It's time to admit you messed up by banning GDKP

You don’t “buy gdkp runs”.

What are you even saying lmfao

Questionable moral compass? Some of you really need to get over yourselves. You think you’re “righteous” because you “work” in a video game to farm gold for consumables? You think it takes skill?

It’s not hard to understand why people want to make gold in a GDKP. It’s 2024. The main problem is the outdated WoW economy. None of us should have to spend the majority of our gaming time farming gold just to raid. Not me, not you, not anyone.

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It’s not about “work” it’s about the encouragement of facilitating RMT that has a direct impact on not only the economy but on the overall health of the game. It creates an incentive for those who can and inevitably will exploit the system whenever possible.
One can just hop in, feign ignorance about receiving dirty gold at the end of a GDKP run, and wipe your hands.
Then we get non-stop complain posts about “I didn’t know!!1!” and “but I didn’t do anything why was I banned!1?” knowing full well what you were getting into.

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I find the whole GDKP thing to be strange.

The only use for Gold in SoD is consumables which are only needed to parse since the content is so easy. So it’s a weird feedback loop of playing just to parse and playing gets you the gold to parse while Raiding.

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How are you measuring the health of the economy? Consumables are very affordable in Cata where there are GDKPs everywhere.

How are you measuring the health of the game? I would measure it based on game activity and sub count, and the game is a lot more active with GDKPs around.

Ignorance is not knowing that RMT is already all over the economy and that you’re all surrounded by closet RMTers you’ll never hear about. Most already feign ignorance when it comes to the cheap mats and consumables that the bots provide.

Who’s really being ignorant here?

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The most truthful GDKP player here.


You talking about banning GDKP just because you don’t like it?

You’re only focusing on the consumer when it causes issues beyond just tossing gold at something. You’re being daft on purpose.

GDKP isn’t a contributing factor as to why Cata is doing well.
Classic is just geriatric boomers so theres nothing else to say in that regard.
SoD has been having questionable decisions being made to it revolving its content.
As for Cata, people will obviously be moving on to the next thing in line and that’s Cata right after WotLK.
Of course you also conveniently left out that Blizzard decided to drop a patch to many of their IPs around the same time so intentionally being daft x2.

You can have an issue with mutiple things at once and RMT via GDKP is NOT helping the situation.

Clearly you.

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Is that really all you got from that? Cause I “don’t like” it?
It’s a net negative to the game and has nothing to do with how I feel.

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Great, I love discussions about the economy. What should I focus on? Can you elaborate?

Why are you getting so defensive about SoD numbers? This has nothing to do with what I said. No matter where the SoD numbers are, it’s undeniable that GDKPs increase game activity, therefore improving the health of the game.

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What would be the point of lying about it, nothing we say here changes anything. if a dev ever read anything on here they would just lose faith in humanity. We all know GDKPs caused a lot more people to be swiping. I have never swiped in my life but doing a gdkp a week in wrath gave me so much gold ill never have to pay for a sub again, I can gear all my characters always be fully consumed and never put a dent in my gold.

GDKPS also cause a lot more raids to happen in general. Just put the wow token in sod and let GDKPs happen again. It would be very funny knowing people are blowing real life money to get gear in SoD.


That is literally how you feel. Lol what?

These anti andys man. “I dont like GDKP and so every negative statement about it is a fact and if you disagree you are not only wrong, you are a criminal.” :joy:

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Somehow they always stop responding when I ask them to elaborate.

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