No…bad idea. These need to stay DH exclusive Xmog
Because it’s something unique to Demon Hunters and would just look dumb with every man and dog running around with them.
Just roll a DH if your so obsessed
You already have lots of unique warglaives to choose from.
And do you really think rogues looked dumb running around with them in BC?
No, it’s not time. It’s ok for some classes to have what others do not.
Yes…yes they did.
And in the same way we had tough challenges to obtain our warglaives as mogs, whats the difference?
This is honestly a very strange, kind of arbitrary limitation.
Think what you want. But transmog in general already allows people to look like clowns so this wouldn’t be any different.
So you consider soloing black temple then running it on easy-mode timewalking challenging?
Do you think fire mages should have green fire to like warlocks?
Much harder then your easy to solo dragon soul that had no challenge to it.
What kind of comparison are you trying to make here?
Rogues, Warriors, monks and dk’s can farm, obtain, and equip WoA and have been able to do so long before DH’s were made a playable class.
Ok and…?
The point still stands, rogues are the only class whom can do that questline. And as I said above, more than 1 class is able to obtain the WoA.
Other classes could and DID use them long before Demon Hunters were even a twinkle in Daddy Ion’s eye.
This is really the end of the argument.
DH get to have every other warglaive in the game exclusively to themselves, except the one that was in the game five expansions before they existed.
Then allow Rogues or Warriors who had WoA during Burning Crusade, to use the transmog. So much for your farm vs timewalking argument there huh?
This is why people are upset that DHs can use the transmog, yet the players who actually earned the set cannot. And you can get off that horse of yours about glaives being a DH “identity” because we were using them long before you became a class. And to be honest, they should have gave Rogues a tanking tree instead of having DHs even be yet another leather wearing class in the first place. Yeah I said it, you DHs imposters shouldn’t even exist, yet you get to sport around the weapons that we all actually earned.
Are we salty about it? Sure we are. Do we have the right to be? Ya darn right we do
My understanding was that DH was always meant to be a vanilla class but got cut for…reasons. I guess this is just blizzs way of retroactively putting in their flavour.
Meanwhile, I still don’t understand how rogues got thunderfury for an artifact weapon. It should have been warriors.
Funny enough, I see DH with Thunderfury mogged pretty often.
You know, this kinda makes me sad thinking about it, because what they should have done was give Warlocks their own demon caster form, not just slap an Illidan copy into the Demonology tree.
And then Gul’dan being the “iconic” Warlock ruined everything, since Demo is basically a copy of his moveset.
I’m not getting off this horse. They are DH weapons, they deserve to remain DH weapons. You are still able to wield your banked Glaives of Azzinoth if you want to deal with the ilvl hit. Consider that as if you can use them, but you’ll never be good with them because you’re not a DH.
Your horse is stupid and selfish.