I’ll be right alongside you on that hill. By your logic, transmog wasn’t a system back then in TBC so you have absolutely no right to them, when they added them for DH they DELIBERATELY chose not to include them for anyone else. I support that decision wholeheartedly and am glad that for ONCE there is a class in this game whose lore they won’t continually decay to suit the whims of people who play other classes. Roll a DH or equip them and take the ilvl hit. That’s how it should be.
Oh ok, so no appearances that were out pre-tmog should be moggable? Got it!
That didn’t stop me from being able to equip one for the longest time ever.
No, I don’t hold that position, your argument was you obtained the weapons on your Warrior. You still have them, you can still use them. They don’t owe you anything beyond that.
i said it before, i will say it again…
i did black temple timewalking, in the day this thing went live in a pug, it lasted 4-5 hours, with many people that did not played pve very well and stuff. It was, hard and difficult.
Before this event, i farmed azzinoth a lot and i dropped it before the timewalking released and i did everything in order to obtain the transmog in legion.
Therefore, do you want azzinoth for other classes? fine. But i want some compensation for doing timewalking black temple as a dh, like giving me that old red glaives we dont have in game (old dh npcs use it) or something else, SOMETHING to us demon hunters to compensate the privilege we are just losing it.
I have no idea what you’re going on about. So your argument is that I’m saying DHs can’t use them? No, that’ s not my position at all.
My position is if a class can loot them and equip them, then they should be able to mog them. Plain and simple. What’s so hard to understand about that?
Yeah, I too farmed the glaives and got the timewalking achievement. On my warrior. What’s your argument?
I have them in my back I can equip them, but I cannot equip new Warglaives or Xmog them?
What gives?
you´re a warrior, not a class particulary known for glaives for which is why demon hunters got the azzinoth privilege treatment to begin with.
But Warriors can Equip them.
Yeah you got the achievement, doesn’t mean you’re allowed to use the tmog on anyone. I can’t use my class mounts on other characters either.
You also can’t earn or loot other classes’ class mounts. Again what’s your argument?
You gotta be joking? You want credit for doing a lvl 70 Dungeon on your Hero Class lvl 110 DH?
How about all of us that got the Warglaive Legendary the proper way doing the dungeon as it was meant. My Rogue and my Warrior have the Glaives and can and did equip them at one time.
But all the sudden I can no longer use Warglaives?
My argument is as it ever was: you should never have been able to even equip the glaives as a Warrior, Rogue, Monk, any of that. But the fact that you could doesn’t entitle you to future tmog ability. If you could point me to where that’s stated somewhere then sure. You got 'em, you can equip 'em, that’s what you get, according to Blizzard. You can post in opposition, and I will continue to post in support.
I believe that the classes that were able to wield the Warglaives back in BC should be allowed to xmog them now. It’s really silly that they can’t. All other warglaives though should remain exclusive to Demon Hunters.
but then if you really need an argument thats actually would come for blizzard themselves about it, its quite simple actually.
Back in tbc, blizzard wanted to create demon hunters back then, but they could not with resources they had at this time period.
With the black temple raid and illidan fight, the glaives of azzinoth drop was a way for blizzard achieving 2 things:
- Making that approach to demon hunters by giving the iconic glaives of illidan
- Giving a prestigious reward for defeating the lord of outland.
If blizzard could have created dh back then, they would have got the glaives privilege, i mean…all you need to go look at, its the many glaives we had in the game since vanilla but always gived to npcs and never avaiable to players. Blizzard never intended to make a glaive distribuition for players, because for the classes we got glaives dont make sense, as well blizzard dont want and will not give glaives weapon mastertize to any other class besides demon hunter, because its their thing.
So u raided Black Temple back in the day on your DH did you…?
You have a source to cite for this? A statement made directly by Blizzard saying they really wish they made a DH class in TBC?
there´s an interview i believe, im going to search for it then i link it here.
Thats great, then I insist Demon Hunter are not allowed to use 1 Hand Swords, Fist Weapons and , 1 handed Axes.
Those are for Warriors, and Rogues! DH never used those weapons therefore based on lore they should not have the ability, and NO XMOGS of said weapons either.