It's time to nerf Sap

And cant be used IN combat.

And breaks over the smallest amount of dmg.

Also, it cannot be spammed, each times it stuns less.


OP, PvP in WoW is noob. Come join me in DotA 2 where invis players get hunted down like rats.

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I always try to sap healers to get them to trinket, then I blind them. Works about half the time. Almost all the time in Korrak’s.

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Stealth is not the same as invisible* also it’s capped by their energy so not exactly spammable.

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If they’re not going to nerf Garrote silence, then sure, nerf sap

(But seriously nerf garrote, it’s dumb)

Pvp happened…

And in other news today a murloc was caught selling mana gems to Nightborne. We will have the exclusive interview at 11. Back to you Jim!


“No reason a class should be able to do something unique! Tell me another class that can do that!”

No one is stopping you from playing your character.

Just don’t play it in pvp when you are clearly awful at pvp. :slight_smile:

Plenty of other things to do in the game. Pvp is an afterthought anyway.

Shhh! Don’t tell him!

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Did you not play Vanilla? Sap is 500% nerfed compared to those days :joy:


Nerf locks. They’re dumb

The ultimate cryboomer.

#bring back classic rogue pvp. 1.1 style.


lol did you get sap locked? It does have diminishing returns in pvp.

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I’m better than you.

Dear diary,


3x sap into 3x stun into blind and back in to sap.

Yeah no.

Nerf sap - make it a 10 second cooldown.

stop getting soloed by several rogues at once.
also this means your getting sap,stun,blinded for several minutes while your team does…absolutely nothing…yeah i think we know the real problem here. tell your team to wake up and stop falling asleep at the keyboard.
that your deliberately running off in the middle of a bg away from the rest of your team just to make a thread complaining about how you getting stunlocked 100-0 because your on the other side of the map.


If you die due to a sap that does 0 damage and can’t be used in combat, that is genuine skill. And not the kind you want to brag about.

Can you also get yourself killed by a Soft Foam Sword? I’m impressed.