It's time to start seriously talking about TBC

Leveling and dungeons during the first couple months was the best of classic, truly one of the best mmorpg experiences I’ve ever had, but that’s long gone. Raiding is alrighty, pvp is a joke. I welcome TBC with open arms, I’m only raidlogging now, only reason I’m still subbed is people in my guild are pretty cool, they make raid nights more enjoyable and eventually wanna do AQ and Naxx with them. If there’s no TBC announcement during Blizzcon no reason for me to keep playing.


That logic makes no sense. The games have been released. In retrospect, we now know what works and what doesn’t work. The game developers can choose to learn from their mistakes or they can just press copy/paste and hope for the best like they did with Classic.

I surely will not continue to support a company for rehashing old content with zero improvements (aka Warcraft III Reforged). I’d rather they spend it on a company that re-creates the vision they had but could not create due to technological/knowledge limitations (ala Final Fantasy VII remake).


Blockquote That’s fk’ing aweful and not even true to TBC launch.
T4/T5 were out at launch.
T6 was out shortly after launch (in which most of T4/T5 received a nerfbat), patch 2.1.
Zul’Aman came after T6 (patch 2.3)

The problem with releasing the content according to how TBC did it back then is that tier 5, particularly Kael’thas was so busted that blizzard had to nerf the content. Modern blizz would almost certainly release it post nerf, which will cause players to blitz through it and end up farming Hyjal 2 months into TBC classic. The phases need to be spread out like in classic so we can make it last more than a few months.

As for ZA, the gear that it drops is mostly worse than T6, so if you release it after Hyjal and BT in the modern environment it will basically only be run for people that need the catch-up gear. If you really felt it necessary to drop ZA after BT then that wouldn’t be the worst thing ever, but I think with ZG we’re about to see why sometimes following the original release schedule doesn’t make the most sense.

If you can come up with a better way to pace out the content in a way to keep classic TBC engaging for ~2 years in a way that blizzard would realistically implement (as in not pre-nerf), then I’m all ears.


It makes perfect sense, because they will NOT choose. They are rehosting them as is, flaws and all. If you don’t want to support that, you’re free not to.

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Its ok if some of you don’t want TBC but don’t ask a lot of us to stay stuck in your own personal nightmare and like it. If we can get TBC servers so those of use that don’t want to be stuck here can leave that’s better for you anyways cause then you can consolidate onto a few servers and play with each other for years in Naxx. :slight_smile:


Yes let’s talk about how TBC was the first steps to retail, is a small world and had broken arenas and racials.

People complain about Vanilla but wait until TBC when content is all consumed in a few months and people whine about how broken everything is. The rose colored glasses are so tinted that they resemble the glasses Ray Charles wore.

I’m sure you might be right, but some people think its better compared to Classic. I mean if there’s no TBC people aren’t just going to stick around, they’ll most likely quit the week after they clear Naxx with nothing in the pipe line for them.

Its better to have a conversation now about whats going to happen then find out nothing and people that are interested in TBC just quit classic and leave holes. If you don’t want TBC that’s fine just ask that they split the servers so you can keep classic and we can get TBC.


Everyone has differing opinions. Some people want to deny others their favorite iteration of wow. Childish :grimacing:
I’m just glad it’s not up to these people. It’s up to blizzard. And im certain we will have TBC.


Nope. Played on a private server TBC is a better game. I’ll trade some minor shortcomings like unbalanced racials and resilience for everything positive tbc had to offer. PVP is still a small part of the game.

No rose covered glasses here. TbC had better class balance, better talents, better professions, better dungeon content (heroics viable into endgame), more raids, spec viability, harder content, more endgame content outside of raids, ect.


I think most people who are realistic about the future of classic know the TBC is the best step forward.

I would be interested in the posibilities connected to an idea of classic+ but ultimately for people who wish to be relatively competitive and balanced experience, classic was quite a culture shock.

I also dont have a whole lot of faith that blizzard could create content in the spirit of Vanilla to maintain a Classic+ project indefinitely.
I think a game in the spirit of Classic would be best done in the free market.

All of that said, TBC is in the spirit of Classic+ a number ideas for Classic+ is straight up things that exist in TBC and their only arguement against TBC is some silly point like ‘Flying ruins the entire game’ and while im completely willing to debate these finer points on their own, how exactly do Flying mounts ruin a PvE instance experience? You cant fly inside them…

Anyway, i went off topic of what i really wanted to talk about (the entire meta of TBC) which i’ll probably make another post for.

In end, TBC is a great experience. Is it Vanilla? No its a more accessible game, but its also more challenging than Classic in just about every way.


I’ve stated since this started that I was supporting Classic because if it didn’t do well we would never see TBC or Wrath, both of which are better versions of the game imo.

Classic is enjoyable to a point, but I liked Classes, Professions and just the overall gameplay of TBC much better than Classic. Even though it does have dailies, which I detest, they aren’t something I was just ever driven to do outside of the Isle of Q.

I like flying, I like the PvP setup better and well Jewelcrafting was always my favorite profession.


I never understood why some people are so quick to say “no” to optional servers.


Because they are scared it will hurt their own servers. Basically its fear of the unknown.


They really shouldn’t be. TBC helps them get a player base of classic only servers of other players who aren’t going to get bored a month after Naxx and just quit leaving their guilds scrambling to recruit to fill holes.


I’m sorry, I still don’t get it. There’s really nothing to fear.


It’s one of those things that’s existed pretty much since competing MMO’s came out. I can remember many yell matches that included calling those leaving traitors.

Emotion doesn’t necessarily have anything to get.

Im still subbed and intend to stay that way. I don’t see your point?

You know Naxx hasn’t been released yet, right?


Flying, bleed elves, space goats, horde Paladin, alliance shaman, obsoletion of azeroth, shattrath, etc etc

Don’t want it.

Yeah tbc FTW, but they should tweak more things, and add other type of contente, even delete some stuff too