It's time to add undead paladins

their will be soon op. just wont be horde. will be lightforged undead on alliance

No… no it isn’t.

True but that would mean work for Blizzard and it’s not like they literally earn more than all of use combined or something…oh wait.

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You’re a Horde player, and want to be a Paladin Human. Sorry? The Alliance is there waiting for you.


It’s more cool to be an undead that clings to the light. This is why all my Undead Priests spec holy. Also why I hate Lightforged, they need to get off my lawn with that crap.

These redeemed undead will probably get them, I’d wager.

Are they redeemed? I thought they were just a different form of Necromancy that’s light trademarked and therefore suddenly okay.

I’m just guessing at that name, nothing official.

But my point stands that it’s more interesting to play someone who suffers for their magic but has a strong enough faith to endure it than it is to play someone who was basically handed an innate connection to their power.

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That’s a good point.

I want undead Lightforged Paladins on the Alliance because I need them. I want to be an edgy lightbulb boi.

Please, need another decent pally race on the horde. Tauren and troll are laughable

And Night elf paladins

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Every race should be able to be every class. Limiting player choice because of “lore” that they retcon at their convenience just doesn’t cut it anymore.


Honestly surprised it hasn’t happened yet. They can be both warrior and priest. The too short to reach the light joke is about the only thing that makes it impossible. Game/lore wise there is zero reason a gnome shouldn’t be able to be a holy warrior of the light.

100% agree.

That is legit the requirement to be a paladin.


Nothing edgy about using powers you were literally made to wield.

No. A Priest is basically using the Light the way you would a flashlight. A Paladin is basically setting themselves on fire with the Light.

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That’s not entirely true I don’t know of many flashlights that physically hurt you. Forsaken Holy and Disciplined Priests are in pain when they cast. Also it has other effects like they can feel their flesh rotting and redevelop a sense of smell and taste.

We already have paladin trolls and druid humans!
What else matters more heresy now?
Looking forward to the day we have orc paladins and druids at the alliance!

I mean when you think about it if Orcs had Druids, they could probably just plant their own forest rather than always going after Ashenvale for lumber.

That could be game changing, not sure Blizzard wants that conflict to end.

NPCs on Alliance side mention that Night Elves are really good at growing stuff, not to mention they mostly live in hollowed out trees that are still alive. So that’s got to be an OP power for Orcs who live in a desert.