Lol I’m excited for this as well. Mostly because there is nothing more humiliating than getting killed by a panderan.
thank god Death knights are empowered undeads with death magic running trough their bodies so they can actually use big weapons efficient and not a human guy doing big swords.
I mean even warrior can do that without magic, so your point is irrelevant.
even without fantasy, you can use the scenario of 2h and DW combat, with a big bastard sword and 2 normal swords, you just used a example with comic lv, his swords of course are not functional
It was a very simply illustrated point using an irl scenario. The variables being the information that i gave for the equation. This wasnt a life or death street fight scenario. If that were the case a better fit would be dks having a melee interrupt like “Groin Strike” or just a quick jab in the teeth. The scenario was laid out as a 2 hand baseball bat vs 2 smaller bats, sticks. So you could then interpret the two 1 handed weapons however you see fit. Point being the attack power and most likely defensive capabilities wouldnt even be close between the 2 hand vs 1 handers in real life. Pushing the point further why 2 hand should be returned to frost.
I think 2 hand was fine until the end of wod when obliterate damage was just mediocre garbage. Due to nerfs and poor scaling. Same problem it had every expansion mid and end always fell on the scaling. A little less consistant damage but hell to pay when runes were off cd. A true killing machine like the terminator. I could care less for a fire dk or a 4th spec at all. Unless the 4th spec is a petless 2 handed dps possible off-tank spec.
Even though she was replying to someone else, you’re very right too. I really hope we get 2h back for Frost also, I’ve been missing it so badly for so long now. And yeah, 2h’s main problem was Obliterate scaling, and now, DW has to suffer that problem, on top of other problems too. Gutting 2h did nothing to fix Frost, it was Obliterate that needed fixing the whole time.
It actually did since they could balance the spec better. Does Blizzard really care that 1 ability doesnt scale though the rest of the spec does? No, absolutely not.
Frost damage isnt low, even in pvp people are performing with it and creating guides for people which people are actually looking forward to because of an unholy nerf.
Does obliterate “need” to be fixed? No, there is nothing wrong with what it does but people want it to hit better, less damage on passives, more damage on actives which promotes actual gameplay.
We all have diff play styles we like…but the thing that has me Laughing is… does obliterate need more damage?NO?
When you hear the word obliterate what comes to your mind…may I ask you? A simple fluffy squeaky toy noisy and someone just getting a kitty push nudge…and they are A ok?
The key word is “need”. Right now it isnt needed, its what people want. Learn the difference.
Yeah, even if Frost’s doing not as badly as before RN, it still feels very not fun at all. And Obliterate doesn’t even deal enough damage like it should have. Even though Death Knights need a rework, especially Frost, I really want 2h to come back while waiting to at least feel better about that part.
No, because they couldn’t get balance right between 2H and dw playstyles.
To answer your question,
The unholy playstyle is significantly different from the frost playstyle. I particular this hang up for Festering wounds and a ghoul running around and poping dark transformation/unholy Frenzy is not really gripping me. I think if Blood DKs had another dps option with most of their current kit they would be more receptive (for example - mastery is not a high pri stat for unholy)
i say again, fans of Arthas, is better the DK Blood spec DPS that a DK frost spec, yeah… blessed the WotLK times.
But they didn’t balance sh!t. You keep bringing up balance. Balance is like a teeter totter or a set of scales. It’s equalization of 2 points over a fulcrum, or single point. Balancing the spec would mean dw would be competing against 2Hd. And we all know 2Hd is gone so no there isn’t any balance. The spec sucks and you have said it yourself. Nothing got fixed. More like reinventing the wheel except frost dk is now like the donut spare tire on a prius lol.
Sorry I haven’t been here to argue with everybody I’ve actually been playing this game. And it looks like you finally started playing dk Kelliste you’ve got achievement points on this tune now and finally changed your mog. That’s good. Now that you play the class I may start reading a little more of what you have to say. I wish you could’ve been around to play 2 hand frost. It was amazing owning everything!
So what exactly is the point of your post? It looks like you are trying to pull an MGK. You say I keep bringing up balanced but they didn’t balance anything which was my point. They couldn’t balance it, with itself, and the other dps specs. One change made to one weapon would have an effect on the other. This goes for all specs that were split.
The spec sucking is not a result of the weapons but because of the spec design and losing a lot of artifact and legendary powers. it just turned into a bare bones spec like most other specs. Frost is not in some special boat with it being the only spec that sucks to play even though it has some pretty good dps output and people are getting high arena rating with it.
So what exactly is the point of your post other than you ignoring what people say because they don’t play makes you look foolish when you argue their exact point they have been making? Maybe it doesn’t matter someone doesn’t play if they have game knowledge. Boosting a character to 120 and playing does not give someone knowledge.
Oh and I did play 2h, something you would have known if you weren’t pulling an Asmongold and ignoring someone based on a flawed reason. 2h was not this spectacular thing and it was quite boring later on. Prior to MoP and WoD it played the same, and DW was hitting just as hard as 2h?
