It's time.. Frost DK and 2 handed weapons

You have the option, the spec can’t support how it used to be designed in MoP/WoD due to not major changes, but changes that killed that design philosophy.

They made a change in how ability damage is calculated so you don’t see changes in damage unless something procs like mastery, versa, or str.

Low haste and low crit is a bigger issue for 2h due to how KM works.

2h is pretty much DoA In Shadowlands at this point in time.

So what? Maybe don’t respond? I’m not the one who necroed this dead thread anyways.

From everything I’ve read about 2H frost so far on the Alpha it would seem like they absolutely did zero testing and just lifted the restriction.

But, to be fair, they just added a new 2H oblit animation. It’s possible they just havent gotten to fine tune it yet.

At the end of the day, most sensible players are going to play what is good. Not what makes them feel good.

I think people feel like Blizzard OWES them the class they had fun with back in xyz xpac.

People play this game too emotionally.

You learn the game -> game changes

Now you have two options:

Cry on the forums

Re-learn the game


It’s not fine tuning that is needed, it would need an overhaul because the way frost is designed plays into DW to well.

But all they did was lift weapon restrictions, some people don’t care and they got their choice, other people did but looks like they gave up after a couple of weeks. They have been saying the changes would have been made by now.

I hope they fine tune it.

Either way I’m still probably going to play unholy, bc necro, but at the end of the day, I hope Blizzard gives ppl what they want.

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Can’t give everyone what they want. That is an impossibility. People were saying all they wanted was the choice, I said if they just lift weapon restrictions you are trading one set of complaints with another and they did what they always do “lawl ilvl bad you don’t know what you are talking about” and then they lifted weapon restrictions and then the complaints came in that 2h was behind.

It’s almost like the people complaining don’t understand the spec at even the base level and they are all pretty much gone now. 2h isn’t even being talked about anymore.

I’m glad someone with zero PvE progression or anything worthy is telling others they don’t understand the class.


This thread is making me want to actually try in Shadowlands, just out of spite.


Thanks for proving my point.

Try all you will. You will not overcome the mechanics difference between the weapons at this point in time.

You had to have one to begin with.

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I did, sorry that you didn’t understand it but it was pretty clear. Not my fault.

That’s cool, didn’t ask though.


You, a 439 dk, who has zero PvE progression (raiding or otherwise), in the past 3-4 expansions are telling people who actually do play the class in PvE they don’t know what they’re talking about. That’s some serious Dunning-Kruger there son.

Also, your “point” is you repeating the same nonsense drivel you’ve been repeating for 2 years. You’re like the old man yelling at clouds.


So even though I was right, and they didn’t understand the basic differences between DW and 2h, means I don’t know what I was talking about? Huh that’s weird.

Tell me this, do you have to do a raid in GW2 to know that you can use Judge’s Intervention in the animation of other abilities like Whirling Wrath or Mighty Blow? The answer is no you don’t. In fact even if you don’t play GW2 you now have that information.

So just because I don’t do content that you or others deem satisfactory, does not mean what I was saying was wrong, or the Dunning-Kruger effect. In fact that is someone not being able to recognize their own incompetence. That is trying to do something and failing at it and still thinking you are great at it.

So do you have anything of importance to add to the conversation or are you just going to have this flat argument with no substance?

Dude, you’ve been corrected by probably 15-20 people in the course of this thread and several others for your glaring errors in logic and data, but still think you’re right. This segues into the next quote.

Firstly, what the hell does that have to do with WoW or more importantly 2H or DW frost?

Secondly, this is peak irony. From your first entrance into this very thread you have been unable to fathom your own freaking incompetence. You don’t raid, you don’t m+, you don’t look like you do anything other than argue on the forums and do world quests. You are the poster child for the type of person NO one would take seriously.

The fact that you have over 2300 posts and most of them are you blowing hot air should tell you that no one is listening to you.

Are you just going to repeat the same nonsense you’ve been repeating for a year+ or are you going to bow out of the thread and save yourself the embarrassment that is you continually posting about things you have no clue about?


Corrected by who? And what was corrected?

And that GW2 scenario defeats your “you have to do content I deem suitable for you to know what you are talking about”. Which is your entire argument. For someone who talked about logic and data, that completely went over your head.

What incompetence? You don’t know if I am competent or not at something since there is no data to pull from. This argument of yours should apply to the person who writes guides on the dk posting on a monk. He didn’t know that glacial advance cd is lowered by haste, the sim being used doesn’t take into account things like icy talons increasing KM proc rate and a few other things, but since his information is what you like it’s no big deal.

Do you have anything important to add or are you just going to try to discredit someone instead of attacking the argument?

Thank you for that!


Wtf are you talking about? Overcome what mechanics? It’s not tuned or anywhere near complete yet. Things are changing on a weekly basis with shadowlands. Almost like…they’re extensively testing the game or something?

And lastly let me remind you that this is a 2 handed frost dk discussion forum. It is NOT a GW2 discussion forum so please try to stay on topic.


They aren’t changing on a weekly basis in terms of class design. I also think you need to learn how to read or do you not know what “at this point in time” means?

Oh, and I was on topic with my GW2 scenario. You tried to link knowledge with doing certain things within the game. The GW2 was asking you if you have to a raid to know how something works or how abilities can be used with each other and it went right over your head or you are purposefully not answering because it completely destroys your “you must do this content to have knowledge about the class”.

So, care to provide something useful or are you going to continue what has been getting your posts removed and you being banned at times?