It's time.. Frost DK and 2 handed weapons

I could get on board with petless Unholy

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They should turn into an abomination tank hybrid like Dark Apotheosis, although that would be more fitting for Blood spec.

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I didn’t write the lore for Frostmourne but even the devs in the past explained they never had any intention of letting us have Frostmourne because it was too powerful. We would need a Stratholme scenario for every Death Knight player to raze if we had the blade in its truest form.
No Frostmourne is way too evil for the nights of the Ebon Blade to use. I would love to use it once in pvp and completely annihilate the Horde army in Arathi Basin and then raise them all to serve me. But it ain’t gonna happen.
If we get a quest to reforge it for Bolvar to use that would be cool. But realistically I still can’t see them letting us have it. Which makes the ashbringer and other lore weapons seem pretty generic by comparison. But you never know.

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Seeing a lot of good ideas. So much could be done with this class.


Honestly bodily transformations would be so relevant for Blood spec.


You might be over analyzing everything that is being said. And definitely over reacting. I don’t know why you still have to look for an argument everytime you post. You have contributed 200 or more inflammatory posts in this thread. And honestly I quit reading what you say as soon as I see its you and another 647 word essay response I just quick scroll to the next person. You keep spouting the same things over and over to fight and argue and you talk to people like they’re retarded. What do you get out of that? I know where you stand on balance and game mechanics and why you believe 2 hand returning is bad.
Everyone that’s been here posting for the last 120 days knows very well your opinions and views. You’ve made it loud and clear. Did it ever occur to you that if you treat people with respect that they would treat you with respect? Sometimes you have to be the bigger person and move on. Lead by example you know?

The “alpha” does not take the bait.


You do understand that there is a major flaw in what you just said right? You quit reading and keep scrolling, yet you know im spouting the same things over and over? How do you know if you dont read it?

See the problem is people just assuming, like assume I am just anti-2h with absolutely nothing but misquotes or a complete misunderstanding of what I actually said.

No no no no no… NO. That is not my position that 2h returning is bad. Its that its bad IF it is with a different playstyle creating a balance nightmare. This is exactly why I dont like misquotes, I dont like people twisting what I say, and why I have to continuously repeat myself.

Apparently you guys dont know my opinion or views or you wouldnt be so absolutely wrong about them like you just were with that last statement of “and why you believe 2h returning is bad”. Again its only bad in the certain scenario/context I pointed out earlier.

Also, its actually people that continuously misrepresent what I say that creates the problems. Look at it this way, if you said “the sky is blue” and then you had a group of people saying “how can you think the sky is purple” you would get annoyed too.

I am going to stick up for myself, because the spread of misinformation is worse than letting it spread. If a teacher was telling your child, hypothetical or real, that 2+2 is actually 5 and not 4 like the rest of the world knows, you would call them out would you not? So whats the difference when people keep calling me anti-2h with absolutely nothing to back it up, and defending myself while they continue to do it?

Ummm I made it as far as nightmare, misquoted, balance people something?.?..Then I scrolled down to reply.
You’re over analyzing and finding points to argue again. I know what has been said. I’ve read every single post in this thread except for the ones of yours I skip through. Which is a pretty recent thing I’ve started doing. Now I know you will take all that’s said here literally and you will find another argument. You see I used to read all of your material. But I don’t anymore because it’s just too much of the same. A couple key words pop up, my head starts shaking “no” and my eyes involuntarily role, and I have to scroll through it. You miss points that myself and others make. I honestly don’t know if you’re doing it intentionally or not but holy crap you just can’t let anybody have an opinion. That’s a fact and its in your posts. You always go on the offensive and just bound and determined to bury anybody that expresses what they want to see fixed or returned. While victimizing yourself the whole time. When does it end for you?

The “alpha” does not take the bait.


I think the real issue is that the person doesn’t want 2h back. And if they don’t want it then we cant have it in their mind. This is what it seems to me over anything else this is the only reason for the constant arguing when we try to suggest ways for us to get 2h back. They claim they are not anti 2h but when you look at all of their post well their actions and words speak volumes for what they really want.


Well said.


I don’t think we need to cause a Stratholme scenario at all for Frostmourne though, even as a tmog, but capturing all sorts of evil souls while going through the Shadowlands would be good enough for me.
But I guess I would be kinda okay with not getting it, as long as they still feature Frostmourne becoming whole again. And I’m glad you agree with that part about Bolvar gaining Frostmourne at least.

Well they could have us collect the souls of red dragons. As Bovar hates them. So it could be a purge of the red dragons or most of them.

I was just using Stratholme as an example of the repercussions of what could happen to a hero when they pick the blade up. Could drive us insane and kill everyone we know and make a bunch of rash decisions. But I’m always down for another trip to Northrend!
And for the record I would love to equip Frostmourne. This is all speculation and theory at this point. But if it happens that we reforged it in the shadowlands or wherever maybe there’s a way to cleanse it or bind the malevolent forces within and protect the wielder from its corruption? Maybe Bolvar has to use it to close the hole in the sky and seal Sylvannas away. Or maybe just maybe we have to stop Bolvar once he has the blade and breaking him sates the blade and then WE use it to stop Sylvannas and the jailer. Honestly I don’t even know what all the other classes are going to do next expansion lol

Agreed! At some point the Bolvar red dragonflight situation needs to be addressed. Every Death Knight that traveled North to get the mount is probably in the hot seat with the red dragons. Literally. They have to know what we did… Maybe we will get another DK campaign storyline out of it. Would the red dragons forgive us because we were following orders?

Sorry, but no. I’m not gonna use Red Dragon souls, unless it was that of evil ones. And I don’t think Bolvar would want to use innocent souls either, even from the red dragons. He was actually very indifferent to if we kill the red dragons or not in the class mount quest anyway.

That would actually be pretty cool if Bolvar uses Frostmourne to not only defeat Sylvanas and the Jailer, but also to seal the hole into the Shadowlands too, using the full Lich King’s power to aid him as well. And on a somewhat unrelated note, I think Arthas and others from the Shadowlands could help him seal that hole from their side too.
But like I said before, when we give him Frostmourne, we get mere tmogs of it as a reward, not the real deal. I honestly was thinking of him giving us those tmog appearances as the reward. But if it needs to be explained in-universe, I think he could imbue us DKs with a small portion of Frostmourne’s powers to be able to be stronger to take on Sylvanas and the Jailer. Not sure how else to explain that though, but I think it’s a good guess.

Interesting points Frostlich. Arthas becoming the new jailer or contributing to Frostmournes rebirth in some way would be very interesting. Maybe when it’s all over we will have to return Frostmourne to the halls of reflection and then we get our mog appearance? I cannot wait to see what happens.

I watch Bellular on YouTube quite a bit. He is even excited for shadowlands and he hasn’t been too impressed with wow for quite a while. My expectations are high!

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Kelliste. Go back to post# 139 by Draith. Read it and debunk it if you can. Take a good look at all the OG posts and try to debunk them.


But blood could still use obliterate in cata at that time. That’s probably what he meant with vengeance mechanic when he said blood presence was probably meaning spec.

What I wouldn’t give to have vengeance back…

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Arthas wasn’t corrupted by frostmourne when he culled Stratholme. He didn’t get frostmourne till after chasing Mal’Ganis into northrend. Further there is no scenario where we as players/hero’s would ever be allowed to wield or use frostmourne, especially since Frostmourne was already completely destroyed. Fragments of it were made into two swords but their power was completely drained after Legion. No possible way Frostmourne is coming back. Let it rest in peace.

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