It's time.. Frost DK and 2 handed weapons

Now its like some personal thing “i lost the 2H war, but this one i will win no matter what” its sad.

Wonder what will happen if we reforge frostmourne as appearance, some people will get rly mad


Aye I am hoping when we meet the smith in Shadow Lands we will be able to reforge Frostmourne. Which this is another battle that is fought hard that the new lore is upsetting some dks. They can not accept that Blizzard pulled a Disney. Saying some lore has changed. But then seeing how some people are treating the games lore wise will it doesn’t surprise me.

Hey Biceps. Love your guides! Maybe dumb place to ask but have you made any thoughts on dw vs 2h in figure guides? Do you plan on simply writing “Dw is better, pick that” and write the guides with only the best option in mind? Or will you write whats best for each weapon choice?

A LOT can/will happen with the spec before any guides come out obviously. Just wondering if you have made any thoughts on it! :slight_smile:

Currently planning to write similarly to how I’ve done it with Icecap and BoS, keeping info on both builds everywhere. I don’t see a difference in stats or builds currently for the different weapon choices atm, can change tho.

Excellent. Thanks for answering and for your work!

About what?

Never said that, for the 50th time.

Razorice, km procs, razorice boosting km procs, all in favor of DW currently.


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so it’s behind, thanks for saying I have been correct all along that if you don’t address the actual issues nothing overall is accomplished.

What do you mean nothing is accomplished? We got 2h back and a few changes ffs. It’s the first build in alpha. A LOT is accomplished but its not perfectly balanced just yet, might not ever be.


Yes, nothing is accomplished. Arms can use sword and board technically because now they are able to use shield slam. Doesn’t mean anything is accomplished overall. Doesn’t mean a type of glad stance is back.

2h is still plagued by what is has always been plagued with which always put it behind other than a few instances and then DW just shot ahead.

Be realistic, half of the stuff, or even more than have, are abilities classes already had. I see very little progress actually made yet people are eating it up like they got a goose that produces golden eggs, but hasn’t produced one yet.

That’s a BURN! Nice work :joy:

@Biggest naysayer- oh yes something was definitely accomplished. We got 2 handed frost back. That’s what this thread was, is, and always has been about.
You tried to make it about YOU and your glory days dual wielding in wrath. Better read the title again and maybe make sure that you’re still posting in the right place. It’s always been about the return of 2 handed frost. It was never about numbers or your flawed theory crafting/simming.
And to clarify I call it flawed because.

1 nobody cares

#2 handed frost IS NOT PLAYABLE.

So while you’ve rattled off mechanics and procs and blah blah blah justifying dual wielding being superior it’s a dead argument lol. Dual wielding only competes with dual wielding. That’s the way it’s been since the Legion prepatch.
And you’re still trying to argue that 2 handed is inferior and always will be.

#1 nobody cares
#2 you have no real data because you have not played it yet to compare the two playstyles. Just more poisonous disinformation from you about a class and spec that you truly know nothing about.

This thread was for people to express what they wanted for the spec in the future.
This has been made very clear countless times. The majority wanted 2 handed frost back. This thread proves it. There isn’t a point to argue here. It’s coming back. And I hope it’s so stupidly buffed and overpowered that absolutely no one will play dual wielding. Remove obliterate and all the hard hitting abilities from dual wielding and you can just stick to your auto attacks . Then in 4 years you can make another theory crafted SIM and see who fares better.


1347 I took an oath to train you.
Congratulations. And you are welcome.
Your 2 handed training is complete.


This is just one time but there are many where you have said you hope 2h does not return.


Abilities we already had? Yeah thats the whole point, we were asking for it BACK, and got it, hence the huuge accomplishment in our eyes. Again its the first few days of Alpha. Now is the time to provide the feedback of closing the gap.

If anyone actually thought 2h would outperform dw just by loosening the weapon restriction thats on them. More work need to be done, thats obvious. You have throughout different threads even provided what seems to be GOOD solutions to shorten the gap between them, but we can’t have everything on day 1. We have already had a Huge win by getting 2h back, thats an accomplishment in (most of) our eyes.

Listen. Sometimes you get attacked for things you have Said, and sometimes you provide good ideas and/or solutions and NOW is the time for that. By having 2h available this early in alpha gives way more room for testing and finding good solutions for the finished product, but again, not everything can happen on day 1.

Tl;dr: we accomplished something MASSIVE by getting it back, but of course more work remain.


Agreed we got what we wanted in 2h returned to us now is the time to show blizzard we want to keep it by giving feed back on how to make both dw and 2h viable to a point where both have almost the same dps numbers.

And Kelliste I have always given you credit for the idea of combining Razorice and Fallen Crusader rune. You were the first person I saw to suggest it. And I liked the idea and I still do now we need more ideas like that one to make sure 2h is a success and is on par with dw.


They’ve made 2Hander and 1Hander only runeforges before. They can do it again. I don’t think it will be an issue. Alternatively, they’re going to buff the new runeforges to make them more appealing.

She got that from me. She asked “What do we do about this” forever ago and I told her.


Ahh yea I will say she was the first one I see say it. Which was like november or december of last year. Which was not long after I started really coming to the forums to interact. I will say its good to see you again Dreadmoore.

But as you and Kelliste have said this is one of the things they could do to make 2h and dw more even. To make a 2h only rune that does Razorice and Fallen Crusader.

Glad to be back. I was unsubbed foreverly when they didn’t announce 2Handers at blizzcon and the subsequent interviews. Now that they’ve publicly announced it, I had to show my support.