It's time.. Frost DK and 2 handed weapons

Do you have to know about balance in order to play at a high level? No you don’t. The very fact that high level players turn to theorycrafters and sim creators is direct evidence of this. Do theorycrafters and sim creators play at a high level? Some do and some don’t. Some just like to figure stuff out and give accurate information.

Nothing about knowing a boss fight is only just that and the frost dk is not some mechanical extensive spec which requires a ton of knowledge. You sim your gear and follow a priority system and a few rules that can be looked up with a guide.

I didn’t have to do Rag in classic to know that the warlock was going to be a boring game mechanic nerfed class. There is an overall game mechanic limiting debuff son any given target so when you are in a raid group your gameplay drastically diminishes because the majority of the kit counts as a debuff so you are limited to the curse you are assigned to and spamming Shadow Bolt.

You also don’t have to go into a raid to test out ability differences. Its as easy as knowing how to calculate it, or just buying some weapons for comparison.

It’s just a bad argument to use. You don’t have to have a phd in mathematics to know 2+2=4. Just like you don’t have to be a mythic raider to equip 2 1h weapons without versa and master and write down the damage values, and then equip a 2h and compare them. Using the same ilvl of course. The damage output is really close so the difference is in razorice which provides a big jump in damage output and possibly km procs which there is no way to test.

Care to explain how doing a boss fight means anything other than you know boss mechanics?

I could honestly care less at this point about bringing back the 2h playstyle despite playing 2h frost whenever it was a viable option in the past. I just wanna be able to xmog 2 handers, especially since frost has once again gotten screwed on legendaries (this time for xmog purposes).

I’d take a purely cosmetic effect at this point because I just hate using 1 handers. I have 2 Slayer of the Lifeless xmogged right now, but despite loving those particular swords and having them displayed prominently on the back as opposed to the hip, they’re so low res that they look stupid nowadays.

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Frost has the ability to mog thunderfury, and if it still isn’t bugged, the warglaives. Also Val’anyr apparently.

I don’t have Thunderfury, and last I checked the warglaives were DH only at this point.

I want Shadowmourne, dammit! It’s been sitting in my bags since wrath and I can’t use it for my main spec because I can’t use 2 handers.


The OG warglaives from BT aren’t DH only. They were bugged on the ptr where even demon hunters couldn’t mog them but hopefully it’s fixed before tuesday.

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Quote from the patch notes.

Developers’ note: The Warglaives of Azzinoth dropped from Illidan in Black Temple are the one exception, as a custom method for Demon Hunters in particular to obtain this transmog appearance already exists through Black Temple Timewalking, and we do not want to diminish the value of that unique reward.

Skipping the cinematic of me explaining that boss mechanics are about 75% of the game, being able to maintain a certain DPS whilst following mechanics determines the quality of the player to a situational degree. Your comparison about having a PhD in mathematics is somewhat skew to this exchange. Mathematics is just mathematics. It’s not a hands-on concept. Games are hands-on. You can use mathematics behind the scenes without actually playing a game to determine metrics and results based on the coded formulas, but that will never give you in-game experience or skill. A player doesn’t have to know the damage calculations of abilities to master the class. They need to play the class. Knowing damage calculations equates to nothing. If a player uses a class, they’ll learn the mechanics over time unless they’re not big on brains. Telling everybody how weaponry works doesn’t support an argument of any kind. You’re just either adept at your class or you’re not.


You can’t play 2h right now so all anyone has are calculations. Not to mention people don’t figure out what is best by playing the game, they do it by sims which deals with damage calculations based on stats.

The entire you don’t play argument is a stupid argument. Not to mention having a high ilvl, achievements, or the armory showing you did a normal raid does not mean you know how to play your class. It’s just as possible that you bought a carry.

I really don’t find what is so hard to understand about it.

Are you talking about me? Running a Heroic Raid whilst typing this?


It’s just a generic example in that you don’t need to raid to have knowledge of the class.

