They’re about 15 years due.
These are all undead paladins that exist in game, Golden’s Before the Storm confirms that undead can handle the light without it tearing them apart. It would be amazing if undead paladins were finally added to the game.
They’re about 15 years due.
These are all undead paladins that exist in game, Golden’s Before the Storm confirms that undead can handle the light without it tearing them apart. It would be amazing if undead paladins were finally added to the game.
I forgot to include this in my generic complaint thread. Thanks! This gets brought up way to often too!
And not forgetting Sir Zelick who was strong enough in faith to maintain his Light.
Frankly, the lore has been so badly stretched and bruised, all classes/races should be able to roll anything.
There are also normal human shamans in Stranglethorn vale but the closest we get is Kul’Tiran Shamans that aren’t even aware that they are shamans, so…
I’m cool with it. Preferably after we get an option to use the Chinese model for Forsaken.
I’m gonna laugh when they give paladins to the Lightforged Undead led by Calia, and make it an Alliance Allied race.
Id be fine with this. Imo if a race can be a Priest, than i think it should be fine for them to be Paladins as well.
The Scarlet crusade and the risen dead members of it are just previous paladins who hated the undeath so much at a time when scourge activity was heavy that they remained paladins even after being resurrected. Remember, the Light doesn’t abandon you if you strongly believe that your actions are just, even if they are evil.
It’s more of an exception than anything else.
Paladins as a dnd class and even in the vanilla days were strictly anti-undeath. Uther and the first paladins came to fight the new deathknights in the second war after Lordaeron fell. While dnd and wow are very different now in terms of how they treat the paladin class (the light will forsake you in dnd if you are upto evil scheming), there are still some generic traits that are similar - that they are defenders against demons and undeath.
It would be cool to have undead paladins for sure. But lorewise, it doesn’t seem to hit me as something that could be implemented.
I’m not opposed to them being playable. I wouldn’t play one but not opposed to them existing.
Id rather have panda paladins and night elf paladins
No. Hard no.
If they make UD Paladins, there will be no excuse for not having Gnome/Goblin paladins. None, zero, zilch.
Lore exceptions don’t make for a playable class/race combo. After all, there is a Pandaren Death Knight running around, but that doesn’t mean we’ll see them as a playable option any time soon.
There’s also Orc paladins. Surprisingly.
I would not be opposed to Gnome/Goblin Paladins.
I am a traditionalist in this regard. If a race has priests and warriors they should have paladins.
They aren’t paladins any more, the quest text for those characters specifically says they can no longer heft their holy weapons. They were raised by a Dreadlord as an insult to their mission when they were living.
Calia is a lightforged undead it’s time to add undead Paladins.
That’s really all there is to it. A paladin is basically a priest versed in melee combat.
what even is a paladin anymore?
originally it was a knight that used the light to heal the sick and upheld the virtues of protecting the weak and doing what’s right.
then it became space jedi that worshipped chandeliers
blood elves counterd this premise by saying all it took was drinking swimming pool water to be a paladin. (or using magic to forcibly drain the life out of previously mentioned chandeliers)
then the tauren stepped in and claimed that praising the sun and respecting nature made you a paladin.
finally we have zandalari who are just like “dinosaurs are cool” and that somehow makes them paladins.