It's time.. Frost DK and 2 handed weapons

So your entire explanation on damage numbers has absolutely nothing to do with what I said.

Lol what? It’s been much easier to balance since removing 2h. Isn’t even an argument. And frost has generally been better than unholy in non M+ PvE.

It doesn’t even make sense what he’s saying.

He’s just saying people like to see one big number instead of 2 smaller numbers. Which I would argue who is staring at the numbers unless it’s on a target dummy. You shouldn’t focus on them at any point in gameplay so it doesn’t even matter. Not to mention it’s only on 2 abilities.

It’s not even psychology it’s just some people’s personal preference. Most people don’t even care about it.

Also him:


are you just going around the forums calling people wrong?

I’m talking in two threads implying that you and the other guy (who brings nothing to the conversation but infantile bellyaching) that the premises in which you’re basing the few arguments you do make are nonsensical. With you two, it’s mostly been Ad Hominems and passive-aggressiveness towards the thread supporters. If you haven’t noticed, those very people have ignored the both of you and rightfully so. Many of them don’t even reply anymore. At this point, the threads have been exhausted a second time and the few exchanges that have happened recently aren’t even stimulating.


Frost is generally ahead of Unholy. In the Eternal Palace Frost is ahead of Unholy, and is really close to Fury.

Ad hom? Yeah thats the “2h supporters” calling people bastards, putz, and whatever else. Or just following people around talking sh*t about them like Frostlich does to me. I relied to someone and they came in and started saying a bunch of bs.

They dont reply because they have absolutely nothing to go against what people are saying. Lets see there was one person who said something along the lines of “we dont know what the Nathrezim were before they were demons” and I pointed out where they could find this information I found, from Blizzard, that said they were always demons. Not much you can say about that, they were wrong.

Tod said Frost has generally been better than Unholy in non M+ PvE. It doesnt have a time frame, but right now in the Eternal Palace and looking at the logs, Frost IS performing better. Go look, worldoflogs . com and check the dps rankings.

You tried quoting it like “it doesnt make sense” when its actually true.

So what is your point? What you have been saying doesnt fit to what is actually happening in these threads.

Frost traditionally has been better. You can go back through this expansion and legion and see that. The only expansion where frost was outshone by unholy was WoD, when they were trying balance 2h and dw.

There’s data backing that up.

You and the other dk started insulting me the moment I came into the forums on my Druid proving both of you wrong. You live in your little bubble where everyone else is a big meanie, pretending you aren’t spamming threads on the forums about the same topic ad nauseam.

No one is saying you can’t wish for something back, but you speak on it as if it’s happening and talk down to people who are contrarian, regardless of their tone.

Its not even being a contrarian, its just what they call people that dont toe the same line as them.

Frost right now is the better performing spec aside from M+, the logs show it. When 2h was a thing, DW did perform better. Preach even got rank 1 (logs) as a DW Frost Dk. The people wanting 2h back arent really even pushing content so just remove the weapon restrictions and let them have their stat stick with a singular number.

Some have been acting like the sky is falling. You dont see Warriors complaining this much about SMF, or Warlocks with Meta though its still around, or Glad Stance, or 2h Monk, or DA locks.

This 2h stuff has just gotten insane and most of them have left. Its like 2 people now and neither of them actually read what people write and assume what someone says.

FTFY. Most are still around, judging by the notifications for older posts I continue to get, they just aren’t responding anymore.

It’s a true mystery for the ages as to why they’ve stopped responding, we’ll likely never figure it out.


Hopefully it’s because they realize that they’re beating a dead horse. Or maybe they can consolidate the other 800 threads they post in into the mega thread that Frostlich or whoever created instead of making new ones.

Maybe because its an exhausted topic? There really isnt much if anything to add to it.

Truthfully I wouldnt want to respond either, not because of people like me, but because of the people on the 2h fanatic side. Playing victims while talking trash about other players, using poor arguments like “lawl look at your ilvl you know nothing” and sounding like Asmon which is a dumb argument in the first place, name calling, lack of knowledge and quote mining.

Its actually pretty sad.

I mean Trumpknight was talking about how much he knew about dks but is using substandard talent builds and green parsing in pve so.

Well the other guy just mouths off and makes vague passive-aggressive comments like this is elementary school, so I stopped giving him the time of day. The only thing he’s actually mentioned on the topic of DK in general is my parsing and talent build, but nobody sided with him on it so he disappeared from the thread for a while. Every single one of his comments are just some low-energy crack at somebody and I’d rather deal with mature posters that are concerned about the flawed DK play-style and want to see the concepts reinforced.


Like how you guys have been mature? Talking about ilvl and other nonsense to try to discredit people but cried foul when people did it to you? Or how about twisting people’s words that you have been caught doing?

Yeah, I’m tired of pointlessly arguing with Kelliste too. I’m not lurking at all, and I highly doubt anyone is either. Just really fed up we can’t talk about 2h Frost in peace at all. And I think the others are feeling like that too. And I agree with you on how the DK playstyles are flawed and need to be worked on too. And another thing, I think some of us are trying to deal with our real lives out there, so of course they can’t be on all the time.


You haven’t even been putting anything out there. All you did was complain about people not agreeing with you and now you are still talking about other players in a negative light. Calling a non existent group of people names and when people have confronted you get all panicky and ask people for help to stop the big bad Kelliste.

Handle your own business. You have contributed absolutely nothing than thank people for trying to jump on my case and fail since they are as ill informed as you.

What in the land of Sam Johnson Hill are you talking about? The post wasn’t even about you. Why would you assume I implied that you were immature after I repeatedly defended you, saying that you’re specifically one of the only mature and valid DW supporters that post in these threads?

You and I are the only ones in this thread that I can recall that repeatedly bring up and acknowledged that Frost’s spec itself needs to be redone. We share the same view on just about everything about Death Knights except for the notion that 2H Frost can come back before anything else is done with the spec. Why would you assume I was talking about you?

No, you didnt, you were the one that started the ilvl bs and was piling on with other.

I might be one of the ones actually trying to talk about the spec or lore behind stuff, or even spec design, but you are not in any position to criticize others and what they say.

You even went along with this “these posters are the same people” nonsense even if you didnt start it.

[Citation Needed]

? That’s everyday human behavior. The point you’re trying to make here is entirely lost on me.

The posts are still there for anyone to read. I’m not going to have a back-and-forth about the denial of something i said.