No major changes as in spec reworks.
Coming back to this forum after a 21 day ban feels pretty underwhelming due to the fact that I have started playing classic. And it’s a blast! I finally gave it a shot. And I love my 2 handed Holy Paladin!
Finally I’ve got control over my character and I’m 100% playing the way I wish to play on an RP server. I can solo decent enough and heal like a champ! I feel like a true hero. It hasn’t felt this good (to me) to play wow in 10 years. I still don’t have BFA-GFA (Grind For Azerite) and I’m not going to buy it. And since playing classic I’ve realized all the fun that is seriously lacking from the main game and how shallow it has become.
When I buff people in passing in the world in classic I get a buff in return or a simple thank you. Or most often an immediate invite to join their group for a few quests. And the level of toxic people so far what I have seen seems pretty low on my server. Classic feels immersive and personal. Like How wow used to feel before cataclysm and the stupid talent system we have now. I am customizing my character just a little bit every level. I’m using a 2 handed weapon and healing in dungeons with some emergency light off tanking. I have a sword and shield but have not spent points mastering that style. I only macro equip the shield in very dire circumstances.
Otherwise I’m doing it the way I want and am having so much fun doing it! Options like this used to be pretty common in the main game.
2 handed playstyle needs to come back to all DK specs. That is what it will take to actually make me buy Shadowlands at this point. And that is only 1 small change that was forced on the playerbase that has degraded this game into the mess it has become. The “to do” and “fix it please” list is too long in this game. We were told before BFA launched at blizzcon 2017 that Frost dks were getting the 2 handers back. It didn’t happen.
This will probably be my last post regarding 2 handed frost death knights. I’m just not caring anymore what happens to wow at this point because I can enjoy a much simpler, more fun and community oriented game in classic that I haven’t been able to do for so long in the retail game.
Below I have another post due to more forum toxicity and arguing
Also, when a paying customer is served up with 21 days of silence after making points and suggestions about the source material, exactly what in the he!L is going on here? The forums, much like the world of warcraft itself, are also becoming homogenized to the point where you don’t have a choice what to say or choose to believe in anymore. This is sad!! WAKE UP!! Who in the he!L is moderating the forum content? Bots??
Any 2 hand patriots that are still here to you I say good luck!
Save the death knight class and save this game!!
A few questions. What is the 2h playstyle? Unless you are talking exclusively about MoP and WoD otherwise it doesnt exist.
And where was it said that Frost dks were getting 2 handed weapons back in BFA? I was in the BFA beta where people were trying to make it work and they completely shut it down.
Unless you mean this q&a which isnt a Blizzard quote that says “Frost Death Knights will have two-handed swords returned to their arsenal in Battle for Azeroth, but will not be able to use any of the appearances they unlocked since the artifact is two one-handed swords.”
If you can find this Q&A I wouldnt mind watching it to see if Ion said this, or if the author is just going off on their own.
I support this and hope it dose happen I also want 2h enhancement to return
You should try 2h enhancement
a friend of mine try that, and he is rocking with that, seems pretty fun and hit hard
You can find Thannan’s post he has linked some pvp videos in the forums. I know i spelt his name wrong but yea in classic try it. Leveling a shaman in vanilla for 2h enhancement.
I don’t have enough shill points to post direct links so you can do your own leg work. Here you go:
Ion Hazzikostas Live Battle for Azeroth Q&A Recap
Go to Artifacts and Legendaries second paragraph.
This was a Blizzcon 2017 reveal recap that took place on November 17th 2017. It’s also not the 1 and only time 2 hand frost returning was discussed by their own people but again you can do your own searching.
Oh hey I just realized that you already posted the article in your last post there word for word. So yeah that’s what I am referring too. It is in “quotations” coming directly from the source that spoke those words, recorded and published.
So that is definitely not me going off on my own.
Suffer well Death Knights!
I’m off to Classic!
I didnt say it was YOU, I said the author of the article. There is no citation for this q&a. You look up " Ion Hazzikostas Live Battle for Azeroth Q&A Recap" and there is one from 8/3/2017, one from 3 years ago with no date, one from 11/16/2017.
Am I going to have to search through these hour long videos just to find out if he actually said it?
Glad for timestamps, in the 11/16/2017 Q&A at 22:25 the question was asked “Will artifact skins be locked to the spec they are from? I am not a healer but I really enjoy a lot of the resto shields/maces and would like the wield them as elemental after Legion.” and the answer was they will be spec specific. I see nothing talking about Frost getting 2h back at all in there.
The only other Q&A was about argus or patch 7.3. The article also doesnt have the frost dk thing getting 2h back in quotes. It looks like the author was taking full journalistic liberty.
The other 2h specs have failed to fill the void that 2h frost left in legion. None of them have that massive one button nuke. None of them can provide that satisfying feeling you got when you landed a KM obliterate on a cloth/leather class.
All I need is confirmation that the spec that got me hooked on WoW will return and i’ll be all-in on DK in shadowlands.
::He would look at Maw of the Damned.::
::He would look at Apocalypse.::
::He would look at Blades of the Fallen Prince.::
-> Scepter of Sargeras
-> Skull of the Man’ari
-> Ulthalesh, the Deadwind Harvester
-> Xal’atath, Blade of the Black Empire
-> Helya’s Wrath
Yeah, I was going to bring those up too. Figured all three of our DK artifacts being corrupted weapons was good enough, though.
I’ve posted this before but I might as well again. Bolvar is not a hero. He’s an anti hero.
Listen to the voice line.
“You are empty inside. Just like me. ”
Bolvar is not the holy paladin anymore. Cope with the change.
Late game Bolvar quote edit:
“You may prove more worthy of the sword THAN THE LAST MAGE WHO CAME TO CLAIM IT.”
“Should you succeed, the blade is yours. But if you should fail… YOU WILL BECOME A MINDLESS MINION OF THE SCOURGE. Do not expect my protection.”
“Even when consumed by Frostmourne, the soul of Magroth refused to give up the light. SHOW HIM THE ERROR OF HIS WAYS.”
“It is done. From the shards of Frostmourne the Twin Blades are born. SOON THEY SHALL FEED UPON THE SOULS OF MY ENEMIES.”
pretty much DKs and warlocks are anti-heroes
we just keep then around for necessity and because they do the job, one way or another.
I’m here to finally voice my support for 2H Frost coming back. So there it is. I want it back.
There is a separation of the vessel and the Lich King. Bolvar himself is not evil or an anti-hero, hes just an aware vessel to keep the Lich King and scourge in check.
He is the lich king. He doesn’t have to keep himself in check. He isn’t insane. He’s just not a good guy anymore. He’s an anti hero. He’s willing to do anti-heroic acts to save the world.
And that’s fine.
What makes him the Lich King?
The Crown, which is empty and devoid of Arthas and Nerzhul.
Subsequently, the following was stated by Chris Metzen at a BlizzCon 2010 lore panel:
Q. I have a question regarding the storyline of Ner'zhul: is he finished, or what's going on with that?
A. "Yes. Yeah, Ner'zhul is done. He served us well in that capacity, but really the Lich King idea... really has the ultimate expression, you know, as Arthas or whatever. Ner'zhul's done."[65]
In 2012, Chris Metzen tweeted that as far as he’s concerned, Ner’zhul is completely gone.[67]
In 2014, Sean Copeland corroborated the novel’s account of Arthas destroying Ner’zhul’s spirit:
Q. Okay, my friend and I are at each other's throats over this. Is Ner'zhul's spirit destroyed canonically or not?
A. So it seems per the Arthas novel (p. 307). :)[68]