It's Time to Unlock the Azzinoth Warglaives tmog for ALL Eligible Classes

My viewpoint is that the people that truly care about it and won’t shrug it off and move on, or it won’t actually hurt the feelings of, or put somebody off of the game in some manner, are those who Roleplay–because it does matter to them. They take their lore, headcanon, transmogs, etc, extremely seriously.

On that note, no offense meant here, honest question: Have you thought of picking up on a RP server? (If you’re not already.)

Pretty dumb that people can just pick DH and use the transmog. Yet us people who actually earned the achievement in Burning Crusade cannot use it. Makes perfect sense…


They are a DH exclusive weapon, you aren’t worthy of wielding them indefinitely

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They’re so exclusive and I’m so unworthy of wielding them that they’re sitting in my bank when my warrior isn’t wielding them! What a clever argument! You got me there!


It’s called Warglaives of Azzinoth because it’s Azzinoth’s Warglaives. Thats literally what the weapon is. It’s not a sword. How hard is that to understand?

I don’t really care? It should never have been a warlock ability in the first place. It never got with the theme of the class. Demonology was a master of demons, not a demon itself.

Considering Warlock powers are heavily derived of the Fel, and Metamorphosis is a Fel-enhanced form that a Warlock (canon) and Demon Hunter can use respectively, means yes it does fit with the Warlock class; It would be like unlocking your “limiter” and firing off stronger spells.

My Rogue, other’s Rogues and Warriors disagree with you.

The only people who are not “worthy” are people who roll Demon Hunter who get to use the transmog, yet didn’t earn the achievement during Burning Crusade.


Oh boy, this topic again, this ought to be fun!

Um no they can’t equip Aluneth?

They are still classified as swords. Try again

Dude, that is just a terrible analogy. Can they equip it?

Irrelevant, game mechanically speaking they are swords. Therefore the classes they are tied to should be able to mog them.

Although this has nothing to do with the topic, warlocks being able to use metamorphosis has been a thing in lore.

Do you remember Kanrethad?


You don’t have the magical tattoos and fel power required…we gave up our soul…what did you give up?.

You are not prepared.

Yeah, i really don’t understand the crowd that is all anti-mogging. If your toon can wield it, you should be able to mog it, plain and simple.


But warriors and rogues can’t use warglaives…duhhh you have no idea how to handle them and your to weak.

Is that why I can get this particular pair out of my bank and be able to equip it?


No, keep them for DHs, we barely have any glaive mogs and we had to do TW BT to get them.

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Opening up this mog to other classes wouldn’t take anything away from you.

Keep in mind the moggable version has a different look when sheathed and uses the actual warglaive animations.


You got plenty of those for other legendaries that can be mogged.

Doesn’t mean that this particular set shouldn’t be added to the list.

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Would you agree that your legendary cata daggers should be made available to everyone?

They are replicas…you can’t weild the real ones :wink:

No because rogues are the only class whom can obtain those daggers.

Whatever you say pal.

