It's Time to Unlock the Azzinoth Warglaives tmog for ALL Eligible Classes

The Warglaives of Azzinoth were wieldable by several classes before demon hunters were ever a thing. One glaive is a 1H, the other is an OH.

Then came along Demon Hunters and the Warglaives weapon class. Later on came the achieve to transmog the glavies for demon hunters only.

Then legendaries became transmoggable…but the Azzinoth glaives were specifically excluded by Blizzard because they felt it’d devalue the achievement.

It’s time to end the charade. Demon Hunters have been coddled for far too long and didn’t need an exclusive transmog set that locked out all other classes that could wield the mogs. It’s ridiculous and a slap in the face to all non-DHs who farmed for the glaives.

Get rid of the Azzinoth tmog restriction and let all classes who could wield them, mog them. A good balance at the very least is to let those who earned the achievement to mog if you want to preserve the value of the achievement, removing the DH restriction - but it doesn’t need to be, and shouldn’t be, locked to demon hunters only. It’s ridiculous to not change it.


The warglaives are part of our core class identities as DH’s. No other class besides DH should be able to use them, because they were meant for a DH.

Also, should we apply this logic to things such as legion artifacts? Should a paladin be able to use one of the two frostmourne swords from Frost DK’s because they can wield 1 Handers?

The warglaives belong in the hands of the only class currently in the game whose core identity involves warglaives. End of story.


You saw what they did to warlock , what makes you think they would amend this ?


Your argument is heavily flawed.

Your artifact situation is involving weapons that were never wieldable by other classes.

You’re also trying to say that warriors et. al magically forgot how to wield specific 1Hs and OHs, simply because of their appearance. In fact these weapons can still be wielded. I have no idea what you’re even trying to say.

If I can wield it, I should be able to mog it. Plain and simple.


Personally I think warglaives in general need to be opened to other classes.


Should warlocks be able to use Aluneth then? They can wield it, can’t they?

That’s where your argument falls apart. Illidan’s sticks should only be wielded by DH’s. Just because a rogue used them once doesn’t make them magically not a DH thing.


The only reason the Warglaives are not eligible for transmog is because of them being an achievement reward for the time walking black temple raid.

Then how about we just, replace the reward with something exclusive thats actually never been wielded, FOR Demon Hunters?

Too much effort? Yeah alright.


Wrong. Rogues and warriors and dk used them. Try again my buddy.


Yet DH didn’t exist back when the Warglaives of Azzinoth did, and they were highly coveted by rogues and fury warriors, of which were the only two classes that could use them.

They are also listed as swords.


Don’t seem to recall any DK’s in TBC. As to the actual point, that doesn’t mean that a rogue should be using them. DH’s have a very personal connection to those weapons, and should exclusively be in the hands of DH’s.

Used to be, now they are classified properly. They are war glaives.

Just wanted to highlight this because the dude above said DK’s wanted a TBC item when they weren’t around.


If someone got them to drop and they can wield them then they’ve earned the right to use them.


Are you trolling? They are literally listed as swords.


The achievement version might be listed as glaives but in the Adventure Guide they are both still listed as swords.


Night Elves not having access to their iconic glaive due to Demon Hunter flavor still drives me up the wall.


Found the demon hunter main lmao.


aye man im all for crapping on classes im not playing this xpac but kicking the DH now is kicking a man when hes already down.

Man have you seen them parsing in dungeons? Its ugly and feel for them.


This is less about destroying their damage and being irritated that DHs have stolen identities from several classes since they were added to the game.


All the more reason to open up those babies to let the real classes show them how to parse.

Jokes aside, the limitation is annoying.


A warlock can wield a staff, therefore they should be able to use Ebonchill.

This is where I would also like to make this clear:
No other legendary besides Shadowmourne has had such a straight line connection with a class like DH’s and Azzinoth. I would frankly argue that Shadowmourne should only be wielded by DK’s, because it belongs with a DK. Straight line connections like this with classes should mean that they can only be wielded by that class

True actually.

Veng got nerfed to the ground when it wasn’t even the spec that people complained about. Feels bad man.


I could agree with this and yet they made it open to paladins and warriors for transmog. So why do demon hunters get such special treatment?