It's time.. Frost DK and 2 handed weapons

not relevant, and if you tanked you tanked with frost?

as long the 2H option are there

Kelliste: stop saying i don’t play the game because i never done nothing with the class, stop bashing me!!

Also Kelliste: I know more than you do, i have more knowledge about the class than any of you!!!1!!! do you hear me? im better than everybody!1!


This whole topic is just a friggin WASTE OF TIME. 2 Hander frost will never happen. It is gone. So stop debating imaginary return of 2 Handed Frost.

So get real and stop fighting like kiddo’s for something that’s just in your heads.

Enjoy 8.3, enjoy the amazing class we are and get Sylvanas down! :smiley:

I did tank as frost, I soloed with unholy, and dabbled with blood.

I have a feeling that since the 2h option isn’t up to par it wouldn’t last long with just weapon restrictions lifted. Most people don’t like the majority of their damage being nerfed by 15% for no reason other than a weapon choice.

I also never said I was better, if someone actually has some information that’s shows how I’m demonstrably wrong, then I’m wrong. No one has shown anything close to that so until that happens I’ll take what I know from history.

I would probably play more if I had the whole game downloaded. I don’t think it’s an amazing because I’m spoiled from past expansions, but it gets the job done well enough. That is until I make my rounds on GW2.

Scientists have recently discovered that if you feel like you’re constantly being attacked on an internet forum you can just not go to said forum.


You guys could not attack people too. Strange world we live in isnt it?

Not really. There’s only one person whose actions you can control. It’s a situation you can extricate yourself from.


So you guys cant not attack people? If you say I can ignore the forums, you guys can not attack people which is against the forums in the first place.

By Hermaeus Mora, the things I want to say about these comments right now.

If the Ice-Coated skin of the artifact was turned into a 2H, I would buy a life-time subscription with Blizzard. That particular weapon appearance is still my favorite in this game to this day.


I’m referring to big chunky obliterate crits as they were in wod. literally the only thing I miss from that expansion.

so I appreciate the lecture but I understand other balance changes would have to happen.


And that can be achieved without 2h.

Again Most of us want 2h frost. Those that do should be able to have it. Those that do not should just stay using dw. Tired of the fighting and how toxic some people have become over this that now its just a battle between 6-10 people that want it and actively push against the 2-3 that do not want it.

I support 2h frost and dw frost. I support dw coming back to uh and blood. I want blood to be able to dps. I want the class that was legendary back. Not this pos we have that mocks what dks used to be.


Post# 1160
But, if you absolutely dont care about dps or that everything will be doing 15% less damage other than autos and obliterate then just lift the weapon restrictions. Problem solved…right?

In a word YEEESSS!!!

You actually made sense with that statement.

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So then I don’t want to see a single person that has been talking about the return of 2h in terms of aesthetics, complain that if they want to get into a group they have to get 1h weapons.

I mean you can use 2h frost right now, just at a severe dps loss. So why aren’t people using it now? It’s more than just aesthetics or people would be doing it now roleplaying like the LK that so many people have brought up.

ill drop enhancement in in a second i pretty much already have i dont play retail much but if 2hd frost comes back count me in.

Because that would require Frostmourne, and the people in this thread don’t seem to intend to just sit in Goldshire and have mind-numbing lore exchanges like some player reenactment. We intend to actually use our weapons in combat.

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What would require Frostmourne? Do you not understand what “like” means? There is a difference when someone says roleplay like something and roleplay AS something.

Not to mention you CAN use your weapons in combat.

Whats that other stuff I said? You do understand when you quote someone, you should include what else that person said, because if you are taking it out of context, its the person who is doing the quoting that looks bad.

You dont even know what I even argued which is the ENTIRE problem. So why should people listen to you when you misrepresent people?

And you apparently dont understand what the gearing issue is. The problem isnt just getting 1 item and forgetting it, its what stats are best, what about azerite traits, if I use these traits I need to get these stats, did I get an item with a socket? Did it titanforge? Did it warforge?

You think im scared that it will come back? Based on what exactly? What other people have said I said? You are taking 2 lines out of many, with no surrounding context, and running with it. The people on the 2h side however has said a multitude of incorrect statements to try to justify to Blizzard that 2h should come back. If me pointing out that those claims are incorrect and it makes me “anti-2h” then fine. I guess anti-2h is now defined as people that correct incorrect information about frost in the past regarding the balance of the spec that people tried to use as the justification as to why 2h should return.

Its just a constant stream of misinformation by people that have this overwhelming obsession with 2h and cant just move on. People get over dead pets quicker than this.

Because if you’re just a Frost DK with a big sword then that’s not Lich King identity.

Oh this is just too good to be true.


Kelliste I doubt you’re going to see anyone asking for 2 hand to return complaining about not having 1 handers to get into a group. Pretty sure the players asking for 2 hand to return really just want it back as has been pointed out and justified literally hundreds of times on this massive thread through opinions and ideas. To just keep arguing why it will or won’t work is really assinine. Though it is your right to argue otherwise.

@community- is anyone sick of hearing about balance? I hope 2 handed is NOT balanced to DW in the future. Is it wrong to want slightly different playstyles and stat, talent priorities between the two across all specs for the sake of diversity. Not only that but if the two were absolutely equal…I think dw would probably be inferior and undesirable due to the rng on 1 handed weapon drops. Same problem dw has had since the dk class became available. But wait there’s a solution for that as well. Kill dw or make 1 handers drop as a pair. Both easy fixes.

The current gcd mess just needs to go away. I am sick to death of chasing haste. All dk specs need a core mechanical haste boost like blood has with bone shield up. Tons of stuff can be reworked. And hopefully it is addressed before shadowlands launches.

Lifting weapon restrictions is a very small problem. 2 hand was removed FOR LEGION because of the artifacts. It really is that simple. We all know why we weren’t given Frostmourne in Legion. Because it is EVIL. It is NOT a hero’s weapon.

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