It's Time to Bring BGs into the Future

Don’t ask me ask Blizz. It’s a PvP battle ground in the game we play. Don’t like it? Call customer service. I’m fine with it.

Could you elaborate on which part of comp stomp is Player vs Player?

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Hmmmm once again. I don’t see my text appearing in blue. Blizz calls it pvp in the game they created I just play the game and try to suggest stuff for the game. If u don’t like what is being called pvp once again (since I said it above, but clearly I must say it here as well) please create a ticket and petition blizzard. They call it pvp in world of Warcraft so pvp in world of Warcraft it is. G F’ing G.

“I can’t” - that’s all you had to say :slightly_smiling_face:

You know what… I’ll attack this argument from a different angle just to play devils advocate. It’s player vs player. Blizz never said human player vs human player. So this simply means the computer can be a player in the match too.

Now before u say that’s PVE Wadadli. I would venture to say no its not. PVE occurs when the ai is using a character and abilities that the human players do not have access too. I would argue that if u infact create a character with the exact abilities of say a human controlled warlock or hunter but let the AI control it then if they go head to head it’s still PvP.

It’s just human player vs ai player. This however, is a much looser argument due to the fact that this is being argued primarily within the purview of the gaming community which collectively has accepted the term pvp to mean human vs human. But make no mistake on the preciseness of English… Human vs AI is a Player vs a Player. :wink:

it’s the one with the best transmog of course :muscle: :mage:

hasnt this game taught you anything :slight_smile:


Implying one player is responsible for the outcome of a team game

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To be fair it’s generally like three lol

i like this guys ideas, It will certainly make most players fight more vs say a premade with mythic gear