It's time.. Frost DK and 2 handed weapons

I am glad your back. I am excited for 2h to return. Now we need to submit idea on how to balance 2h and dw so both are on par with one another.

Also I hope they allow us to reforge Frostmourne.


Runeforges are the only thing they need to look at currently. So no you aren’t correct.


This implementation was announced less than a week ago, for an expansion that isn’t coming out for another three-quarters of a year. It is very reasonable for players that wanted 2H for years to be celebrating and looking for reasons to objectively validate their desires. What doesn’t make sense is critiquing a layered game design system as it’s being worked on in real time. Mechanical developments take time, and a lot of it.


Yeah, I don’t get it. And to compare 2h Frost to Sword and Board Arms is absolutely ridiculous. 2h Frost was a legitimate play style within the spec for years/multiple expansions. Sword and Board Arms was only an experimental thing for one moment in time due to a specific stance, which was quickly removed.

At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what certain people say. 2H Frost is back and we will continue to provide feedback to ensure is stays.


Due to how people were acting, you know, them getting bans because of how they were acting? They arent acting any better now to the point where they would waste their time to make a character on my realm and make a snarky letter left in my mail.

I still dont think those people I was talking about deserve it, yet im still trying to get people to see that, since they are worried about balance, to fix the actual issues, which a lot of people are actually seeing the logic in that from what I have been saying for months down. If you do something, dont do it half way.

Runeforges are not the only thing they need to look at that puts DW ahead. Again, these things have existed since Wrath.

No, I did not. In fact I made that runeforge suggested back in BFA beta and have always said that it was a main issue about it. I dont even remember asking you “what to do about this”. In fact you were talking about how 2h was always better than DW which is why I even started to post.

There is this common theme where you post to stir stuff up then you just disappear. Like yesterday where out of nowhere you brought up Frostmourne, and said something about the Frozen thrown and once the pot was stirred you just exited stage left, ultimately ending in an agreement since we were just using different words.

No, you didn’t.


Yes, I did.

You keep saying that as if it was some giant chasm… it went back and forth at different times in expansions, sometimes with DW ending an expansion a few % ahead. Why is that such a big deal? I don’t get it.

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She’s a contrarian.

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DW hasn’t always been ahead of 2h. Even when I disliked the idea of 2h returning, I admitted that 2h has been ahead in some aspects of the game at times. You keep being contrarian to the point it’s annoying. Yes people know that 2h is likely undertuned right now compared to DW. No, it’s alpha and yes, things can and most likely will change.


Well your not a victim here you have acted just as bad or worse. Telling people that they have violated tos and that your getting reported. I had created a new 2h thread and people had started to post you come in saying moving ro a new thread to talk crap enjoy your ban. This is the issue people have with you.

I know your going to report but just wanted you to see one issue. You seem to talk almost everything said even when no names are attached as an attack on you. Just throwing it out there


It was pretty big. In cata, if there was no MotFW, it would have been even further behind than it was at 10%. Highmaul is really the only time that 2h was ahead and then DW took the lead.

Right now, while yes its alpha, there is nothing in place, and nothing being done to address the differences.

No one knows what will be, but we can figure out what could be if absolutely nothing is done. If they just increased 2h damage, which they did in cata, you still have other things contributing. Its not going to be an easy address one thing fix.

Its like if your brakes dont work on your car, and there are multiple problems like the boot around the piston in the caliper is broken, the piston is stuck, the hose keeps collapsing that feeds the caliper brake fluid and you just decide “fix the boot” well the piston is still stuck and the hose still collapses.

Have I said that? I dont remember telling people I was reporting them and unless its something really bad, I usually dont. But if someone is complaining about getting banned, and they are saying things like “bastard DW players” well thats why, its against ToS or the CoC.

And yeah, people werent being innocent people, in fact I think they were talking crap in that thread. Sometimes I just read a thread and move on. But for some weird odd reason people cant just stop talking about me.

Names do not need to be attached to be against the CoC, seen someone else talk about how a certain group should get corona and die, think it had something to do with Unholy. No names were attached yet everyone knows that person was flagged and most likely received a perma ban.

If people are sending me mail in game talking trash, then yeah, I would say that puts me in the victim category which falls under harassment.

Yes, you have.

Read the rest… thanks.

LOL!!! This literally made me laugh out loud thanks bro! :joy::joy::joy:


LoL I have been gone almost 6 months, I see they finally are going to give frost back 2h so I resubbed and come to the forums to see the celebration and what’s the first thing I see? The same troll I argued with for weeks about 2h right smack dab in the middle causing trouble again.


Same exact thing happened to me. No worries though, we got 2h Frost back! Celebrate with us!