It's Time to Unlock the Azzinoth Warglaives tmog for ALL Eligible Classes

So first off… Most Thori’dals went to rogues because they were useless for hunters who scaled off arrow damage, and demon hunters specifically stole class identity from demonology warlocks just so they could be special.

Oh you reply to that comment but ignore all the points from my previous ones? and instead you oversimplify an opposing view and frame it how you want?

you are correct about one thing, if that is how you go about discussing, theres nothing else to say.

I mean, my stance is right there in my OP - let every class that can wield them mog them :confused:

With you cow man. For once I am surprised and gratified someone at Blizzard actually seems to care about DH instead of what they did to DK and their entire set of weaponry (and lore). I do NOT want the Glaives turned into another awful Shadowmourne bungle. I’m glad the class isn’t randomly opened up to non-elves. And apparently someone at Blizzard agrees. I genuinely hope they stick to this position forever, and since it’s been what, 4 years since Legion? I’d say that’s likely. They are the famous weapons of Illidan, they should be for Demon Hunters for actual use. Everyone who earned them can keep them–as a trophy in their bank if they want–but if they want to use the weapons in tmog, gotta roll a DH. Ask them to give you new things instead of demanding something they gave to a different class FOUR YEARS AGO.

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What do you mean “Blizzard actually seems to care about DH”? What kind of state were they in for the past 4 years, because it was definitely not in one that implied neglect?

But that’s off-topic. How dare we ask to mog weapons that we can loot and equip, and could do so long before another class was brought into the game, right?


and i suggest getting rid of the transmog you are wearing

sorry lol

They can’t remain being something they never were in the first place.

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Precisely, and for those who are saying that the glaives are “iconic” for the class, then would you say that Thunderfury shouldn’t be moggable by DH’s? That’s a rhetorical question, because in the end it should be “if you can wield you, you can mog it”.


i can support this, while we are at it, lets make ALL 1 handed weapons moggable to any other 1 handed weapon usable by that class, the same way that 2 handers can be mogged right now.

my dk can mog his 2h mace into an axe or a sword any time he wants, but my mage can’t mog his sword into a dagger or vice versa.

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I’m all for this change

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I think there’s some sort of animation limit or whatnot, supposedly. I can mog dagger->dagger but that’s it, and that’s as a warrior.

Let’s take it one step at a time and get us to the point where we can mog all 1h swords to 1h swords :wink:

if you can wield it, you should be able to mog it.

transmogrification has NOTHING to do with lore. transmog and lore are SEPERATE. and besides, why not make this change? it doesnt disbenefit you in any way.

I’d go a step further and just say delete Demon Hunters and Death Knights.

Both were given abilities that belonged to Warlocks long before they were added to WoW.

Kind of rude to the Warlocks.

thats because demon hunters and warglaives are NEW. there arent many warglaives in the game at this point. just wait 10 years when theres a new class and you cant mog a weapon because it belongs to them. then you will be on our side of the discussion.

I dunno man they really aren’t that great.

They belong to the DH, and should keep the same unlock method for tmog, I had to spend hours farming those drops and then stayed up till 4am pugging Black Temple.

What does your last sentence have anything to do with keeping it DH-only, or are you saying something else?