It's time.. Frost DK and 2 handed weapons

I’m just curious, but if you’re from a different region why come lurk on the US forums? Are the forums over there boring? I’m just wondering…


Eu forums are almost dead.

If there’s a bigger lack of Alliance players than Horde in EU though, to be honest, I’m not entirely surprised. I feel we need better writing for both Alliance and Horde for WoW to do better, especially Alliance with how things went for them in BFA. But regardless, I hope things can get getter for both sides. Both in gameplay and story.

They’re doing alright for individual zones and storylines – Drustvar may be my new favorite zone in the game – but for some reason they seem incapable of writing a good frame story these days. I know they’re separate writing teams, but maybe they could share ideas or something, I dunno,or maybe it’s just because the individual zone stories can be wrapped up in a bow, whereas the overall frame story for the expansion has to be left open ended.

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I would really just like to see far more cinematic and in-game representation for non-cliche faction races like Pandaren and Blood Elves. I’m tired of seeing Orcs, Trolls, and Humans in everything. And no, Sylvanas doesn’t remotely count because she’s one, literal ghost-elf. For Pandaren, I’m actually really upset that they essentially have zero presence in Zuldazar, knowing the critical history they have with the Mogu, and that they share pain at the hands of the Mogu with the Zandalari. The Shado-Pan should have had a notable presence this expansion.

As for Blood Elves, it isn’t so much that they don’t have a presence in the content, so much as it is that I feel the power they are always implied as having has rarely been demonstrated in standard content. They’re supposed to have a niche for magic-usage and a very sincere relationship with the light, but the only thing I think of with the Sin’Dorei is how badly they got Jimmy-Jammed by Arthas.

Some more Tauren story focusing wouldn’t be half bad either.


Hell yea, go Pandaren! I think my armor says it all and my main is a panda monk.


Here’s hoping that the new year sees the RETURN of 2H Frost :slight_smile:


That’d make 2020 a pretty good year.

On that note, happy new year everyone.


I agree with you SO much dude. And it’ll be even more sweet if we get the REAL Frostmourne to mog with as well. I dunno if Sylvanas will be in the last raid or second last, but I really hope she’s in the final raid before the Jailer, and Bolvar gets to help us cut both down with Frostmourne. And Happy New Year to you guys too! :grin:


The story has gone into the dumpster. It comes down to money. Will linking Shadowlands to the LK bring in money? Possibly, so they try to tie them into each other even more even if it doesnt make sense. Drustvar probably had the best story. It went from someone being accused of being a witch, to ending with her being basically the figurehead of an order.

Hey guys, how did you spend your New Year’s Day out there? I managed to get a character called Ieyasu in Dragalia Lost, and I had to sweep the roof and driveway. I’m hoping that this year goes well, and that we get 2h Frost back in Shadowlands too.
Speaking of Shadowlands, I hope that third armor in the concept art for Bastion is available too, my Pally would look brilliant in it.

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Really. I remember when I made my paladin we stole the paladin powers from an Naaru that due to what we did to it turned it into a Falled Naaru that embraced void or shadow.

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I agree I hope they do return it 2h Frost in 2020


I still want a 2handed DPS spec that not pet dependant.

My reason at the end of the day is I enjoyed it more then the DW playstyle I am currently doing. Thats all and that’s it. I realize that math would be involved to make it “viable” and frankly am not really caring if its not #1 - I want to maximize my enjoyment of the game I pay to play - that is it.


agreed I miss those big chunky obliterates.

also my two handed weapon transmog options aare pretty great.


Those big chunky obliterates are no more and not dependent on weapon type. It’s not even a DW playstyle since 2h would technically work if weapon restrictions were removed and it would play the same just at a dps loss.

I tested the damage difference with ilvl 266 weapons for obliterate with 0 versa on them and the difference before armor was 15 damage.

Weapon type has absolutely nothing to do with playstyle, but DW would do more damage based solely on 15% increased frost damage.

I agree. I don’t care if 2h isn’t as good as DW, I just wanna be able to play how I wanna play, and I really enjoyed 2h Frost when it was around. And I don’t wanna have to be dependent on ghouls and other minions constantly at all.

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Which would be what? The weapon wouldn’t change how you play the spec. I don’t know why that is so difficult for people to understand.

Why is conversation resurfacing? We’ve already talked about how the play-style needs to change and how 2H needs to come back before Frost is cool again.