It's time.. Frost DK and 2 handed weapons

This is how it is right now and has been this way since 8.0, but it is seeing a buff in 8.3

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It means I know what the class is suffering from and what it needs to improve as a spec because I play on the more competitive side of the game often. Part of the problem with frost is what duel wielding brought to the spec because of its design and its damage from 1000 cuts. Frost suffers in having any burst in PvP outside of grossly overtuned abilities only there to compensate for the terrible design the spec is for PvP. In PvE frost only succeeds because blizzard gives it band aid buffs every expansion when our damage is just laughable. Duel wield doesn’t scale good at all. If you believe that it does you’re missing out on reading the patch notes because THATS whats making frost any good in PvE. Dude it wasnt even different in legion when we had our artifacts with massive buffs to duel wields playstyle on it and we still did terrible damage in comparison to the other classes. This of course only changes when blizzard buffed our abilities by over 19% on some and 12% on others. Massive buffs. If duel wield is so good why has frost needed so many buffs in the past and even today?

Its because its not good. You wouldn’t know it because you’ve been absent from any relevant aspect of the game, All your information is fed to you by other people instead of experienced on your own so your opinion just isnt relevant to anybody thats my point. Nobody cares about your 1500+ posts in the 2handed forums trying to crush people who want the playstyle they considered fun to come back.

How about you go actually log on to your dk for once and instead of doing pet battles maybe go try and run some 15 keys or maybe some frost pvp and then come spam the forums about your duel wield fantasy


I’d argue that dual wield has nothing to do with our lacking damage. Blizzard generally balances by buffing classes that are at the lower end. This means that most classes will see buffs throughout the expansions, generally.

So if duel wield isn’t the cause of our lack of damage then id argue neither was 2hander blizzard could’ve just buffed our class like you said and it would’ve been perfecto. And if that’s the case one of the hundreds of arguments I’ve seen this person spew gets shot down.


So is this a blanket statement for all expansions? That DW is this 1000 cuts type of thing while 2h was completely different? If so then Wrath and Cata would like to have a conversation with you.

Also, 2h damage compared to DW, if you want to test it, are almost identical in damage output with the same ilvl. Abilities use attack power and weapon dps and the weapon dps isn’t that great. This is something doing a raid just cannot provide.

It’s not like 2h would drastically change anything other than a dps nerf. You miss 15% frost damage at the very least.

The play-style we have now is the DW one from previous expansions. A balance between Frost Strike, Obliterate, and Howling Blast damage. PvP wise, it’s mediocre. Obliterate and Frost Strike tickle, and Rime is RNG. Combine with that with the infinite GCD’s we were cursed with, and you get what we have now. Frost has zero pressure damage because of the DW play-style.


If its not going to drastically change anything other than the 15% from razorice then why are you so uptight and posting hundreds of times on these forums about people who want it returned? Are you suggesting it would be difficult for blizzard to bake fallen crusader and razorice into the same forge for frost? If this is the case then why are you here again?


Because I’m actually not?

I’ll add a little more to this.

I was the one to even suggest combining the 2 runeforges because it’s a huge loss of damage. Never even suggested it shouldn’t return only that it shouldn’t if the spec was going to be split which caused a balance issue.

So I really don’t know where you have gotten this information from that I want to shut down 2h other than people misquoting and not actually reading what I have said.

I have explained a lot, had to repeat myself time and time again, just pointed out that 2h would not bring back massive obliterate crits, and that DW prior to MoP also had big obliterate crits as well.

These is a big twisting of words that has been going on for 1000 posts now in just this forum alone because there were statements being made that stated 2h was always better as a justification for blizzard to bring it back.


Can we please lock this thread as it is the same over and over again fruitless fight between a few people?

I, for one, DO play the class, DO raid, DO mythics and this is better than ANY pure speculative bullcrap.

Please, close this post.

You seem familiar.

Oh right.

Protip: When you see a thread you don’t like, you can choose not to participate instead of aimlessly trolling

Difficult thing to do, I understand.


Referencing moderation is very much against the CoC.

I’ve always used Razorice on my 2H’s back during 2H Frost days. Just because of the visual. I remember flipping around with a cloudy blue Runed Soulblade on my Worgen as I decked people in Alterac Valley fresh out of the Acherus questline lol.


At this point, I agree.

Yeah, I learned that mistake the hard way myself. So he shouldn’t have tried to do that with the mods at all. And I also enjoyed Razorice visuals too, so I used that back during 2h Frost days too.


Frost dk isn’t the only one that’s been screwed in this department just look at Shamans. Any of them the only Legendary they can transmog is the one from the wotlk raid Ulduar and its a healing mace that looks like crap.

Forgot to add the Legendary caster staff so that’s 2 legendarys that shamans can transmog. One is a mace that looks like crap and the other is a staff that 2 of the 3 specs can use.


They can also mog Thunderfury, no? Thunderfury matches pretty well with the whole “master of the elements” thing with them too. There are literally zero viable options that don’t look stupid with frost DK.

Edit: I’m now aware of the weapon restriction. Obviously I haven’t played my shaman a lot or know much about them, as I main a DK and am currently posting in the DK forums. I just figured deleting this comment would be dishonest.


Shamans can’t use swords, so no Thunderfury. The only old Legendaries that shamans can use are Val’anyr (all 3 specs) and Dragonwrath (resto/ele).


My mistake, I don’t play my shaman that much so I don’t remember what they can equip and what they can’t, lol.


It seems that Thunderfury was settled as a Rogue weapon due to the implementation of the hidden Outlaw artifact.


Sulfurus, Hand of ragnoros should be the weapon enhance can transmog.

2H enhance windfury with hand of rag is about as iconic as you get with that spec. The big gamble for some ridiculous fun.

Pretty sad it is gone.


No Shamans can not transmog thunderfury its a sword. Shamans cant use swords