It's time.. Frost DK and 2 handed weapons

So for the record are you saying that dw frost sucks? I mean it IS the only way frost can be played right now so…

In the wrath cinematic frostmourne splits a frozen lake. Raises and re-animates sindragosa who is called “the frost queen” . Apocalypse is given to unholy dks as artifact weapon and frostmourne shard reforged into blades of the prince for frost dk. He had a legitimate claim that frostmourne is indeed frost themed.

Dk with a shield. Hmmm…if it played like a Revanent from dragon age origins i could get on board with it.

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No, im saying the spec sucks because if you swapped out DW to 2h, it would still suck.

“Raises and re-animates” sounds unholy to me even if she is a Frostwyrm. Its almost like lore characters have no restrictions in what they can do. Just like Frostmourne might have frost in the name, but what it did had to deal with unholy stuff like stealing souls and shadow damage.

raises and reanimate sounds DEATH KNIGHT regardless the spec, not “unholy”

neither the players in some extend, frost can also do shadow damage, reanimate the death and even use blood spells, like other specs also do frost things

Again, because is what DKs do, they also deal shadow damage and steal souls, unholy or frost.


Yes, the Lich King using unholy magic. Just because you arent in unholy specialization doesnt mean that you couldnt use unholy abilities. That is recent. Frost used to use Blood Plague (shadow damage and fell under the unholy spell book) Raise dead, death and decay and more unholy abilities.

At the moment, players dont fall under the same category. it was true prior to now, but if we could then we wouldnt be getting old spells back that were taken away. What Blood spells does Frost use right now? Death Strike? One measly ability? What about Unholy? Raise Ally and Death Grip?

And no, Dk’s dont steal souls. And there is the “unpruning” and if all specs can do what you are saying then why unprune stuff?

…all right?

wush sometimes i forget you don’t play dk, thats my bad
here a list of all non-frost skills the spec still have it and can get it:

Death’s grip, asphyxiate, death advance, death strike, anti-magic shell, control undead, corpse explode, Dark command, death gate, raise ally, wraith walk, Death pact, necrotic aura, Delirium, anti-magic zone, cadaverous pallor, transfusion, dark simulacrum and my favorite Lichborne who literally says "draw upon unholy and frost energies to become undead"

the bold ones are the blatant ones.

they do yes,

And there is lvs of pruning and unpruning, they removed a lot, not everything.

DKs have never stolen souls that was literally a special ability of frostmourne we just re-animate the dead

to reanimate dead you take the soul and put back into the corpse

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Lol. Were arguing the definition of a pretend thing


Just FYI, I changed to a more populated realm and had to change my name. I had to change from Viktor to Kárák. I still only have 1 character and 1 account, so don’t worry about me liking my own posts (unlike some people around here) :roll_eyes:


You must be from an alternate dimension or something, because all I heard back in the day when it came to DW Tanking was about the additional chance of getting parried while dual wielding. And how much it was frowned upon. It seemed like people would QQ every time I tried to DW Tank.

That didn’t stop me from doing it though, I remember using two of the Broken Promise swords for the extra dodge chance. It seemed to work fine for me at the time. But even though I had no issues with it, it seemed like people would always complain anytime I tried to tank as DW. Of coarse this is World of Warcraft, the game where everyone seems to think they know better than you how to play your character…

I know for a time DW Unholy was OP, especially for PvP, however that didn’t last long and got nerfed pretty quickly. Still, I had fun with it while it lasted though… Ah those were the good ol days of being a Death Knight.

Oh trust me, I’m not holding my breath. I’m hopeful, but it’s the same type of hope I have every time I buy a lottery ticket. I hope I win, but I don’t count on it. You’re correct about their track record as well, so although I am hopeful and I would love to see Death Knight two handed Frost return in some aspect, I’m not willing to bet money on it.

I guess at this point we will just have to wait and see what happens. In the mean time, thanks for all the old school WotLK talk. The walk down memory lane has made me hungry for WotLK (Classic) / If they ever decided to go that route someday.

Anyway take care & have a good day!

later :slight_smile:


You just didnt want a high parry % because it happened no matter what. Armor was really strong, dodge, parry had a weird mechanic that I just cant remember but if you parried too much then the boss would do something, like more damage would get past the parry or something.

The only time I know of DW Unholy was with the Sudden Doom bug. This disease thing people have been talking about, which im guessing was in WoD maybe? I didnt play a lot of Unholy at all.

Two handed could really come in tomorrow with 3 changes. How hard those changes would be to do I really dont know but the hardest would probably be the DW crit change.

I also dont think Classic is really going to hold people because once you get into raids the classes are worse than BFA. TBC and Wrath would do better so I dont think they would ignore them because they want money.

Nice, you actually put in some useful information on the abilities.

Congrats… -.- and then you put that about reanimating a corpse. Other than what the Lich King did, our ghouls and skeletons are controlled by magic, dont last long, needed a corpse before, and are mindless beings. They arent like the forsaken, or death knights. Aside from Unholy which is perma of course.

Except…all 3 specs had raise dead and army of the dead! FROSTmourne!

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There is a key word in there, had.

i believe you are referring to the effect known as parry hasting.
every time a boss would parry you its next auto attack would occur 50% faster. In high end content it meant you were more likely to take large bursts of damage in a short time. auto attacks from a boss are not generally what gets a tank killed its a tank buster ability then the followup auto damage. an unlucky string of parries could cause you to take 2-3 autos in a short burst of time.

this was likely before one handed weapon speeds were normalized but back then tank weapons like broken promise had a noticeably lower end damage and higher attack speed. mathmatically the amount of dodge/parry you would have gotten from wielding them was insignificant to the point where its was not noticeable and likely outweighed by getting parry hasted autos. so in your case you were lowering your damage output noticeably for a trivial to unnoticeable gain in mitigation while also possibly increasing your spike damage. you would have been much happier using dps one handers but thats the past.

I dont think YOU even know what youre saying sometimes


That’s it, I knew it was something like that that I didn’t really care too much about. The armor trinket from the Black Knight provided I think 10k armor on a proc and it was really good. Plus dk’s if in a pinch could use death strike which was based off of diseases for healing at the time.

If I did more H ICC then it might have been a different story.