It's time.. Frost DK and 2 handed weapons

If we start focusing on lore we’ll all end up with a giant headache specially now that they said that chronicles was made from the Titan’s POV… Later down the line they’ll probably release lore around the void lords/old god’s pov and bam a whole different lore that doesn’t necessarily retcons the current lore but you’ll see X event under a different light.

To get back on topic, can’t wait for beta/alpha info to start poping… I want to see their idea of going back to “class fantasy” rather than spec fantasy because to me that could mean that 2H comes back in some way. Maybe a talent that lets use combine both our DW weapons into one for X amount of time or just a transmog option meaning the spec doesn’t change gameplay wise but cosmetically we can use 2Hs.


The spec is already in a bad place outside of that stupid BoS ability. Might as well fix it right and bring back 2H Frost.


Accepting 2h back as a cosmetic option is admitting defeat imo. The playstyle and output was totally different vs DW.


Sorry, I just have a higher standard for storytelling and consistency, otherwise what’s the point of the story?

They weren’t always different.

The only memories of wotlk I have was stomping everyone in the 50s and 60s bgs as a blood death knight…and killing annoying party members with hysteria …lol

But in WoD my Orcish DK went 2hand frost for pvp and the only class I really had trouble fighting was paladins because of their insane burst and self healing. I remember meeting a dual wield frost dk in the middle of WSG and cracking her in half with a single obliterate critical strike…the spec definitely had it’s problems but, doesn’t every spec and class? I had fun with it and I hope to see more choices made available to us again.


I can give you Frost Death Kights a lesson on using a 2 hander and self sustainability. A few weeks of my tutelage and you Frosties will be auto attacking your way back into the Champions seat. Just hang your sh!t stained talent tree up on the coat rack there and we’ll get you fitted properly.

Hmmm let’s get you outfitted with some raid wide passives. I still have an old Horn of Winter hanging over the hearth as well you can have.

You say you’re from the future? And every skill you know is on a Glubal Kooldown?

frosty starts crying
There, there, Death Knight. One must first crawl before one can walk.

Haste you say? I am unfamiliar with this term “haste”. No you must be thinking of agility. Yes agility. It’s going to help you defensively and with critically injuring your query.

Helps the p!ss poor battered Death Knight to his feet

There now. How does that feel? Come back tomorrow friend and we will get you a suitable weapon. But be warned. Mine arms are heavy. I will train you with the axe first. We will startart by chopping that wood over there.
In 2 days you will use the sledgehammer to split rocks for the Royal Keep. And lastly I will teach you the ways of the 2 handed sword. I will drop your short swords off at the smithy perhaps he can make a belt out of them for you.

Fear not Death Knight your salvation is within reach!!





THIS! I became a Death Knight and mained it because I LOVED the lore and fantasy of it! I loved how the Lich King was portrayed and the story of Arthas through it all to become the Lich King; wielding a big 2h rune sword of DEATH and raising the dead to fight for him! I didn’t become a death knight to become some dual wielding rogue or gladiator! That was NEVER what a Death Knight was! That was never a Knight was! A KNIGHT carries a 2 handed weapon to deal damage, to kill! I am a slow, heavy hitting, necromancer wielding a rune sword to command ice and death magic to raise the dead and fight the Light! I LOVED my 2h Frost Death Knight! And then Blizzard ruined it and FORCED me to either dual wield or don’t play Frost at all! And forget Unholy, it plays so clunky and slow! Half the combat is throwing Death Coils which are a ranged ability, so I’m in melee range right in front of my enemy but I’m lifting my sword to cast a spell as if they’re 30 yards away. If I’m not constantly doing that then I’m commanding my pet to do something. All the while trying to manage my Bursting Sores and hoping I put on the right amount without running out of runes or Runic Power to burst them and FINALLY do a good melee hit. It’s just so complicated and clunky! It seriously should not be this complicated. Just give us our 2h Frost Blizzard so we can be happy and play the class we love again! It should not be this difficult, just give Threat of Thassarian back! Thanks!


Are you sure you played a Dk at all? Complain about Death Coil yet Howling Blast is Death Coil on steroids, they werent slow at release, Threat of Thassarian just allowed the offhand to also hit with ability usage and wouldnt do anything to bring back 2h which its baked into the spec right now anyways and its not why 2h doesnt work.

Threat of Thassarian is not “baked in” it’s not active right now at all, it’s disabled so I don’t know what you’re talking about…

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Threat of Thassarian allowed your strikes to also use your offhand weapon. Later it also increased the damage of Frost Strike. The Frost Strike damage increase has since been removed and the initial function has been baked into the spec. Its not disabled.

So you’re saying it’s disabled.


How exactly would it be disabled if its baked in?

It’s not “baked in”.


" When dual-wielding, your Death Strikes, Obliterates, Plague Strikes, and Frost Strikes also deal damage with your off-hand weapon, and your Frost Strike damage is increased by 50%"

It seems to me it is baked in though isn’t it?

Frost Strike and Obliterate both have MH/OH dmg separately, and our mastery increases all frost damage, not just frost strike.

The Frost Strike damage increase was for MoP and WoD when the split happened as not the way to balance the specs, but to make the specs focus on different things. Might of the Frozen Wastes is completely gone, and the initial ToT passive is baked into the spec.

Neither of them want to answer how its disabled because they cant and its not.

Might of the Frozen Wastes and Threat of Thassarian have been completely removed from the Death Knight ability pool. There’s nothing to prove, just look at your abilities lol.


Might of the Frozen Wastes:

Threat of Thassarian:

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Let’s refocus a bit and try to have an interesting bit of brainstorming! Imagine, if you will, a world where talents aren’t meaningless fluff that are matched out to have one correct choice, but a vehicle for altering a specs playstyles, like I believe they’re supposed to be but blizzard is bad at implementing. In this imaginary world, Frost DK goes into two separate playstyles, with at least one talent choice on each row for each playstyle, with the third talent choice muddying the waters a bit, because in the spirit of player agency, choice, and fun, people will want to mix them together sometimes.

The first playstyle we’ll call “Glacier”. This is my ideal 2H frost, in which the DK works on building up self buffs, and works around procs and cooldowns to get to the opportune moment to obliterate the opponent. Due to this nature, this set of talents would be spikier in damage, and have good burst.

We’ll call the second playstyle “Flurry”. This would be the DW playstyle that we all know and…well, some people love it, but most of us in this thread probably tolerate it. We mostly know how this works already, but could stand to have a few less dead spots in the rotation. The net DPS would be approximately the same as Glacier’s, but it would be smoother and more predictable.

How would you implement these? What would the talent rows look like? I imagine the first row would have one talent that specifically targets 2H, we’ll call it something catchy like Might of the Frozen Wastes, and another would target DW, maybe a name like, I dunno, Threat of Thassarian. Your talent choice there would not only enhance that weapon choice, but tell the personal loot Gremlins if 1H or 2H weapons should drop for you. Whatever the third choice is would probably be flexible and let both drop.

What do y’all think, what ideas do you have floating around?