No you don’t, and raiding is particularly drool-boring anyway. If by knowledge you mean rotations and builds, then you have to play the game to understand this. Anybody can guess statistics based on logs but you don’t know anything until you do it yourself. A number doesn’t explain itself. Experience does.


just in this thread there is 190 upvotes in the OP

in a dead forum, thats more than 5-6 people fam

thundefury is meh, not dk thematic

i just read a lot of things about swimming sure as hell i can do the same if i jump in the sea, i will not drown because i read how to swim :clown_face:


No you don’t. You can do it by knowing damage numbers. The only thing doing bosses does is mechanical execusion while fighting bosses.

You can also test out builds and rotations on target dummies. You can run sims, calculate damage out seeing how much damage each ability would do for a priority system and so on. There are theorycrafters out there that do exactly that. They like math so much they create the builds and simming programs. FF should always be up, it’s passive damage. If Frostscythe has enough mastery to overtake obliterate you would prioritize that for km procs. It’s simple stuff here and doesn’t take going through raids, or M+ or pvp to recognize.

There is a difference between knowing how to so something and mechanically executing what you know. So while you can know how to swim, and how frost works, it doesn’t mean that you can execute it properly.

They are fundamentally 2 different things. There is knowing and doing. I know frost fever should be on the target because it is a passive dps increase, I can fail at keeping it up by ignoring rime procs. I know that pillar of frost gains a higher increase of strength based on runes spent during the duration, I can fail at getting the most out of it.

Maybe my fingers are slower, maybe I used it at the wrong time and had to run away from the boss limiting its overall use. Those are the things that playing corrects because you get more knowledge of the fight.

There are certain things you need to know before you actually do it.

More bodies want 2H frost back than otherwise. I will be the first to write my name on the ledger, signing my life away to doing ~1-5% less damage than two 1H weapons if that is the price demanded by Lich King for such power.

I miss Frost’s play-style, the true one. The one where Obliterates provided the burst needed to cut through pve adds that had to die, and die quickly. It was taken from me, from us, on a whim by Blizzard to fit an artifact’s narrative.

Bring it back.


You are still doing it when your line of reasoning has been debunked.

Those are not conflicting statements at all either. Target dummies are just another way of testing that shows no progress.

And win what? Maybe that’s your problem, you are trying to win something when there is nothing to win. Again it’s just an attack on a character in an attempt to discredit because you have no other way of doing it. You are creating this circle. “What you are saying doesn’t matter because you don’t do what I think you should be doing in game” without actually showing something is wrong.

Not to mention, which you skipped as well, you can’t actually play 2h. Not to mention if the playstyle remains the same you are left with what is mechanically different which doesn’t require some kind of rocket science to figure out.

So no you don’t have to play to provide good information and you have yet to debunk that statement.

Was going to give an elaborate reply but I have a better idea. Since you insist that you know everything about a class you don’t touch, I ask again: why haven’t you been making posts in other threads with people asking for help with builds and rotations? I thought you had “good information”? Now, to even know what “good information” is, you’d have to test it in real time. You haven’t, so your assertion about me not debunking that statement is self-negating, because you haven’t demonstrated your own claim in the first place. So, demonstrate the claim and run a Mythic Dungeon, a Raid, or some PvP matches. Show us your “knowledge” in practice, and then we’ll talk. Until you actually demonstrate your own claims, there is nothing to talk about.


Still saying the same thing huh? You do understand what I have been talking about is in relation to 2h and DW right? Why are you suddenly bringing up other things when guides already exist that go into detail about talent choices? Why you pick up a talent, why you don’t or why you shouldn’t. You don’t take drain soul because it is a dps loss over picking nothing even if it does work well with other talents. These things are not figured out by going into a raid, it’s by math and sims.

If someone asks what gear item is better the answer is sim it.

I also don’t know how you can demonstrate the differences between 2h and DW since you cannot play 2h soooo.

Again, your argument is just an attempt at discrediting someone and that argument was shut down what… 1000 posts ago?

When was this?


This expansion. Just like how some azerite traits were dps losses.

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