It's time.. Frost DK and 2 handed weapons

Especially the one that says 2h and the fire spec was not on Blizzard’s work bench right now.

So fire spec is still a dream for some for dk. But hey 2h is back GOT TO LOVE IT.

Now if Enhancement Shamans could get earth shock back…

Lifting weapon restriction is not, making it work or balanced. Thats just the first step. If they do nothing, then it was to just get you guys to stop turning everything into a 2h thread. If they do, then I was wrong, or other peoples voices progressed it further. You guys are stopping at first base, other people are moving on to second.

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In what world does it make any sense or stand any test of reason that Bliz is just going to re-implement 2h Frost, after being out of the game for 2 expansions, but NOT do anything to attempt to balance it.

Gaslighting: To manipulate (someone) by psychological means into questioning their own sanity.


Because they have done it before? And people have also just been asking for the option back, so in essence they would be doing what the 2h community wanted, just an option.

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You hit the nail directly on the head with this one.


Even with the definition present, it hasnt happened.

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I’m really happy about Frost 2H. And, given it’s something they are giving us the likelihood is it won’t suck in comparison with dual wield. Should be good for awhile at least. Should come with a significant damage buff to both 2H and 1H (with 2H on top for awhile). I’d like to see Frost competitive for a change.


Will be interesting to see if it stays competitive to dual wield… as that was the reason it was removed last time. That extra frost damage on Oblit with 2h will be really cool to see.

Also, I was one of the detractors but it looks like it will be really fun to chunk people’s health again so I’m on board the hype train.

Also, why is it saying I’m a mechagnome? I haven’t been a mechagnome in like 2 weeks.

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The forums take some time to update fully

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lolololol I love you man… I wish I could buy you a beer! lolololol

:joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

virtual half five!:raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:t3:


So I did my weekly Google of “2 hand Frost returns” and to my wonderful surprise…IT IS HAPPENING! Immediately I looked at the new Hazzed video and down in the comments about maybe the #4 poster has some choice words for Kelliste lol. So you know I just had to come over here and post the fact that WE WON! Flag it. Remove it. Doesn’t matter because WE WON!


I don’t think enough people care about balance and viability you anti 2 handed nay sayer…you have lost :joy:



Everybody that posted in favor of 2 hand coming back be very proud this is like winning a property tax dispute with your township. Thank you all for not giving up! 1500+ posts and it never got locked no matter how hard she tried LOL



@Mcwhiskey - lol Wish I could buy you a beer also :slight_smile:


The heck do you think the Frozen Throne is? Steel?


The extra frost damage on obliterate is there fore DW as well. As far as I can tell there isnt anything exclusive to one weapon set the other doesnt have aside from the differences that have always been there.

Obliterate isnt doing 20% more for 2h either. 88.8% of attack power / 1.48 is the same value as 60% of attack power. DW, has Razorice still unless otherwise stated which means when KM procs and you get the extra frost damage DW will make that portion hit harder.

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Did I say the Frozen Throne? Nope doesnt look like I did.

Seriously, its almost like you guys just want conflict.

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What alts? I do have alts but I dont post on the forums with them.

So far, 2h is still behind DW in design, sooo theres that.

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Frostmourne and the Armor of the Damned were imprisoned in a block of Frozen Ice which is the only thing that can allow the Lich King to die.

If the Lich King is not near the Frozen Throne, it is literally impossible to kill him. Uther tells you this in the Halls of Reflection.

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What does that have to do with what I said? Absolutely nothing.