They will be, as light forged.
yawn boring
Phew, halitosis.
But I haven’t eaten anything.
Well in the beginning it sort if made sense, but the rationale for it faded over the years.
Since logic is very hit-or-miss in this game’s lore anyhow, I say, why not. In fact, why not let every race play every class.
Gnome druid. And my vote for their feral form would be the Sabertron. Mechanical bear form, flying form like the Wonderwing, submarine waterform and a mobile gun platform Balance form.
I’d fall over my own feet and face forward onto my credit card to make one of those…
That literally makes zero sense…
Paladin Trolls have been a thing since Vanilla. I’m sorry you’re so offended.
Small indie developer
I like this. Thinking long term.
I’m open to opening all race and class combinations at this point. Pandaren Death Knight is the dream.
You get UD paladins when i get alliance High elves
This is simply the right attitude to have. I probably may play one only cause I am a Forsaken fan but I wouldn’t be opposed to them existing. Wouldn’t affect me either way.
if this is the compromise I’d be fine with it tbh
with lightforged forsaken like calia now, undead paladins should be possible.
and I 100% support nelf paladins! just tweak their spells to be silver.
This just goes to show us that Blizzard was oblivious to the lore in the early days of WoW … and look at us now LOL!
Get ready to laugh.
Lightforged Undead Paladin exclusive to the Alliance? Yes i’m totally for it
The Risen Scarlet Crusade is being controlled by powerful necromancers. They don’t have a choice when it comes to existing and dealing the the excruciating pain they’re in. There are zero undead Paladins in the game not being controlled by a necro. That should tell you something.
(No a ghost does not count.)
Just a thought…why doesnt blizzard make a new server for those that arent into lore or RP. Something where all classes and race combos are unlocked. And keep RP servers and the ones we have now like it is for those that dont like the idea. And of course there wont be any transfers permitted between these servers.
Is it even possible or a good idea to try?