Well, it’s possible. But in a business environment the possible is trumped by the profitable. Without a compelling ROI, like there was with Classic, they’re not about to invest the development and infrastructure money to do it.
Priests merely dabble in the light, while paladins are infused by it. This is a big difference.
You won’t have a rotting corpse walking around that’s been consumed by the light. Priests use the light, it’s external. Paladins wield the light as it’s internal.
We’d need new undead models that are fully healed, no bones showing, they’d also no longer be undead in that sense, as they’d have come full circle by this time, so Lightforged could be the shoe in here.
Only if they roll their characters, and then boom, suddenly perma death as a pile of ash. Exceptions don’t prove laws. Its established light hurts undead. Paladins originally were the holy warriors AGAINST the undead, infused with light and martial prowess to combat the scourge. Undead priests hurt themselves constantly to wield the light, and they only wield it. Paladins are basically the equivalent of becoming the lightbulb of the flash light instead of just holding the flashlight like priests do.
Calia disproves your entire post. Maybe that’s how it was before that book, Before the Storm was released but not anymore.
Please , no, this is wrong and should not ever be. In fact remove the entire race.
It’ll be ridiculous if Forsaken get Paladins before Night Elves.
They are lightbound undead (when this becomes a race obviously) not forsaken. They are undead by the light, a different entity in general, especially right now as she is just one person right now…not a race. She also…is a priest.
And the great thing about gnome /goblin paladins would be the fact that they could make their own light
Nice one Ion
All Calia does is prove that with a big enough Retcon Club any logical arguments against a change can be bludgeoned to death.
JUst embrace the void like I did for my Alliance High Elf
So what is the difference between Lightbound/forged undead and forsaken? They’re both undead. It’s just that lightbound undead are infused with the light, much like a Forsaken paladin would be.
I don’t make the rules.
Hire this man.
Only on the Horde for the Forsaken.
Alliance doesn’t deserve Lightforged Undead or any Undead in General.
You already have them though. They are called Void Elves but they are still High Elves just like Blood Elves are still High Elves. Nightborne are also High Elves.
Night Elf Mages are also also High Elves. You have more High Elves than you can poke a stick at.
While they’re at it, they can add Tauren warlocks, too.
I tend to agree with this, since Elune could serve the same purpose as the eternal sun,.
One is animated by necrotical energies!
One is animated by Light!
But undead of Light is a bad idea!
If we are going to have undead of Light, then we should have warlocks taurens, druid orcs / paladins and forsaken druids/paladins!
After druid humans and blood elves of the void, there is no longer reason to limit classes to race! I want Worgen monk/paladin and goblin monk/paladin!
Nor is there any reason to limit a race to a faction!
In the future, we will have Eredar in the alliance and old gods in the horde!
welcome relativism
The characters the OP references are members of the Scarlet Crusade, who 15 years ago were living humans. Nonetheless, I would agree to this class option, albiet on one condition.
That it comes into being when Sylvanas is no longer leading the Forsaken, because what you describe is exactly what Calia would reintroduce into Forsaken culture; namely a return to the Nation of Lordaeron and the values that defined it originally.
As long as Sylvanas is a racial leader though? No way. She would never allow it, as it would be a threat to her rule and as we’ve seen she won’t have that. Free Will only is permitted if you choose to follow her.
While we’re at it. Lets give Undead elbows and knees again. That’s overdue.