It's time.. Frost DK and 2 handed weapons

Ah i see the mass flag party still a thing, i wonder who it is.

God bless him, people gave too much crap on him, but Wod pvp and Asharan was quite nice


Holinka going from at best disliked to Hero is a strange but welcome occurrence.


Every expansion need a scapegoat, like Ghostcrawler was, even if he didn’t deseved that much crap.

I honestly liked a lot Wod pvp, at least it was way better than Legion and BfA imo, the design i think it was superior too in most classes, lets hope we can get something similar or better.


well I do play Enhancement shaman and wod gutted us big time. And even with the unpruning we are missing one of our most iconic skills earth shock.

i did said in most classes, but i did prefer shaman back in wod than now tbh.

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I would say take shamans back to mop version

I’m just being greedy here, but MY GOD would that be amazeballs!

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We seem to be in the minority, but I agree, shaman (resto and enhance) for me were amazing. Personally enhance WoD version was the most fun I’ve ever had with the class.

The loss of two of our shocks was bad. Then in legion they removed the last shock. No we need to go back to mop Enhancement shaman.

Not me. I wasn’t even on yesterday until I started posting because I was working on a motorcycle. Maybe, just maybe people are reporting things correctly.

Well done :smile:


well, take every class to mop version.

maybe not, since it didn’t broke any forum rule, and just like that, the post was restored


Yes, we are. :smirk:

Agreed. Bless Holinka!


Yes you are what?

That was about Blizzard just doing enough to get by. Why is it so hard for you guys to be honest?

“They arent. Its Blizzard we are talking about, they are going to do just enough to get by with doing what they said they were going to do. They even said they werent going to do any major changes to the specs overall.”

So what in the world are you even talking about? All they have done so far is lift weapon restrictions. Nothing else, just enough to get by and look how you guys are jumping for joy when its not even close to being what people have been asking for, you know the majority of the posts that say I want 2h back for big obliterate crits?

2h, if nothing is done, is going to be behind significantly.

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We are getting two handed frost, which you have sworn we would not for a year at minimum.


Thats not even what that post was about. You just found something to quote out of context to further your narrative. You guys have been doing it since you started posting. Its hilarious how you guys cant even recognize it.

I also did not say that. You have gotten what what I have said before, and admitted to doing so, and you are doing it again.

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Can’t hear you over Frost DK rightfully and finally receiving Two-Handed weapons.


Was never against 2h frost… duhhhh.

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I heard 2h frost was back despite many doubters.


You heard correctly: the doubters were wrong.