It's time to up the max character limit

Enough is different for everyone

Why do you hoard cash?

The total alt limit per licence should be increased each time a new race or class is added to allow people the opportunity to play around with the new features without having to delete an alt they already have. I have run 2 licences on one account in the past for this reason but BFA added 4 new races each side, and yes I do play both Horde and Alliance but on different servers to each other. I think increasing the limit is a reasonable request.


I never understand why people come in and disagree with things like this, but all they can say about why they disagree is “Well, I don’t need more than 50”.

Well cool, you don’t need more than 50 - so what? What’s the problem? Do you not want anyone else to get more than 50 just because you don’t use 50? Why? What purpose does it serve you?

It doesn’t take anything away from you. You don’t have to pay anything extra for someone else to have it. You just want everyone to know that you personally do not care and are in no way affected by this suggestion? You want to tell people who would like more than 50 that they’re wrong for no reason?

Are you like… bored and have been hanging out on the forums for 3 hours and you just feel the need to reply to every post or something? I don’t get it.


I only really play one toon at a time (Fairlight), but if folks want more slots I don’t see why not. With the population reduced from previous years, yet keeping the max character slots the same, does seem a bit odd.


I suspect a huge wall is Blizzard appears to have a large number of players who support them in not upping it, by responding to people who want an increased limit with ridicule and incredulity.

Blizzard often changes things for tiny numbers of players. How many people have the ‘insane’ title and such? Things only happen if there’s universal support, and there most certainly isn’t with this as I alluded to above.

Why let people have fifty characters on one server, if indeed apparently no one can play that many?

Characters are at the very heart of this game, which is something so blazingly obvious one shouldn’t have to state. In a game where collecting is very popular, with hundreds of mounts, pets and such, how can having a measly fifty characters of all things be considered too many?

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I don’t use them all actively, nor do I accept your challenge.

I love my toons, and want to make more. Since 99% of people won’t need the space, it won’t affect the servers in any real way.

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