It's time to nerf Sap

I’m not being unreasonable - rogues don’t give me problems.

Nerf sap.

Come back to this when you have a better understanding of the topic.


if they dont give you problems…then why are you getting sapped?

I do kinda feel like Sap should trigger a timer that will destealth the rogue. Either make use of the opportunity the sap is providing or you lose your chance. Or have a 2nd Sap in a row destealth or something to discourage just waiting out the timer in the middle of nothing happening.

When a Mage does this you can stun them, you can fear them, interrupt it, etc.

When a Rogue does this you just get to sit there and get sapped 4 times in a row before DR makes you immune. It’s effectively a 15 second stun if they don’t actually open on you.

@Breadisfunny - You’re in some other mind or forum topic.

I don’t have problems - I am not getting sapped.

I want it nerfed and it is about time.

RE: Original post.

I’m starting to think you’re having problems with the topic here. Take a step back and let others tune in. You can join back in when you understand. No problem!

A rogue sitting around not doing anything for 15 seconds sounds like a brutal CC on them. If they’re content to waste that much time, they kind of deserve to harmlessly lock someone else down for that long too.

I would argue keeping a healer out of the fight that long is worth way more than 1 DPS.

It’s always weird when someone with no rating says stuff like you do. Sap is OP in general, it’s why rogue is the most represented class in Battleground Blitz at high rating - when bases can be capped while you’re in CC. Close second is Druid because stun/incap/cyclone combos.

Even without sap they have insane CC, incredible burst that cannot be countered, and the biggest slows to sit Flag Carriers and not let them get across map. They even get Physical PLUS magic immune abilities they get to DPS during with no penalty. They have it all.

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I heal in SS.

Trust me, if teammates run off not noticing that I’m standing there mounted and sapped, I wish nothing but death upon them. They deserve to lose for being that clueless.

Unless they take the opportunity to CC the other dps and start working on the healer 2v1, that’s acceptable.

What an invigorating and interactive gaming experience! Let’s completely make the player unable to play the game for 18 seconds~

Nerf sap please.

Unironically, this game was vastly better when rogue, and sometimes mage, could just outright solo anything without any chance of you fighting back

It gave the player experience and the classes distinctiveness, and forced people to play together

Its taken decades, but developers of all types of games are slowly realizing that ‘balance’ is garbage and fun is all that matters. People are going to play the wrong way no matter how perfect your balance is. People are going to dominate unfairly no matter how perfect your balance is.

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oh yes rogue mage priest was so exciting in tbc arenas. just the absolute peak of arena.

pvp in a tiny killbox is something that lots of people care about
and that killbox is related to my post in some way

oh wait no its not

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so few cared about it that it got nerfed for that exact reason. ooof.

I completely agree!!!
Lets get rid of all the annoying abilities in wow.
We can get rid of sap, pally bubbles can be pretty annoying too, lets axe those. That Mage ice block, that needs to go, if their blink isn’t enough, too bad. I don’t think Monks need all those movement abilities either. Fear should be dropped from all classes. Now that I’m thinkin about it, Rogue poisons are a nuisance, so take those too.
Or, you could learn to relax n not whine when you find something you dislike in a game?

If you can’t figure out how to kill me as a rogue, nerfing my class isn’t going to help you lol

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I may agree and disagree with everyone here but appreciate the discussion.

We need more arbitrary changes both wanted and unwanted to make the game better for all.

Nerf sap please.

nerf monks.

How many times do I have to report you for trolling?

Can we get some moderation please!

So you get sapped all the time, it makes your very emotional and angry and that’s why you’re trying to ruin someone else’s fun. Got it.

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nah it’s fine, your lack of being unable to counter it is a skill issue. They’ve had ages to fix it being so broken in PvP and they’ve chosen not to so I think you’re barking up the wrong tree