It's Time to Unlock the Azzinoth Warglaives tmog for ALL Eligible Classes

Luckily having the foresight for this very situation I named him Kettle.

I disagree. Demon hunters should be the only ones to wield the Warglaives. Itā€™s an iconic weapon for their class, and their class alone. Instead, you guys should be arguing that other classes can use regular warglaives, considering the night elves have been using glaives, as well as normal blood elves for a while now.

No itā€™s not. As a shadow priest main and someone who has a bunch of alts who could wield the glaives, I do not feel this way. I find this viewpoint to be silly.

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This also makes sense. NE even use glaives in their catapults, itā€™s weird that an NE Warrior canā€™t get one.

Youā€™re a mage tho.

or just wear them like everyone in the game did before all this transmog legendary stuff.

I donā€™t understand this argument, just make a DH if you want this xmog, this cringe meme hate for dh is kinda getting old, are you people that petty that you just ridicule anyone that plays the class just to fit in? i pray you all donā€™t treat people different than yourselves like that outside of the video game, grow up.

I agree. They will let you farm the raid to obtain them and once you have, even equip them. But not transmog them. Typical nonsensical control freaks.

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So swords that could be obtained 10 years before DHs were ever a thing are ā€œiconicā€ for the DH class? Yeah I donā€™t think so.


Jokes on you we never got BC Timewalking which was supposed to be last week.

DKā€™s have a very personal connection to Invincible, and his reins should exclusively be in the hands of DKā€™s.

Warlocks canā€™t loot ebonchill.

I literally have a warglaive in my bank I can equip whenever I want (sadly RNG eludes the offhand from me still).

They were a Rogue weapon in the context of WoW gear (lore aside) before they were a demon Hunter weapon.


The warglaives should remain DH only. The fact they did not change their in game classification from swords to warglaives was to not piss off the warriora rogues and dks who have them and suddenly wouldnt be able to equip them for show/fun. Otherwise they are wholeheartedly warglaives, a weapon only demon hunters can and should be wielding.
Dhs have their glaives, hunters have theur bows & guns.
Besides the attack animation that warriors rogues and dks have when using the og glaives looks silly BECAUSE they were treated as swords. They hit with one side of them all the time rending the other tip meaningless, it looks silly.
I always thought it looked silly on rogues and warriors. The fact of the matter is DH are master of glaives and have existed in warcraft lore since way before wow. They just werent playable at launch of wow. Demon hunter is a hero in wc3 that uses warglaives.
Dhs also have the least amount of warglaives to choose from as a weapon, they can have their own legendary look if they putt the work in for em.

I also am not an rper and i play dk and warrior while having the glaive achievement. When i want to use em i play my dh.

Thatā€™s a very different situation, Paladins have NEVER been able to wield those swords. The Warglaives of Azzinoth on the other hand were first made available in BC, LONG before DHs were playable, and imo at the very least the class that was intended to use them back then should be allowed to mog them now (I support all classes listed on the items getting them as well, but Rogue is the main class that really should have them). DHs could be given an exclusive, high res remaster of them for the achievement as compensation for opening it up.

Iā€™m sorry, I will die on this hill.

I obtained the twin blades on my warrior. I completed the BC TW raid achievement on my warrior. I absolutely should be able to mog these on the class that I both looted and equipped the WoA, as well as earned the achievement - my warrior.


Sure you wonā€™t budge, and you wil not and should not be able to tmog them on your warrior, point blank.

Blizz rectified the class-lore by implementing Demon hunters in the game, it was probably an idea to make it a class since vanilla but they did not have the ressources to make it happen properly. Legion introduced them PROPERLY, with unique animations and spells that called back teh wc3 demon hunter of old.

In my opinion blizz made the right decisions in order to make DH happen, sorry but WoW doesnt revolve around your warrior, there are 12 classes total, 36 specs all with different flavor and lore, deal with it and stop being all about yourself.

Roll a demon hunter and use glaives.

There were no DKs in TBC. That came an expansion later. Mostly rogues and fury warriors used the glaives (thatā€™s where ours went to anyway.)

By far the best rogue weapons in TBC. A lot of warriors were weaponsmiths and had other alternatives.

Which hunters can use as well, but were excluded from using the WG becauseā€¦reasons. Meanwhile rogues and warriors could use Thoriā€™dal Starsā€™ Fury. So no, leave the warglaives to the demon hunters where they belong and go find your own thing.

For once.

Yes, they are. They are called Warglaives. They were wielded by the original demon hunter. Thus, they are iconic to demon hunters.

Yeah No. Part of DH Class Fantacy.
If you agree that this should be for everyone, your also agreeing that if Frostmourne becomes avaliable and t-moggable, that classes other then Death knights should use it.

Remember this is a MMO and Immersion needs to be a thing and end this pointless discussion

Yeah, heres the dealā€¦12 years of WoW history, warriors and rogues used them first.


i donā€™t care about azzinoth, they should be moggable by other classes, but whatever

the thing is, DH are the only ones that can use glaives at all now, when that is pretty stupid, does this even happen with any other class? hunters are the only ones that can use guns in combat, but warriors and rogues can still get them as mogs

hunters only melee weapon that is viable in combat is the polearm, but they can still mog into axes and swords

warglaives should be open to other classes, period