It's time.. Frost DK and 2 handed weapons

Where exactly did they go? How exactly was the crown cleansed between when he was downed in ICC and when Bolvar put the helm on?

The only thing your quotes say is that Arthas should still be in the helm before it was destroyed.

The quote “so it seems per the Arthas novel” doesnt sound like they are too confident with what happened to Ner’zhul.

So who was in the helm? How was it cleansed? You cant just cherry pick things that dont solve the overall issue. Ner’zhul was linked to the helm, even if the Arthas novel is true, then he should be tied to the helm because they “merged” only ending up in the Shadowlands when the helm was destroyed.

Don’t know, don’t care, doesn’t matter. They’re gone, as stated not only by Word of God, but in the Arthas and Edge of Night books.

A statement regarding some ambiguous or undefined aspect of a work, the Word of God comes from someone considered to be the ultimate authority, such as the creator, director, or producer. Such edicts can even go against events as were broadcast, due to someone making a mistake.

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Of course it matters, its called story telling and its a pretty big gaping hole in the story.

No it isn’t. It isn’t important to the story at all. Arthas is where-ever Sylvanas went when she died in Edge of Night. Nerzhul is wherever the Arbiter tossed him. Doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is that there is canon hard factual proof that neither are in the helmet.


So then how were they cleansed from the helmet that Ner’zhul was bound to, and Arthas “merged” with him. Take whatever “canon” thing you want that to mean. Reduced his voice, killed him, destroyed his soul.

Its pretty important otherwise what in the Helm would cause this shift in personality?

Nerzhul is destroyed.

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Arthas merged with him. Thats canon too by the way.

He destroyed him. He no longer exists in the helmet.

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According to one source, other sources say he merged with him, or just ignored him. All are canon. You just want to focus on the one that doesnt interfere and solves the problem without actually solving the problem within the story.

Sean Copeland wrote the Arthas book, which overwrote WC3. Metzen, head of all story at the time, said that Nerzhul was done. He is destroyed. He does not exist in the helmet. I have multiple sources from Blizzard stating that fact.

Continue screaming into the wind. I, and everyone in this thread, know that you are factually wrong. No matter how many posts you make, you will not stop being wrong until you accept the fact that Nerzhul is not in the helmet.

Good evening, Kelliste.


He said his story was done, which is completely different than saying the helm was completely cleansed of any being. There are multiple sources from Blizzard stating other FACTS as well.

Im not wrong at all. You just dont like the contradictions in the story due to bad writing and you are going with the one that “solves” these things so you dont have to deal with them.

And apparently you didnt read my last posts or you would have seen I said that if Ner’zhul wasnt then Arthas is since they “merged” and there are sources for that from Blizzard as well.

Arthas effectively ate Ner’zhul. There are still “vestiges or at least memories” of Ner’zhul within the helm, but he’s dead and gone.

Arthas died, and since he was not bound to the armor like Ner’zhul, he is also mostly gone. Some memories are clearly leftover, but that is likely the extent of whatever remnants of the two remain.

Relevant citations.
Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, epilogue

“Arthas, the Lich King, alone in his glory and power, slowly opened his eyes.”

Warcraft: Legends Volume 4 - Fate

“Ner’zhul is no more. He is consumed. There is only Arthas now… Arthas, whom you shall serve for all eternity.”

Then there’s also the quotes Dreadmoore has given you.

and finally on an unrelated note

Fair warning though, I’m the exact opposite of talkative.


So what you just said doesnt exactly do anything. Just like there are citations out there that say they merged from Blizzard as well. You cant erase what was already done, sorry but the world just doesnt work that way.

They did technically merge, as he was near fully consumed by Arthas (much like how I merge with bowls of ramen). It’s also possible that they merged, and then later Arthas decided he’d rather eat him, I’m not sure on that.

You seemingly need a lesson in how lore works, when new information contradicts old information, the old information is overwritten. I’m certain you know the term for that. The old is not erased, but it is no longer the standard.

Just because you want old retconned information to still be relevant, doesn’t mean it is. Sorry, but lore just doesn’t work that way.


Same. :handshake:


he is just arguing for the sake of arguing, completely deflecting the main goal like it will support his point :sneezing_face:


That is all that person ever does is argue to get off topic.


You cannot rewrite history. I dont care how hard you try you cant do it. Just like how JK was trying to change Harry Potter after the fact, saying Hermione didnt have to be white even though in the book it says she is white.

Most people that follow lore, recognize these contradictions and label them as such. Most people also dont like it when you mess with an already good story.

Blizzard can and has. It’s been done. Complaining about it does not change it. It happened. The Eredar did not corrupt Sargeras. The Draenei did not originate on Draenor. Frostmourne and the plate of domination were not created by Nathrezim or demons.



Agreed blizzard changed the story to what they want it to be. Those that cant deal with it are just sol and will have to cope with it.

It is like what Disney did with starwars. They bought starwars and said everything not in the movies is no longer cannon and then started releaseing their own books and comics that are cannon.

Blizzard has effectively done the same. They have come in and to make the game work they have said this is what has happened this is the new cannon.