Everything in your post is pointless and you should have just kept playing your game. It has all been addressed before.
Thank you Vyktur, all of that had to be said so badly. And I kept saying it myself too: gutting 2h Frost solved ABSOLUTELY FRICKING NOTHING! Yet so many heavily anti-2h guys keep denying it sadly enough… At this rate, why doesn’t Blizz put us our our misery and delete Frost? At least 2h won’t come back to spoil the fun for those stupid DW-crazed bastards… Sorry if that didn’t sound good at all, but I felt THAT down about Frost sadly enough…
Made it easier to balance. Thats what it solved. The damage is there right now, its just not on what people want it to be on.
You keep calling us anti-2h and so on, and “stupid DW-crazed bastards” which I flagged for by the way, most have even suggested how to bring back 2h. What have you dont? Just said “I want 2h and Frostmourne back!”
Some people have said 2 rune slots for 2h, which would be an enchanting slot so that change might have to be applied across the board to all 2h weapons. On the flip side they could just create a singular runeforge with Fallen Crusader and Razorice combined, have it only available with Frost specialization which might be the hardest part of the whole thing and have the requirement set to 2h.
Adding 2h back on the flip side will solve absolutely nothing. Its not like the damage cant be calculated to see what damage abilities would be doing with a 2h. Not to mention the dps of weapons (which is what the abilities use as well as attack power) arent that great of a difference.
Just testing obliterate, with same ilvl weapons and no versatility on the weapons, DW, with my gear would d0 5,544 with the tooltip, 2h would do 5,559. That is a difference of a whopping 15 damage. I was trying to find 2 crit/haste weapons to check other abilities as well so there wouldnt be a mastery difference, but I couldnt. But, lets just say its around that much of a difference when isnt even noticeable, razorice would push it ahead since its a 15% increase in frost damage that 2h never had. It would literally do nothing to bring back 2h other than it would take over 2h because you can get a 2h so much quicker and then there is really no use for 1h str weapons outside of 2 specs and they each only need 1 weapon.
The thing is, people would be happy for an hour at most that they got their precious 2h back and then hate the spec still be cause it plays like junk and by that time it would be too late.
I’ll spare the psychology lesson which would explain in detail why this statement is so massively wrong, and simply say that 2H being returned is just the first step in restoring Frost to something that we can enjoy playing and be proud of.
Ease up on the language. Vocal extremism is just going to get you in trouble.
Sorry about that Trumpknight, I just wanted to drive the point how removing 2h didn’t do anything at all to fix Frost or “make it easier to balance” like Kelliste kept claiming. I think it’s best if I don’t bother with her also since it feels like with her, my words will just keep falling upon deaf ears. Hope we can start providing some positive feedback again also.
Instead of just putting your finger in your ears and saying YOUR WRONG LALALA! Actually say how it didnt make it easier to balance.
You have been saying “im not going to bother with her” for a month. You havent presented anything and in fact if I was responding to someone else you would jump in and attack me.
So, if you are going to say it did nothing to help balance then show it. Otherwise you are just pulling dead rabbits out of an imaginary hat. We have logs that we can look at, we can place where frost was before and after the launch of Legion and where they were in terms of dps against other classes. So go ahead and start doing some work.
I even went in game to show how 2h would do nothing right now if it was brought back. You can try this too, go find some 1h weapons, best to not have mastery or versa on them with the same ilvl and see what the damage difference between the 2 sets would be. If 2h did come back, with access to razorice, and KM is PPM, then it would technically be the best choice right now.
That comes down to, do they want to make 1h str weapons useless which they would be outside of Prot pally and warrior.
Go ahead with the psychology lesson. Its going to be the same playstyle that you guys dont like. Yay I got my 2h… omg this playstyle SUCKS!
Step 1:
Step 2:
The brain likes things in simplest form. It likes simplicity, even if the conscious owner chronically contradicts that goal.
Now I can only go by my experiences with other people. We human beings like our information as organized and to-the-point as possible.
It is easier on a brain to see the number 25,000 and follow with the stimulated response: “WoW! I hit the target for 25,000!” than it is to see a 14,643 and a 10,357 pop up at the same exact time. Your brain is going to instinctively attempt to resolve the two numbers if it picked up on the them, knowing that they represent the amount of damage being done to the enemy target. The brain wants answers, and knowing precisely how much damage was done to a target is no exception.
Also, a bigger, combined number is naturally more appeasing to the brain than two split segments.
Getting a check for $500 will stimulate the brain’s gratification center far more than receiving one check for $200 and another for $300. This is one reason why Destruction Warlocks are so much more popular than Affliction and Demonology. Hitting 100,000 damage Chaos Bolts on the spot is a far better thought than having to apply 7 dots and waiting for the little bits of damage to start adding up.