It's time to nerf 25-man XT-002 again

-5 minute killtime for XT nonhardmode
-Wears a speed 1.6 Mainhand as protpally
-full stamina trinket setup for every boss in normalmode
-2 tanking hodir with crippling thread output, gosh how i feel for your casters.

suddenly i feel much better about my raid

This was entirely irrelevant to the discussion, but all tank weapons moving forward are 1.6speed. You’d have to get a DPS 1-hander for a slow weapon, which you’re probably going to be last in line to get.

Also, Tanks should always be rolling double stam if possible, threat is so easy that dps trinkets are a meme.

Yeah until your mage is doing 28k dps on Hodir.

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Yeah, in your 3:44 10m Hodir kill with the top DPS doing 7k.

If you’re going to make up something, at least make it believable.

XT25 HM should be killable with 0 gear upgrades from Ulduar from guilds known for having among the top possible DPS output the game allows.

If you require them to have Ulduar gear, the fight is literally impossible for everyone else, whom will not see that much of a gain from gearing up, and will at best get to the point where those guilds started out before gearing.

That’s a terrible form of “hard” that adds nothing of value to the game.

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What do you mean?

It’s also not supposed to be impossible for the tier. Nobody wants a boss so overloaded with HP that you have to come back in phase 3 to get your first kill … at a time when nobody cares about the loot he drops.

I have no skin in the game since I don’t care about this boss’s HM loot but it’s pretty silly that the second* HM boss is currently impossible, and 99% of dad guilds will never kill it in its current state. The top 5 guilds aren’t even remotely close to killing it right now.

*second HM boss

Uhm yeah, thats pretty much my stance in the whole threads. That the tuning is completely bonkers.

Protpally Bis: slow 1hand. Freya 10m HM, Yogg+1 10man.
Or if possible pvp weapon, lel.
Otherwise Thorim 25 nhm is a really good choice.
If you are “Last in line”, indicating you talk about a loot council based guild raid, your LC is as clueless as you are, and you rightfully deserve not getting a useful weapon.

[quote=“Invincìble-westfall, post:63, topic:1503164”]
Also, Tanks should always be rolling double stam if possible, threat is so easy that dps trinkets are a meme.

Ladys and Gentlemen, i proudly present to you, a 7 minute Vessax kill where the casters surely never had any aggro issues due to a lack of threat generation, judge yourself:

Vessax, and especially Hodir are crucial fights on the topic of threat generation.

You wont see that happening as much if you dont go for Hardmode, but if your dps start pumping 20k+, even with all the support its a harsh fight for thread.

And generally, you go for double stam if you need it.
If you dont need stamina, its a deadweight stat, and does not help you or your raid at all.

We are two weeks in the patch…

People acting like threat is a thing in wrath.
If you get aggro its a raid issue, someone is not pressing their buttons

There are at least 2 fights where threat can become an issue in Ulduar. You might know if you had been in there.

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I think his point was weapons intended for tanks are all fast speed weapons. I don’t see tanks getting these dps-oriented weapons until later, regardless of loot system.

Our pally tank just got Caress of Insanity from 10m Yogg1 this week.

You’re not entitled to kill hard modes. Either you’re good enough, or you’re not. It sounds like now you’re not. Eventually maybe you will be, and that should give you something to strive for.


The boss is barely harder than Patchwerk mechanically. Its health is simply not tuned correctly.

It’s not even a cool challenge like the “mathematically impossible” C’thun might have been. It’s an insignificant boss in the grand scheme of the raid. It makes no sense for it to be unkillable for guilds that kill the hard mode endbosses week 1.

And there ya go. It’s getting nerfed.

Looks like we’re getting a nerf

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Bearhands seething.