Because people continue to think that 2h would make a unique playstyle if brought back? Or at the very least it’s how it’s worded.
Let’s see, at least 3 people have talked about big chunky 2h obliterate crits or 2h playstyle like bringing it back would solve something.
Avaxxa thinks that the playstyle now is a DW playstyle and it would seem 2h would completely change it.
Grimgrok was talking about big 2h obliterate crits.
Frostlich, seemingly, is talking about playstyle and it looks like they want 2h back to play how they want to even though it wouldn’t change how you play, be a dps loss without other spec changes, and play exactly what people don’t like to play.
I really dont understand why people can’t grasp it. Is it a lack of knowledge of the spec? Just a basic hatred for DW so they will say anything to try to convince Blizzard to do something?
If people really don’t care that 2h would be pretty far behind DW then just remove the restrictions. Then all this 2h nonsense can move on to something more important.
You know what ticks me off?
Unholy 2 hander.
Blood 2 hander.
Frost DuAl WiElD CaNT dO 2HaNdED
like i have to farm 1 handed swords now if i want to do the cooler spec.
I’m not trying to pick a fight here, and I don’t play Frost, so my opinion doesn’t matter, I’m just trying to understand this.
After reading all of these threads, I’m concluding there are basically three reasons people prefer 2H over DW:
- Want to transmog 2H weapons
- Farming a single weapon is less annoying than farming two weapons
- Damage parceled out over fewer, but larger hits is more satisfying than the same amount of damage parceled out over more, but smaller hits.
Am I missing something?
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Been like that if you wanted to play optimally since wrath so nothing really changed. Fury has to get 2 2h weapons, port has to get 2 items, most spellcasters usually want to get 2 items, or it was that way in the past due to having an extra enchant.
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People like the look, lazy that they don’t want to get 2 items, think it will bring back a dead playstyle. There is a lot more than just those 3 reasonings.
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it takes allot of time to get 1 perfect weapon. let alone 2. The idea of swapping specs to frost while the other two are using two handers are kinda bs. Maybe if we atleast have the option for two handers until you get dual wielding ?
The big problem with that isn’t with the spec, but the issue with gear and how many different options could happen when an item drops. Its the same for every item slot.
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if that was really a issue they wouldnt have 2 handed frost in the first place.
The crux of the issue is a option was taken away after a extreme amount of time lapse.
Ugh, HERE we go, YET AGAIN! Will this pointless arguing against us who just WANT AN OPTION GIVEN BACK TO US ever end?
its a very divisive issue but atleast we can all come together and say bolvar is a weak lil sissy while arthas is a alpha chad
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If what was really an issue? The gearing issue is worse now than it has ever been.
It feels like the guys against it are trying to make it so divisive, while far more of us want the option back. But I agree Bolvar looks pretty weak. I bet if he starts embracing the powers of the Lich King instead of just suppressing the Scourge, and even repairs the Helm of Domination, and reforges Frostmourne for real to use in the final raid, he would become even stronger. Maybe even reach Arthas’s level of power. He doesn’t even need to use innocent souls at all to boot, we can just give him the various evil souls and the souls of the Jailer’s servants to power him up.
sorry the system decides to delete quotes allot. its weird.
Because it’s not just an option that people want. It’s 2h will fix what is wrong with the spec that people can’t seem to understand won’t actually fix the issues they are having other than fixing people wanting a certain look and not having to get 2 weapons even though they would have to anyways unless they want to do 15% less damage with the majority of frosts entire kit.
Like I said before, remove the weapon restrictions so more important issues can actually be focused on.
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it is…
we just want the option. Ya it wont fix all of the class but this thread was always meant to be about regaining the option in shadowlads
Main reason: Aesthetics + mechanical satisfaction
Really? Really? You really said this? I’ve been farming Waycrest Manor for the past week trying to get titanforged Servant Splitters so I can replace my weapons. I’ve ran it at least seven to a dozen times in the last seven days and only managed to get the base 430 version of the axe.
The entire spec is dead right now. This is a moot point.
Like you said with getting the perfect item, look at how many different things you want to line up. Let’s just take frost giants cleaver from back in wrath. It dropped all the time. But let’s put today’s systems into place for that old item that had set ilvls depending on difficulty and had gem slots. Now the gem slot might happen, you might get a titanforge, you might get a warforge, you might get another stat on it.
It is literally the worst system for gearing right now which makes getting things just feel soooo much worse. Would you rather just see a 277 weapon drop from doing ICC heroic and that’s it, or continuously hope for the stars to align?
lets just side step all of that for a moment. we will come back to it.
are you against having the option returning to the spec?
You say this then you spout some other stuff. But in these threads there are only ever 2-4 of you saying this. Everyone else agrees that 2h frost should return. Yet you and the others argue with everyone else. And when you see no one is agreeing with you. You post walls of text and if we still do not agree then we are just trolling you or we dont understand in your eyes.
Yes and when we bring up finding 1 2h weapon is easier than getting 2 1h that are perfect you call us lazy. Right now this has become you being determined to post any reason you can find against it while those of us that want it do not care what you think about it you have said many times how you feel and yet we just keep saying we just want the option back.
It is like your scared that it will come back.
Your main reasons, stop talking for others that have a differing opinion.
And yes I just said that since I don’t think anyone should talk about the stars aligning as some issue with the spec when that is an issue for every single item slot for every single class and spec and would exist for 2h. You could be playing for months trying to get a titanforged socketed item and it never happen. Realize where the actual issue lies and look at what other people have posted about wanting to get just one weapon instead of 2. That is laziness.