It's time to up the max character limit

Just…f*** off…


Being able to play two characters at the same time, having a stronger character help a weaker one…

I actually think thats a pretty reasonable idea. I like it. Blizz make it happen.

Rarely necessary with a mage main, and I have friends and family to call on in the rare occasions that help is needed.

You sound like you don’t have any alts and never level new characters, since you can’t even picture what I am describing.

I have alts, but I only have ~3-4 characters at cap tops at any given point. Don’t see the point in having armies of capped chars.

I don’t have an “army” of max level geared characters. When I am leveling a new character, I carry that character through dungeons for gear and quests. My new characters do not start as max level geared characters as apparently yours do.

Yesterday I carried this character through Amphitheater of Anguish. While I was there I invited an at level healer who couldn’t have done it themselves and didn’t have a group. I also was able to one shot the bosses for a group of Alliance level 71’s who were struggling to kill them. /shrug

Nah, the difference is I find no joy in being carried or carrying myself, as I do not see leveling as something to try to skip or cut as short as possible. In fact that’s why so few chars on my account are capped: I always have someone to sign onto and level when the itch strikes.

yes, please let me have 100 gnomes!

I enjoy messing around making new characters and leveling them for no reason at all.

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Only if we can get gnome druids.


Give me gnome everything! RELEASE THE CLASS RESTRICTIONS!!!


I thought all three of you were triplets! You Horde people all look alike! :neutral_face:


Gnome druid travel form = duck
Gnome druid flight form = duck
Gnome druid aquatic form = duck


GNome Druids for everyone!!!


They hinted at Gnome hunters in Wod with that NPC imo so where is this new hidden gnome druid in BFA that I have yet to find ?! We must have this now


You’re what’s wrong with this game.

Just put him on ignore. It’s what I had to do in a similar situation. He doesn’t listen and just wants to flip out at people and be condescending and insulting.

If the game is so bad then maybe it’s time to walk away and find something else to do with your time. I couldn’t imagine sitting around worrying about some other player having opinions that I didn’t agree with and then blaming them for me playing some game that I just want to complain about. Feel free to not read my comments if they bother you that much. lol

100% Support the idea of a char-cap raise. Leveling alts is the most fun part of the game to me. 50 will be far too few with how easy leveling will be in the prepatch/shadowlands, too.


If you don’t like to help people, you don’t like to help people.

Huh? I said I don’t like being carried, not that I don’t like helping others. I don’t need a multibox setup to help others.