Let’s refocus a bit and try to have an interesting bit of brainstorming! Imagine, if you will, a world where talents aren’t meaningless fluff that are matched out to have one correct choice, but a vehicle for altering a specs playstyles, like I believe they’re supposed to be but blizzard is bad at implementing. In this imaginary world, Frost DK goes into two separate playstyles, with at least one talent choice on each row for each playstyle, with the third talent choice muddying the waters a bit, because in the spirit of player agency, choice, and fun, people will want to mix them together sometimes.
The first playstyle we’ll call “Glacier”. This is my ideal 2H frost, in which the DK works on building up self buffs, and works around procs and cooldowns to get to the opportune moment to obliterate the opponent. Due to this nature, this set of talents would be spikier in damage, and have good burst.
We’ll call the second playstyle “Flurry”. This would be the DW playstyle that we all know and…well, some people love it, but most of us in this thread probably tolerate it. We mostly know how this works already, but could stand to have a few less dead spots in the rotation. The net DPS would be approximately the same as Glacier’s, but it would be smoother and more predictable.
How would you implement these? What would the talent rows look like? I imagine the first row would have one talent that specifically targets 2H, we’ll call it something catchy like Might of the Frozen Wastes, and another would target DW, maybe a name like, I dunno, Threat of Thassarian. Your talent choice there would not only enhance that weapon choice, but tell the personal loot Gremlins if 1H or 2H weapons should drop for you. Whatever the third choice is would probably be flexible and let both drop.
What do y’all think, what ideas do you have floating around?