It's Time to Bring BGs into the Future

Blizz already has the template on display in pvp expeditions and a little Overwatch. At the end of the BG there should be a player of the match and put the team on display like at the end of island expeditions (it would be cool to see all the armor and stuff). Allow some highlight moments to repeat after the match.

And for Pete sake… Have a BG loss award Conquest Points; scaling based on the closeness of the match (# of caps by losing team/ amt of resources collected by losing team.l

This one change would bring BGs back to life, and actually have people compete even if it seemed like a loss was imminent. Players would be fighting to cap 2 nodes when there is only a minute left in the match because that would net more Conquest Point.

And I understand that the first win of the day should award more Conquest Points but 8 points for a precious bg win is insane. It should be 50 conquest for first win of the day and 25 for each subsequent win. Remember that a loss awards scaling Conquest between say 5 for a blowout when you get crushed, and 20 conquest for a close match where you lost AB 1435 - 1500.

BG’s upgraded! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Lmao no.
POTG is already a joke in Overwatch and it would be far worse in WoW.

No. Git gud and stop losing so much if you want conquest points.

More players staying in the match to afk conquest points isn’t life.

En Oh.

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What’s up with all these random threads about “losers should get conquest” popping up lately? Someone’s forum alt? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


To be honest the Island Expeditions give scaling conquest based on how much effort is put in by the losing side and those can be mostly PVE, though the PvP ones turn out to be fun. Why shouldn’t the effort be rewarded on a sliding scale?

At least the OP has some ideas, where are yours?

At LeasT ThE OP HAS SOme IdeAs, wHERe arE YoUrS?
“Ideas” is a very generous wording for what the OP offered.

Here’s an idea: Win a game if you want conquest.


Ah I remember when we could just fill up the conquest bar on Tuesday… I personally hate the “win of the day” and I’m sure people who can only log on during the weekends probably agree.

The other part about conquest for losing side, well Island Expeditions have that, so why not?

As I figured, you have no ideas. Not studying you anymore. :no_good_woman:t3:

“WhERE ARE YoUr idEas?!”
gets offered an idea
“Reeee you have no ideas!”

Do you want losers to queue, or do you want the lower half to stop queuing? Because regardless of how many losers you force out, 50% will still lose.

The genre is based on giving rewards for participation, which keeps people participating. People who get no rewards stop participating.

It’s basic psychology. If you want losers to receive nothing, you have made the decision to put pvp into a downward spiral where participation drops off dramatically every expansion.

Hey, it’s working! Hardly anybody is doing PvP. Gratz!

Clearly not since people are still playing.

I think they should give this a shot just as an experiment. It might result in fewer bg dropouts, which would be good. They’d probably have to be careful how c. is rewarded to the losing side (closeness as you said), otherwise people could get in the habit of doing nothing to very little and still reap rewards.

I thought this thread was going to be a bg idea with a futuristic concept after all the pandas and fox things are extinct… but I was wrong.

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Eventually they do. It’s human nature, which is why the entire MMO genre is based on rewarding people for participating.

Except they don’t. As evidenced by all the people who continue to happily play despite no rewards.

Who would they highlight?

The player who guarded a node all game?

Or the player who padded their stats on the roads?

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Who cares. It’s a nice addon that we don’t currently have. Who cares if the Stat padder gets the spotlight. Currently no one gets the spotlight.

Are u that insecure with ur in-game worth that a road fighting junkie getting a highlight makes u complain and incinuate that this non-issue should be the reason for not having the highlight feature at all?

Shallow attempt my man. Shallow! Quit complaining and believe in urself more and build ur self esteem. :wink:

We don’t have it because we don’t need it.

Because nobody needs it.

I am quite sure that people don’t want the feature because it isn’t necessary and it would achieve nothing at all. When the BG is done I just want to see the scoreboard, not a replay of some random non-important “highlight”.

If you want to feel special with highlights then go back to CoD.

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Man conquest awarded base on effort (resources/caps) really would be a difference maker.

Imagine IOC. Last few minutes… How many games has the enemy team got ur gate down while you have the enemy gate at 11%. You know you’re going to lose, but if you can break their gate down, you get 20 conquest points vs the winner getting 25 points.

So you team rushes to the gunship and start battering away to get the gate down and it breaks right before they kill your leader and you lose. HOLY CRAP! I’m about to queue up for another match immediately after that. That’s exciting Pvp.

Wait a sec ur kidding. You think I mean to implement the feature without a way to skip by hitting space bar? Like… What is this even? If u don’t want to see it, of course their will be an option hit the space bar and skip and it will go to a picture of the whole team in their cool armor behind the scoreboard. Sigh

How is player vs wall PvP?

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