It's time to admit you messed up by banning GDKP

Just unban it and solve all the game’s problems.

Low population ? Solved. Even after Asmongold and his lackeys quit after the first 2 weeks of phase 4
Loot drama? Solved. Put your money where your mouth is
Can’t get a group? Solved. Super easy to get into a GDKP either by having a decent parse or having some gold to spend

Let’s be real, 99% of people who seethe about GDKP aren’t even playing SoD right now and will go straight to the next retail slop

Also why is GDKP banned only in SoD and none of these other trash WoW formats? Makes no sense, like most things Blizzard does as a company

Thanks and you know I’m right


you answered your own question. its not banned in trash formats because its trash itself and no one cares. GDKP doesnt fix the issues that resulted in the drop off as loot system is completely unrelated.


It does though I would be raiding every week if GDKPs were an option, and I know many people feel the same way. It just feels great getting gold for consumes after a raid and have some left over.


I’m in a top guild and it’s nothing but seething over loot. Bring back GDKP please


Nice first post, sock puppet.


why would you be raiding if you’re a fan of gdkp and not making money. the issue was that the content was entirely too easy, tedious and nowhere near enough of it(and the existence of multiple other game mode launches). there was no money to be made from raids. like most of the gear werent/isnt event worth disenchanting

the consumable thing is lazy gameplay on the player’s part. as its literally like a half hour a week in incursions(and yes I’m aware incursions are also a net negative). you understand the purpose of the game is for you to actively play it. like even ignoring the RMT stuff its legitimately bad from a system standpoint. its disincentives the carries from actively participating in the world and steals the achievement and motivation to improve from the people being carried. Raid log culture is in and of itself a problem in an MMO setting and GDKP only exasperates it further.


Well you’ve got your namesake’s manner of speaking down pat.

Good work lad.


Please let me buy my hand of rag, since you made this a feral weapon I will never see if on a loot council.

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yes and anti GDKPers speak like the other one incoherently


nah the big mess-up of SoD was making all the dad gamers quit with the switch to 20 mans from 10. when you only have a couple hours to play you arnt going to spend that waiting for the group to form.


Wouldn’t of been an issue if sod could actually hold a player base.


90% of my guild is not dads

good for you and your guild? doesn’t mean you are the majority lol.


we’re literally the only ones playing the game since phase 3 sucks and blizzard is doing eveyrthing to push people to buy retail slop

i wonder why…

If blizzard wanted to remove more rmt they should make it so raid gear is better than all BOE items.

Having 7k+ gold worth of BOE AH bis might make people buy gold(it definitely does).

Why is double Darkmoon my bis?

its because ST is trash with like 30 mins of trash pulls for inexperienced groups. Blizzard doesn’t know how to design content

crazy its almost like dad gamers dont want to waste their game time…

so you admit it has nothing to do with 20 man and more to do with bad design. It’s okay I’m a professional game developer so it’s not like you had a chance

ahh yes cause it can only be one reason…truly brilliant you are /s 20 mans waste more of their time because at least they are playing the game killing that 30 min of trash and not waiting for a group to form. its about time waste which is affected by both of our arguments.

good for you, so are the people at blizzard making these terrible decisions. doesnt make you right lol