It's time to up the max character limit

Well, probably because it isn’t a popular topic. Nobody is playing 50 characters anyway, not steady at least.

I’ll say it, no one needs 50 characters. I don’t care how much you like leveling but 50 is way to much. It’s bad enough the name situation but yeah just let people have 70+characters

Ok, now address the part where the name is stuck on the trial account. My post was in 2 parts.

And setting up a trial account is not as convenient as just creating toons on your main account.

Name reservations is a good reason to keep the 50 limit.

No one needs 50 characters. No one is going to be using said 50 characters. Blizz doesn’t need to do a survey. No one has time to level 50 characters.

increasing the character cap really only benefits collectors

It is simple and convenient never log them in.

This is the same stance I see taken all the time, but it makes zero sense to me.
The company has said “No, we wont do it, because you don’t need it.”
My initial reaction is “Oh ya, you sure about that stubborn company?”

What is your reaction?

Blizzard is not going to do a survey because they don’t care if you think you need it or not. They are likely restricting access to more for selfish reasons.

You need to publicly prove that they are being selfish and if you gain enough support a change will be made.

Until then, its just talk.
Which is fine in many cases, but why talk when you can act?
Do you want this changed or not?

Pretty much. It would actually cause damage too. The character cap effects how the servers runs. If everyone made 50 characters it would lag the server out. That’s why blizz goes to old accounts and delete characters that won’t be played anymore

But then you don’t get to reserve the name. Hence at that point, you’d be doing it for griefing, and Blizzard would likely just perma ban you.

And my then rational reaction is “oh, they’ll make me pay for it” and that’s that.

Yeah, right! Funny stuff here. Link the rule about this one.

Wrong and wrong.

Moving on…

Also wrong. You may not like the concept. But your opinion isn’t fact.

Yet they’ve done surveys for other things. So we’ll keep asking. You trying to discourage people is insulting.

The general “Disruption” rule that applies to about anything that causes annoyance and GM tickets to pile up.

I don’t think it’s for selfish reasons. No one needs more than 50 characters.

Are you going to make 50 characters and play all of them?

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Proof or you’re making stuff up. Literally no one has been able to prove this, plus it’s been debunked in these threads before. So good luck.

Yeah, ok I figured you had nothing.

The characters take space on the servers. Don’t really need to pull up a doc for that.

What are you talking about?

Can you explain why you would resist my idea?
It would potentially solve your problem, yet you act like I am attempting to harm your position instead of help it.

I have to say, you and others reacting this way to such an obvious solution really makes me believe you know you don’t need more character slots.

I hope that is not the case.

Which part are you confused on?