It's time to admit you messed up by banning GDKP

I think blizzard will admit it eventually hopefully before they kill sod.

You gdkpers are gonna have to make a batch of new alts to sock puppet pretty soon.


GDKP encourages gold buying, no thanks.


yes unironically so give me back GDKP and my sanity ffs

They can all roll Warlocks and start selling summons.

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this is your brain on retail

You’d need to have had sanity to get it back.

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#1 rule of dsaur is not to tell noobs about dsaur and here you are profit posting on the forums.

i took my gold from dsaur in dec 2019 and bought a 2014 toyota camry with 70k miles and a oculus rift setup, then quit in phase 4. If you are still playing and care, you missed the script from the past 2 decades (blizz sucks and will never make changes that make you happy)

Move on bro, should have cashed out at the peak (2019). Felt good making around 7k usd off of pixels in a 1 month time span. And thats just me, not including the 160 other ppl who were in a real dsaur mafia farming streamers and rats out of the crater while gold was 1 dollar for 1g.

No they didn’t quit crying stop paying to win in a game


With GDKP anyone can become a seller, don’t even need bots/programs.

Could this be why so many people are so bent out of shape?
In a game mode touted as dead.

Seems kinda odd.


Just Unban GDKP.

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Bro… I would say 25% of people like GDKPs because they have problems committing to a guild… What if you just committed to a guild :scream::scream:

Nah man. DKGP is absolute rubbish brought about by the retail community QQing. The only people that we’re ever complaining DKGP are 100% the retail Andy. The game didn’t need it when it was vanilla.

DKGP only made the game ridiculous. The game didn’t need it when it was classic re-release. The game doesn’t need it now. Get that s*** out of here. Go back to retail or get good.

I am certain blizzard know they messed up with this attempted test.

If the succes of SoD depends on mommy’s creditcard then it deserves to die.

As someone who enjoys SoD I do not think this is the case though. I pray they don’t cave to all the loud minority of gold buyers.


Success of SOD depends on listening to player feedback and stopping rmt.

Yes. Player feedback. People that buy GDKP runs are more often than not not even players of this game. Merely people that happen to pay for a sub and gold.

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Is GDKP a great raiding system? Yes. Its great. I love it.

Did banning GDKP stop a lot more gold from being purchased? Absolutely. When we were GDKPing we knew there was always a really bad player swiping to get that gear. Those players are swiping for everything including mounts and consumes for regular raids. But those players are also so bad that they could never had made it into a group that actually filters its groups and have quit long ago, resulting in way less gold being purchased.

Should they bring GDKP back? yeah let these losers swipe. pay me to carry you.


I agree stop rmt and unban gdkp’s win win

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Low effort bait being supported by those with a questionable moral compass who don’t care about the consequences of their actions because they don’t see them.
Hey, but at least that gold at the end is worth it right? :money_mouth_face:

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