them still posting ? :thinking:

Dude, just stop, no one is going to make trial accounts for name reserves, since getting the name afterwards would cost money. But if the toon cap limit were raised, many would reserve many names.

This ain’t a hard concept chief. You want more toons, buy a 2nd account.

I never saw anyone get banned for it. Yeah the people that posted they have “reserved” names are still posting…


I already have multiple accounts and thanks for promoting multiboxing.

I remember them saying in a QnA in early (maybe even pre) BFA that they believe no one actively makes use of 50 characters so there is no reason to increase the cap.

I immediately expected this to bite them like so many other odd things they say did.
I expected the forums to rally behind this as they do on so many other topics.

But it seems I was quite wrong, and I am surprised by this, because when other discussions like this happen, the community goes all out to prove them wrong.
Like, literally never gets over it.

Look at what’s happening with covenants.

So your position is, what I am remembering never happened?

Well “actively” can be defined in many ways so it is ambiguous.

Blizzard isn’t going to throw away all their time invested in them, did you expect them to do that because people complain?

My position is I am fine with them selling more character slots on the store since most people won’t need them.

Which they wont do, as they currently believe no one would use them.

If you can prove otherwise, why wouldn’t you?
I just can’t comprehend this mentality.

You have been talking about this topic for years, yet aren’t compelled to act, when its something that clearly forces their hand.

Why is this?
It really feels like it must be because you know you can’t convince them.