It's Time to Unlock the Azzinoth Warglaives tmog for ALL Eligible Classes

I like how you only respond and argue with people on weak points yet completely ignore the points I brought forth by simply saying “imma die on this hill derp”.

Idk everytime i do a dungeon i seem to be either on top of the dps meter or second place when there is a hunter. A lot of DHs don’t actually know how to play them.

See thats interesting, ive seen a lot of DH in the LFG prior to the lego leaver madness drove me out of that. Consistently DH was one above healer. I saw it as shocking since i decided to level a DH in BFA and loved it, loved the simple effective rotation, loved seeing insane dps numbers when larger packs got pulled.

I have to assume the AOE cap wrecked an already nerfed DH damage.

the AOE did hurt but we are still a viable class in Mythic + especially with our Collective Anguish legendary.

If you truly want to go by the definition of iconic, if you were to bring up these weapons prior to DH’s becoming a playable class, they’d always be associated with a rogue having them.

So going by the definition, they are most definitely iconic to rogues as well.

It’s a very simple argument really, if you can use it then you should be able to mog it.

Game mechanically speaking, they aren’t and that’s what matters.

Gameplay mechanics > Lore

If you’re going to use lore as a justification for this, then Shadowmourne should only be moggable by DK’s.

Doesn’t matter. Game mechanically, they are classified as swords.

Shadowmourne is very much a DK weapon fantasy wise yet other classes can use it.

And Frostmourne already is a thing in game that only DK’s can obtain, equip, and use. Bad comparison.

I mean, when you do the achievement these weapons are modified to sheath differently and use warglaive animations. Isn’t that good enough?

The equipable version looks bad when sheathed and uses sword animations.


It does matter because transmog has nothing to do with game mechanics. It has to do with looks, and aesthetics. Game mechanics mean nothing in this discussion when talking about someone’s iconic weapons. Further, going by that logic, rogues should just take all edgy leather transmog considering that’s all you wore in BC.

Except transmog was a mechanic introduced as a way for players to further customize the look of their character.

Very true.

Except as I’ve pointed out using the definition of iconic, they could be argued as being iconic to rogues.

What logic? I’m not lobbying for armor sets with no class restrictions to be restricted to just my class. If you are able to equip it then you should be able to mog it.


It is nice to see you can cherry pick points and ignore others because you have 0 retorts to them.

Gameplay mechanics is based on lore, without the lore, there are no classes. have you played wc3?

As to your DK comment, I agree, Shadowmourne should be DK only except its an axe, warriors and paladins can wield those. Warglaives are warglaives and if you are going to say “but they are swords” then go reread my first post. After you’ve done so come at me with real arguments and not one liners to everyone trying to sound above all.

And that is precisely why they should be able to mog them. When DH’s complete the unlock achievement, the weapon has a modified sheath and uses warglaive animations.


That doesn’t really justify them having exclusive rights to mog a weapon that came out long before they were made a playable class.

Does being able to alter the look of armor exist in lore?


i would personally prefer the sword pose and attack animation for the glaives… i dont like the way demon hunters hold and attack with a glaive, as a blood elf the sword one is a lot cooler.

What im saying is DKs in WolK could use the. Mop, Monks can use them. Its not a matter “if” or “Should” be able to use them. They already do and always have.

DHs were a thing in TBC, just not playable ones.

Yeah all the rogues in my guild wanted the Warglaives back in TBC, there was no demon hunter playable then. They were first and foremost Rogue weapons, all the way up to Legion release date in 2016.


That poses a problem in regards to Thunderfury and Corrupted Ashbringer, which are also legion based class specific xmog rewards, despite their earlier game history.

There really isn’t breaking story. A DK used Ashbringer so did pallys. Means we havent explored the full depts of these weapons lore.

You’re missing the point. Blizzard decided in Legion to make it a class specific reward. Nothing is really going to change that unless they decide to de-prune artifact appearances and open them up to all classes.

Since they haven’t bothered to enable the Mage Tower challenges again, what makes you think they’ll do this?

You’re comparing artifact appearances that can only be equipped by singular classes, to loot that can be equipped by several classes. Apples and oranges.

What exactly is wrong with “if you can equip them, you can mog them”? Honestly, what is so horrible and horrendous allowing classes to transmog all appearances that they can both loot and equip?

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Animation us absolutely relevant since the DH specific glaive combat is what warglaive fighting SHOULD look like, giving every race that can be rogue warrior or dk the same dh animation just for those glaives is a stupid and immense task and will also serve to strip away more dh class identity.

The weapon came out before dh were a playable class because of lack of ressources to make dh happen sooner. Dh were always a “class” in wow before they were playable.

As per your last point, it makes no sense, are you arguing for gameplay or for looks here. The mechanics of warglaives are based on demon hunter lore.

Again, blizz threw you a bone by letting non dh classes continue to be able to use og glaives by leaving them as swords because it would anger too many who farmed them JUST TO HAVE THEM (not to mog them) if they changed their classification from swords to warglaives.

There is no argument you can make besides “but i can wear them”. Go on wowhead dressing room, put a draenei warrior with glaives on and dual wield animation and watch combat animation, come back and tell me that does not look completely absurd.

Glaives aren’t exclusive to the class fantasy of Demon Hunters at all. Wardens, Sentinels, and Shadow Hunters and more use them as well. If anything they should let warriors, who are supposed to be the masters of weaponry, be able to use them.

I demon hunter support this message