I’m saying that the only people that will god-honestly care about this transmogrification restriction being lifted are those on Roleplaying servers. Everybody else is either going to shrug it off, or openly accept it and move on in mere moments. In no way, shape, or form, does this break anything, dramatically alter anything, or do anything, except allow a weapon appearance to a few more classes that have had access to the weapons for an eternity now.
In my eyes, you call in to the category that wouldn’t care if the restriction was lifted; You’ll use them if they’re available.
Sorry, we’re talking class identity. If you don’t like the weapons being restricted to classes who would canonically fit best with the weapons, that’s on you. We’re not discussing their functionality in-game because that doesn’t matter whatsoever. If it did matter, you’d agree with me, and the other classes can use WoA.
It’s not for validation, it’s not even gatekeeping, I don’t even have the glaives lmao. Gatekeeping would be if I said you should have to have done BT when it was new. The weapons are still perfectly earnable, but they should only be tmoggable on DH, that’s not a gatekeep, that’s adhering to the lore. Ragnaros is a clown, I don’t know if you’ve done his raid lately, and as for the Ashbringer, I’m glad that was THE Paladin weapon for Legion and Ret. That’s what it should be!
I care and I’m not on an rp server. Most people aren’t on rp servers. Most people who have the FOS aren’t on rp servers. But I bet most of those who earned a set of warglaives in the past lean toward permitting use for transmog.
Yes, if a warlock somehow earned Aluneth, then they should be able to mog it, but seeing that it’s impossible for a warlock to have acquired that mage exclusive item, then they cant.
The Warglaives on the otherhand, anyone can earn those. hell, i even have the set sitting in my bank on this hunter.
It sounds like you’re confusing Legendary items with Artifact weapons from Legion. Those are two separate things. The Warglaves of Azzinoth are not Demon Hunter artifact weapons, they are Legendary items drops from the Burning Crusade raid, Black Temple, in which before Legion was ever released and Demon Hunters existed as a playable race, they were chiefly a rogue or warrior weapon and able to be wielded by other classes.
Would you mind listing the canon that said Thunderfury was a Rogue weapon back then? Or Sulfuras is a Warrior weapon? Those weapons didn’t even have class restrictions for the most part, anybody who could equip them, used them.
What are you trying to prove exactly? They’ve always been Warglaives, them being classified as a sword before the Warglaive classification existed doesn’t change that fact. They aren’t called the Swords of Azzinoth.
I listed off what would canonically fit best with the weapons as-per my own rationalized viewpoint on the weapons and their lore. If that’s how you want legendary items to be restricted, that’s how I think they would be class-restricted.
Those items were not in everybodies’ hands at their current-content release. There was only ever-so-many of them. Many people LATER acquired them, but you maybe had 10-20 Sulfuras/Thunderfury per server way back when, if that and that might be generous. And in regards to Sulfuras, you gave those to Enh Shamans or Warriors, it was wasted on other classes. As for Thunderfury, it was used by Warrior MT/OT or Rogues acquired it–Good luck finding ANYBODY ELSE with it during that time period.
And yes, I canonically think Rogues would be using Thunderfury.
The weapon category “warglaive” did not exist until it was created for demon hunters in Legion. The name was just a name, not a super secret hint that more than a decade in the future devs would decide that the weapon was no longer iconic to rogues and would now be iconic to demon hunters. Take that, rogues.
How are you liking the fact that they took meta from your class to give to demon hunters? But clearly it was never meant to be a warlock spell and you guys should never have had it, because it was always intended for demon hunters. Right?
A warlock cannot get a mage artifact to drop. Ever. A warlock cannot get their hands on another class’ artifact weapon. They cannot get it to drop, so they cannot wield it. You are purposely skipping that part of the requirement, be it to troll or because you’re a hard core DH fan (who knows).
A] If it is in your bags
B] If you can equip it once it’s there
Both need to be true. In this case, A in untrue. You have the reading comprehension of a baked potato, so I don’t know if this will actually help you or not.
I hate to sound rude, but concerning canon, nobody really cares what you think. Blizzard never restricted their use because they had no reason to by their own canon (not whatever is in your head, the actual lore). They DID have a reason to restrict the DH transmogs: they are important to the lore of Illidan, and by extension Demon Hunters.
If you’re going to say “Well they let anybody get them back then in BT”, well guess what? They changed their mind, and I for once agree with them on this and will CONTINUE to voice vehement support. I would literally rather never GET the glaives on my DH than watch every random Rogue and Warrior carry them around on a tmog.
Back in the days of BT, there was no DH and it was thought there would never be one, so it wasn’t a big deal. Now, I believe it is, and as they have not yet moved on this matter, I believe someone at Blizzard agrees with me.
I’m almost completely certain that the devs today who took everything cool from other classes just to make DHs aren’t the same group of devs who understood that cosmetic freedom didn’t ruin any part of the game save for hurting the feelings of a handful of hard core purists.
If you want to restrict the Warglaives of Azzinoth STRICTLY to Demon Hunters because of their class identity, that is trying to gate the weapons because of canonical interference. To do so to one weapon, you have to do so to all weapons, or else it just doesn’t work.
And I won’t, because
a. It’s dumb
b. People have had weapons for decades, and certain people have been using them for decades.
c. The weapons themselves are not class restricted to solely Demon Hunters
d. The weapons themselves are a type of Sword
e. The weapons themselves are still farmable and obtainable by ANY class, only equippable by a select fewer.
And I dare not go on because I can keep going practically through Z.
There’s no valid reason to lock Warglaives of Azzinoth behind Demon Hunters and keep them that way. None. If you feel they should be transmog restricted to Demon Hunters alone? Oh well. I clearly feel 100% otherwise.
And I personally feel if you’re going to do it to the Warglaives of Azzinoth, then they need to come up with 100% canonical reasoning behind the other older legendary items (Sulfuras, Atiesh, Thunderfury, etc) and lock them to a single class as well. Otherwise, all you’re doing is causing needless friction like you’re doing now.
Demon Hunter was up for debate for both Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King, but they held off until Legion. Demon Hunter was always going to be a thing eventually.
Yes, I agree with you, I advocate for restricting ALL the actual lore supported weapons to their classes. I’m not contradicting myself, I’ll even throw you the bone and say since Legion made it into an artifact for them, Rogues can even have Thunderfury (even if you yourself admitted tanks got them too) and all of that. But I doubt they’ll bother to actually do that.
I understand we’re agreeing to disagree though, our views are irreconcilable here, but I will absolutely not allow someone to just lie and say “nobody but RP servers care” without evidence.
DH was “up for debate” but never came about until 10 years later from an entirely different development team. It happened, but to pretend it was just on the cusp back in TBC is disingenuous at best.