It's Time to Unlock the Azzinoth Warglaives tmog for ALL Eligible Classes

Warlocks cannot loot Ebonchill.

The grounds for any arguement here are flimsy.

I’ve stated before the only reason the Warglaives of Azzinoth are even locked to Demon Hunters is because of the time walking achievement since at the time, they were the first and only legendary eligible for transmog.

They’ve eased up on the restrictions, but since the achievement had already been made with the Warglaives of Azzinoth tied to them as a reward they decided “it wouldn’t be fair” to take them away.

Flimsy, lazy.

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They shouldn’t. Shadowmourne should be exclusive to DK’s as well. Go ask blizz why they can’t make the right choice for everything.

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Great, so what is it you’re arguing against?

Issue is you can only give, not take away. The box is opened and no longer is Blizzard allowed to shut it back up without uproar. So now we equalize instead.

Warglaives were used for a long time by Night Elves who weren’t demon hunters. There were always Sentinel NPCs in Vanilla who used them, and they clearly were not demon hunters, just normal hunters or warriors. The Huntress units in WC3 also used warglaives, and they were also not demon hunters.

The DH expansion was 2 xpacs ago. They should make all basic warglaives usable by other melee classes.


Except Ebonchill was never at any point useable by another class; this is a poor analogy. DH have umpteen other exclusive weapons; there’s no reason to deny Azzinoth to those who earned them.


Dont matter if they “Should” they did. And when wrath came out DKs were able to get them as well. That box was already opened. Warriors and rogues used them to kill demons. Lore has been broken. Till this day you can still go farm them in BT and get them and fight with them.

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I have them both on my DH and i think the achievement is terrible considering BC timewalking got moved because of SL then they just deleted from the calendar …

blizz, hello?

unlock for all sword classes to compensate

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There’s actually an NPC Gnome Rogue wielding one in the Black Temple flashback.

Damn. He must be the OG Demon Hunter.

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Yeah, seriously, I’m getting tired of the “this class who never was able to wield a weapon should be able to mog it too!” drivel that’s getting spewed. That’s not what this thread is about.

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All eligible classes? So just the Demon Hunter? Looks like you already have your wish.

If a class is eligible to wield it, then it should be eligible for tmog. Or are you trying to get nitpicky with your interpretation of wording?


If you can loot it and you can equip it, it’s only fair you that can Mog it.


Tyrande: the priest that uses a bow and a warglaive

And dude up top talking about class identity lol

Who cares? Not even the class appropriate players deserved Ashbringer. Let them have fun.

Warriors and rogues have used them for longer than demon hunters have been playable.


What odd is the two sets of epic daggers that lead up to the rogue legendary daggers from cata can be used by my shaman. He just can use the legendary variant.

One could argue that had DH been playable during BC then the glaives may have been class restricted; there are other class restricted Legendary weapons like Atiesh and Fangs of the Father, although those had attached quest-lines and weren’t just mindless farms.

Warglaives of Azzinoth is a pair of swords. The weapon classification “warglaive” was created for the new class of demon hunter for Legion.

No Demon hunter was required to play any part in unlocking them for transmog. Given the short time between the announcement of the process for unlocking the transmog and that first BT timewalking, plus the low drop rate, had Demon hunters been expected to farm them on their own, next to none would have had both at that point. Most would not have gotten both before the end of Legion.

The entire program was designed for players whose ROGUES had previously farmed a set to unlock that previously earned feat of strength.

And the only requirement was for a character on that account to kill Illidan in BT. So I tanked it on this character to unlock the transmog.

My demon hunter doesn’t play. But those warglaives look great on her, whenever I look at her in the character selection screen.


Yup, that’s about the extent of their value right now.