I said it shouldn’t come back if it was accompanied by a split in the spec. And yes, there is major changing of context when it comes to when you quote others.
If I say “2h shouldn’t come back if it’s accompanied by a split in the spec” and you just quote “2h shouldn’t come back” you are changing the context of what was said because the entire thing is important.
And yes, you have said you don’t care if it’s balanced or not, your input by your own admission is done.
And apparently you don’t know how the alpha forums work, you can only post there if you are invited to the alpha.
Actually, it’s objective. DW has more benefits to it and that is objective. It’s not subjective that it gets 277% more KM procs, it’s not subjective that it gains access to 2 runeforges instead of 1. Those are objective statements that make DW better than 2h. The only thing that is subjective is if you think 2h or DW is cooler than the other.
now it is
The context is right there to people click and see and they can take their conclusions
and you already said it should not back if it’s accompanied by a split in the spec, your input is also done, you have nothing more to say
its done, you crying over isn’t going to change
do like you were saying you were going to do, go the alpha forums provide feedback, since you are so concerned with the balance, don’t keep babbling in every threat about 2H being always inferior with your “data”
Now it is what? The spec isn’t split at all. You can just equip a 2h and take a dps hit.
Or you can actually include the entire context instead of quote mining. Most people will never expand a quote out to see if whoever is quoting is misquoting or not.
Yes, it hasn’t come back with a split, but the issues are still there that I warned everyone about. Nothing has been done yet, and it might not be with how Blizzard is moving forward with the expansion basically ignoring all input so far. It’s why warlock is going on a month with no new feedback, there is no new feedback to give. Just like there is no new feedback to give with death knights because nothing has changed since alpha launched.
Again, YOU HAVE TO HAVE ALPHA ACCESS TO POST ON THE ALPHA FORUMS. It’s so that people who doesnt have access can’t flood those forums.
so since you didn’t get you keep ranting in the normal forums, got it
And you got what you wanted and you still have to lie about everything.
Yeah. I will 100% play this exp so long as 2h is playable and comparably similar to DW (+/- 5%). I don’t need it to be perfect, just fun and competitive. I gave Bliz the benefit of the doubt that they were going to attempt to seriously balance 2H and DW in this exp (given the re-introduction of 2H Frost), which I still think they will, but if they don’t and I am told I need to DW again - I’m out. I wont even re-up my sub.
Still waiting patiently and calmly for Bliz to get around to addressing KM proc rates and rune forge disparities (Maybe tweak a few of the talents). That’s all I want. Being that DKs were originally the 2h melee archtype class and given the overwhelming fan love of the Arthas-themed stereotypical image of a DK, I don’t think that is too much to ask.
Only time will tell.
Why do you think Blizzard is going to do anything with 2h? Their actions in the past don’t show this. In fact quite the opposite as a company as a whole. They said WC3 Reforged would have certain things and it wasn’t there. That’s with stuff they announced. They announced nothing with 2h other than you can now use it.
So I’m just curious where this idea is coming from since I am clearly missing something.
I wonder when we will see the first round of changes to classes. I think they have said they want to have the feedback focused on the entirety of all the various systems and how they interact with classes.
I am guessing class changes are being worked on steadily, but will not be pushed out until everything else is available.
That’s you quoting someone else’s words blowing it out of context. Better do your own research on source material next time and get your facts together before you post more inaccurate information.
Sound familiar??
*edit what does W3 have to do with this thread? Please stay on topic or go troll somewhere else.
Sound familiar?
What in the world are you talking about?
What am I talking about? I want you to really think on that.
Don’t ever let this thread die Kelliste. Thanks to you it received the necessary attention from the right people and the real Death Knight fans got our 2 handed playstyles back. And it couldn’t have happened without You.
To be fair, you got the ability to use a 2h again, but your playstyle is the same.
To be fair…we got 2 handed frost back.
Notice how what you took out of that post was “playstyles”? To be fair…it’ll be alright and I’m sure everyone will play differently. To be fair of course.
Wow, what a well thought out mature comeback! Careful, your childishness is showing, but hey whatever makes you feel better. You’re clearly mature enough to necro threads just to say i told you so.
Yes, what are you talking about? It was a pretty straight forward question to a post of your that was directed towards me yet had nothing of substance to it.
Oh, and if I was the reason 2h came back I failed because right now on the alpha it’s just flat out worse and not even worth using… you know like I warned if they just lifted weapon restrictions.
Oh and the 2h playstyle is not back. In fact there really never was a 2h playstyle. The original playstyle is what 2h frost got in WoD. The only playstyle that changed was DW and that was killed by blizzard in Legion. You can’t really blame someone for correcting you that the playstyle doesn’t change when you use a 2h and you just got the ability to use a 2h.
There is a difference between the ability to use a 2h, and a 2h playstyle.
I still don’t know why you necroed this thread after 12 days to say something that made absolutely no sense what so ever.
I don’t know what W3 is unless you mean WC3 but who really knows what you mean.
Just ban me already ffs lol I’ve got flags and I see something was removed somewhere
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Too many RPers in here.
Give us the option.
Make it scale like it used to.
Start of xpac w/ low haste? 2H
End of Xpac with stats lined up? DW.
That way when its patch X.3 and you see a worgen frost DK with a 2h and backpeddaling it confirms what you already thought about 2H frost players.
No but in all seriousness, I am 100% for 2H frost.
It has a place and a time, and for the casual RPer’s let em have their underperforming DPS spec to stand apart from the rest.
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I don’t know why that was a response to me… I don’t have the power to do any of that. Seems like whenever you post something though you are getting banned or something is hidden or removed… sounds like a you problem.
kelliste go away you have 480+ posts literally go away