Are we really rehashing this same material? Irrespective of your personal beliefs/preferences (for which you are entitled), many other people really want 2h Frost back. And Bliz gave it back. As such, those people are now telling Bliz how to improve 2H beyond what it is now. Just because 2H is in a bad spot atm, does not mean they will not try and tell Bliz what to change prior to SLs release.
Is what you responded with at all relevant to what you quoted? Because I’m not seeing it. Please follow the course of a discussion before you inject yourself into it.
Its always the same argument.
Again, what is the point of your responses? Just to troll?
Just me stating that you are reusing an old argument is not a troll. I am just stating that you are reusing an old argument.
So there is no point to your post because it has absolutely nothing to do with what I said. Why is this a common reoccurring theme going on. I ask someone who says 2h is better than DW how it’s better, and someone else chimes in with something that has nothing to do with anything.
You are free to do whatever you want, I am just stating that this argument has been had a million times and frequently turns into an endless argument of circular logic.
** 2H is not better than DW atm. 2H had its moments of supremacy to DW in the past, but those days have long past - As has been argued ad nauseam.
Yet someone said it was and I asked how, yet somehow it’s the same argument. Did you even follow the discussion?
what the context are you missing? without 2H is bad, with 2H is good, 2H is better by existing than not being a possibility
except i never said that
You mean the context you are missing because you quote mine, I have already explained it once. You said a post was wrong that was saying 2h is worse than dw with weapon restrictions lifted and you stated that it was actually better.
This is you moving the goal posts, a perfect example of it.
Honestly, does it really matter?
Also, nothing in the above conversation actually involved the moving of goal posts. Its merely a disagreement about the what someone said/the meaning of what someone said.
But again, can’t we all just agree to what I stated before -
** 2H is not better than DW atm. 2H had its moments of supremacy to DW in the past, but those days have long past (DW also had some moments of supremacy in the past) - As has been argued ad nauseam.
Rather than this turning into a long 20 post argument about what one person thinks someone else exactly meant in a forum post?
no not rly
there is nothing in your post saying if they lifted the restiction 2H would be worse than DW
That is it
and then i talk about the scenario, how it didn’t became worse when they lifted, it actually became better cause now 2H is an option
you just jump into conclusions too soon and start comparing the two, cause you can’t contain yourself in those threads
Yes, there was. It was right in the next sentence of the post. And it states.
“And look what is happening right now, weapon restrictions were lifted and it is just worse than DW”.
No, that is not it, that is you taking a small portion of what was said, which is what quote mining is, and running with it. You have constantly done this over and over and over again and it’s just blatant at this point. All that anyone has to do is expand your quote to see that you didn’t even include the entire sentence.
And it looks like others are recognizing it’s not actually an option and that it’s pointless to bring it back if nothing is going to be done for it. This is coming from the 2h side, just go look at the alpha forums.
No one cares.
worse in what way? cause to me looks way better
oh you were thinking about min-max dps, and i don’t care about that since i don’t do mythic raid.
only the relevant ones, since your constant build of wall of texts ed hearing the conversation
they would see it is pointless.
too bad for then, cause to me is way better now than they not doing it, always said i didn’t care if 2H would be behind, i would still play anyway
What do you think worse than means? Did you not read the post past what you quoted?
You don’t get to take what is posted out of context and then say everything else is irrelevant when you remove the context, changing what is said in the process. This is basic conversation skills here. And you complain about walls of text that are anything over the Twitter character limit, it’s not really a complaint other than it shows you don’t want to read anything which has been continued to be shown time and time again.
No, they would see you are objectively lying by quote mining and changing the context of what others say.
They are not doing what exactly? It’s better they not do anything at all for 2h?
So you don’t care 2h is behind, good bye. You don’t need to post anymore and it seems like you are doing it at this point to troll.
They are just happy 2H is back. And to them that is better than being force to DW. We can argue which one is better/worse when SL launches. “Better”, in this case, appears to be subjective.
there is no changing context, i just said my opinion over another quote
you were the one with arms raised ready to create another wall of text
now you are the one to say when should i post now? you should say goodbye first, since your entire point ws how 2H should not come back if nothing was changed
it already came back, your crusade is over, you don’t need to post anymore to troll people with your wall of text, go to the alpha forum discuss the balance and give Blizzard feedback
His entire point originally was that 2H shouldn’t come back and wouldn’t come back at all, and he took a big fat L there. Now he’s here trolling the forums arguing about semantics and data that he can’t link for whatever reason.
That was not my point. Why is it so hard for you guys to understand that. You guys can’t even quote me saying that, at all, anywhere. Time after time when it’s asked for you guys to prove that you fail miserably.