I never said that the warglaive animations should be given to other classes. I was just pointing out that if they were to open up these weapons for transmog to other classes, DH’s would still have some form of exclusivity with them because they’d have the option to use them as either warglaives or swords.
It wasn’t due to lack of resources, it was because Blizzard wasn’t ready to add another class to the game at that point. But I digress
I’m arguing from a gameplay mechanic standpoint. They are classified as swords and other classes besides DH’s can use them.
Very true. But that’s not enough.
Transmog already allows people to look like clowns so what does it matter?
I am a DH main and I support this message…actually in fact transmog in general should be 100% open, weapons, armor, with the only restriction being limited to the class you can get it on.
because looking like a clown is different than fighting like a clown ie: using a shield as a bow, it makes no sense. Just like using a warglaive as a sword and hitting stuff with only one tip makes no sense either. Go see on wowhead dressing room, cycle through all the races (because everyone can be a warrior) all the genders and tell me with a straight face that makes sense. I especially love the female night elf/nightborne 1h animation with it, its uniquely stupid.
even night elf males whose idle combat animation is a direct callback to the warcraft 3 demon hunter fighting stance, they look great with the glaives on, but once you try the 1h animation attack, they swing it like a sword and its hilariously bad.
by the way in this case, lack of resources = not ready to
Let us unlock warglaives in general, really annoying they are still a DH exclusive weapon i keep finding these things all over the place its obvious demon hunters arnt taking care of them.
Im sorry but I truly do not think “but current design and animation” should ever be the deciding factor on whether other classes can access something, if it can fit in lore it should be allowed.
Absolutely. Lore shouldn’t be the sole driving factor of gameplay itself, else we wouldn’t be killing the same people over and over again since they’re dead the first time.
With that said - regarding the lore argument, aren’t warriors masters of all weapons anyways?
I personally believe that all classes who (lore-wise) can wield them SHOUDLD be able too.
and when I say lore wise I dont mean just past lore, they (devs) could 100% find away to build a story that is in line with past lore to allow this.
Technically speaking people could also argue that the “masters of weapons” could only apply to weapons from their “plan of existence” (for lack of a better term) where as DH weapons originate from where ever they came from/illidian, (its slipping my mind at this moment) the reason warglaves were given in BT was because of illidians story but I think that’s a cop out personally.
Hey you guys can continue talking in your bubble, theres nothing to add here, i think the warglaives of azzinoth should remain DH only for reasons listed above. They may be irrelevant to you but they arent to blizz, the ppl that made all of this.
So you’re for tmog restrictions against classes who otherwise are fully capable of wielding and equipping the weapons, and hell even went one step further and earned a BT timewalking raid achievement. Got it. We won’t agree on this so I have nothing else to say to you.
Personally I find them too common even on DH. They just aren’t special anymore. When everyone is weilding warglaives will anyone find them special anymore?
Need to say NO to the warglaves being available to everybody. Warclaves are wapons used by DH. If the Warglaves of Azeroth were unlocked for all, then there would be no point in not unlocking all warglaves to all eligible candidates. However, the ability to earn the achievement for obtaining them needs to remain unchanged.
I kinda disagree with this. There are hardly any decent xmog glaives in the game… and you can’t even go back and get the Mage Tower artifact appearance… DH’s need something cool they can go get.
Probably should have spelled it out more clearly. I believe Rogues, Warriors and DK’s could equipment back in the day so they could still get the achievement - obviously not everybody. I apologize if that was not understood, did not think I had to be 100% literal on it lol. I still stand by my original post though.