It's Time to Unlock the Azzinoth Warglaives tmog for ALL Eligible Classes

I suggest getting rid of demon hunters all together. They were only introduced to appease teenagers and the younger audiences.

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That doesn’t mean crap, stop. People have held on to them for YEARS waiting for them to be transmoggable, and the OP is entirely right. The classes that CAN use them, should be able to use them in transmog. DH identity might be Warglaives, but they’re not the only ones capable of using them.


It’s an achievement reward that required: 1st- getting both glavies as a drop and 2nd completeing Black Temple TWing raid
both you can do on a rogue
or a warrior.


No. I don’t want them to do to the Glaives what they did to Frostmourne and turn it into a clown axe for anybody to use. The glaives are a very lore centric weapon for Illidan and the DH class and you can still wield the originals from BT as other classes, but tmog should be DH only. They’re still elves only too, so the lore at least matters to someone at Blizzard for them.

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They aren’t swords, they have always been warglaives. The weapon type simply didn’t exist yet.

Put it to all you naysayers this way: The only people are are god-honestly going to care about somebody using WoA on a Rogue or Warrior as well are on RP servers. There, they’re already well aware of class identity/etc. It won’t be a problem elsewhere because, and get this: Nobody cares. It’s an item appearance that won’t affect stats in any way, shape or form. If people want to be a Warrior/Rogue elsewhere and use WoA weapon appearance: LET THEM.

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Got the Warglaives on my Monk.

Complete the raid on my Death Knight.

Exclusive reward for my unused Demon Hunter.

Beautiful ain’t it?


No. Warriors can still equip them. You cannot transmog them. You didn’t “magically” forget anything.

And he is not wrong. The warglaives are an iconic demon hunter weapon. Even if the class wasn’t available yet Illidan was still a demon hunter. To be honest they should have been turned into our artifact weapons like thunderfury was for rogues but thats a 4 or 5 year old battle.

It makes sense to be demon hunter exclusive.

Weird. I got the Glaives and Achievement done on this Rogue. Never even touched my DH but it got the reward lol

It’s not that they shouldn’t be a DH thing it’s that they shouldn’t be a DH ONLY thing.

Precisely. The real problem was giving players access to such important weapons in the first place, but that doesn’t justify making this worse.

Indeed. You wouldn’t look at the WoA and say “that’s a sword.”

“I did something for a reward I knew I couldn’t use, so it is blizzard’s fault I did this.”

So if no one cares, why argue one way or another? Why argue to take away an item which is one of the few items unique to a certain class? What, to “own the DH players” which this forum hates for no real reason?

No. It does matter to me, I like it when class fantasy is encouraged. Druids get to travel form even in The Maw, Death Knights get the ability to teleport to a rested area from LITERALLY ANYWHERE (except Torghast) and teleport right back to where they were. Mages are world travelers without equal. These bits of flavor are a large part of what separates classes in an MMO whose fights boil inevitably down to shoot red damage beam, green heal beam, or sit there and hit your don’t die buttons. If you keep removing that so everyone is walking around with an iconic weapon of THE Demon Hunter even 10 years after he was relevant content, it slowly kills that flavor.

I am in HARD opposition to this, and this is speaking as someone who will never get lucky enough to farm the Warglaives himself even though I try every week.

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Hey at the same time Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker wasn’t available for transmog.

Then they made it available for transmog AFTER the Warglaives broke the mold!

Guess which one hasn’t caught up to speed?

The heck are you talking about? It’s a freaking transmog appearance, and in no way is it detracting from Demon Hunters in any ACTUAL way. They have their two class weapons and they look awesome mind you. They’ll also have WoA, as they do already.

And then you’ll be opening up WoA to Warriors/Rogues, especially those that earned them FOREVER AGO and have WAITED A DOZEN YEARS for this to happen. Why would it be putting out demon hunters opening up a mog restriction that shouldn’t have happened in the first place?


Warriors and Rogues should have never been able to wield those weapons, just like Warriors and Paladins shouldn’t be able to wield Shadowmourne.

Shadowmourne actually should just not exist at all. Same with those awful twin blades.

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Okay. So we’ll make Thunderfury only for Rogues, Atiesh will only be for Mages, Val’anyr will only be Paladins, original legendary Sulfuras will be Warriors (maybe Shamans), and Ashbringer will be Paladins/Warriors.

Sorry if this doesn’t meet your criteria for who should be using what. If Demon Hunters should be using WoA and no other classes, despite those classes openly being able to use them in the first place because of weapon type alone, and have had access to them (many have, again, for well in excess of ten years waiting for this to be a thing), then you’ll have to live with never using those on any other classes. But with how you sound, that won’t be a problem whatsoever.

So, let me reiterate this: These transmog restrictions only MATTER to people on RP servers. Literally, only place it matters. If you’ve never been on a RP server, let me break this down for you:

  1. They know class identity inside and out. They won’t be a Warrior with transmogged WoA equipped. Or a Rogue. (We’ll use WoA for the example item here.) They’ll use items in conjunction with whatever set/faction appearance, etc, look they are going for–They will NOT break the mold and alter that for their own personal tastes during their RPing.
  2. They’d be free as well to use WoA outside of their RP time-table/schedule however they wish where appliccable.
  3. Nobody outside of RPing servers is going to care one bit about this change. Well, that is, anybody inside of the game playing it and not on these forums arguing against it because of “muhclassidents”.
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I disagree. I have 3 rogues with a set of warglaives. I would use them as transmog if I could. Just because they have no other use at this time but RP doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be usable for transmog.

Most of those weapons you listed weren’t limited to the classes in question. Thunderfury was an excellent tanking weapon, it wasn’t exclusive property of Rogues. I also saw plenty of Paladins with Sulfuras. As to the rest of your points, yes, I agree with you, none of those weapons should be options for anything BUT those classes, and DKs should have access to a re-forged Frostmourne. I am also telling you RIGHT NOW I have never played on an RP server on my LIFE, and I care about this. A lot. A large part of why I came back to and have been enjoying WoW is the DK and DH class aesthetics and fantasy, if they just hand out things that should be theirs to everybody, it diminishes the world’s quality, in my eyes. Maybe I’m alone here, but I suspect I am not, which is probably why Blizzard hasn’t changed their stance on this yet despite opening up so many other things.

See, if we listened to this type of feedback the Ashbringer wouldn’t be obtainable.

Ragnaros wouldn’t be a raid boss because how could lowly mortals even scratch a Firelord?

Stop gatekeeping for some tiny validation.