It's time.. Frost DK and 2 handed weapons

And there were still presences in cata that would allow you to do that if you had the group to back it up.

And why are you asking what level? Did you play wrath? From you asking what level when I have an ilvl value, as well as how you kind of imply that Icy Touch spam always existed tells me otherwise. Icy Touch was given a huge threat boost because of the debuff in ICC and our big threat generator was rune strike and that was based off of dodging or parrying an attack. Having high parry wasnt that great to have because of the mechanics of parry, the 30% nerf put a damper on the amount of Rune Strikes available to either of the 3 specs when tanking. Rune Strike was the threat ability at the time that you just made a macro for each ability with it attached to it.

264, and 245/251 was level 80 stuff, and with that ilvl, 264 being ICC 25N ilvl, you shouldnt be doing 4-5k dps with a DW frost dk barely getting into 251, I might have a 2 set bonus at the time, doing around 8-9k and when I got some more gear I was in the 10k dps bracket.

Back then, you did have access to more stuff, but there was still a preference and for frost it was DW. Guilds, if you wanted to progress, wanted you to play the best that spec had to offer, looking up guides and so on, the proper gems, the proper enchants and so on. Frost guides all said DW was the higher performing option and it stayed that way for almost always aside from a few times 2h came out ahead. PvP might be different, but Obliterate has to calculate armor which say you fought a Blood Dk in cata as 2h frost, you werent doing any damage to them for the most part and they were going to man handle you into ending up at the GY. I did it to DW, 2h, Unholy, other blood players, a Frost dk that was in blues and I was just out of leveling, going up against 2-3 people to build vengeance. Cata pvp was pretty much blood for the most part if you wanted big slaps unless they knew how to kite. That is until they removed vengeance from pvp and then you could just go into Tol’Barad quest zone and just pull a lot of mobs and mess with the opposite faction.

Most times however unholy was the go to option because it just had more to it if you were going to push rating. Had more stun options, good cleave, and was just a boon to other players and fit well into comps. Frost was just a bg hero and low mmr games for the most part.

Can we push this to 1000 posts?

Heroic icc was 270 i believe. I asked a legit question where you were at competing with a hunter which you shouldnt have been doing unless it was for a trinket?

277 for ICC 25H. 264 for ICC 25N and 10H and 251 for ICC 10N.

And yes it was for a trinket, ICC25 Deathbringers Will, not to mention that we also targetted the same 1h weapons since there were 0 1h str dps weapons. But Frostgiants Cleaver dropped like crazy and I think at the time I had 2 ICC25H Lootship weapons since it was a pushover to do.

You asked what level, not where.

its exactly what i said, its a callback to the captain unit from warcraft 3, nothing more special

you are saying just the easy ones, you missed Deathbringer Saurfang, Crok and many other who are not that important.

correction here, the incostable majority use 2H, only one use a shield, and few others use DW

its not because we like, its because most of then also use it, its the majority of the DKs who use 2H, they don’t use “many different weapons”, and they don’t have a high range of difference

its pretty straightforward, most of then use 2H, some of then DW, and there is rare exceptions who are not worth mentioning

the four using 2h weapons

he does use 2h

now and then:

And in other a 2H

the staff could be also a callback when she was alive

there is main weapons, like or not its the default or common thing, and he is right about open up restriction based on lore in some cases yes.

never saw those, in a long time, yes you throw a comment about this trying to make like is something that happen all the time.

pics or didn’t happen

it come to a point oyou have to face that DK fantasy and identity is 2H, regardless of the spec, its more common and make more sense, and should come back regardless the other aspects of the game.

youtube videos are free to everyone post


aw and here I thought I finally hit 3 again


Ugh, so exhausting.

Just do more research, im getting tired of repeating myself.

I wasnt about to list every single death knight out there, Gamepedia also isnt up to date, I suggest you not using it for current stuff. Also, if you would include more of my pertaining to the new 4 horsemen what did I say? Maybe I said that it might not have been the final version? Or are you just being dishonest on purpose?

And no matter what, there are death knights that use other weapons. Quit taking my posts out of context to suit your 2h fanaticism.

You’re thinking of wowwiki, Gamepedia is definitely up-to-date.

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i say the same thing.

you can also do it and prove what you said.

Now you know more of the wiki? thats some bold statement pal

what final version? Legion is gone lol, Trollbane, Sally and Nazgrin use 2H weapons, thats a fact, even Mograine do it, and he is the one who wield apocalypse in the cinematic of getting rid of the sword.

And i never said they don’t use other weapons, im saying they are rare exceptions, and majority of the Death knights use 2H because its the class fantasy regardless of the spec.

just because one random dude use a shield means literally nothing here.

Rexxar is a Beast master hunter but is a melee fighter and unlike the survival, use DW, he is just a exception like the DK with a shield.

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No, it isnt.

Citation needed.

Gamepedia, when looking up abilities, stops at Legion, its not a site that keeps its information up to date.

You do know that there was an alpha and beta to Legion right? You know the time period where they test and develop the game? Those could have been screenshots of that time which since I cant just log in and check right now, is why I said it might not have been the final version.

It means literally nothing? It means death knights dont just use 2h weapons, again the entire argument was to open up weapon restrictions that I wasnt even against and if you would actually read you would understand this.

Its the same thing over and over, take what someone says out of context to suit your narrative, trying to discredit by making that person look bad, and then look like a fool each and every time the person has to repeat themselves fixing your screw up because you cant bother to to tell the truth of what someone else is saying.

good thing we are not talking about abilities, and what we are talking about tis from things of Legion, so its pretty accurate.

w-what? those pics from the final versions lol

yes, just rare excpetions.

we all know that, and i never denied that.

What i said is the fact that 2H is the main weapon, for Death knights, and they majority use 2H, regardless of the spec, and thats is something you are avoiding and don’t want to acknowledge.

nice try with the victim card again,but you are derailing and avoiding what i said.

2H is the main fantasy of DKs, and most of then use, then it should back to frost too, simple as that.


Oh for crying out loud quit lying.

I wasnt talking about the links that you posted that I didnt go to, Im talking about the screenshots that I seen. Why would I be talking about your posts when I was explaining my post before the one you made because you clearly dont know how to read and even said that you dont read my posts. So why respond to them and lie about what is in the post?

How many death knights use 2h is irrelevant to the conversation being had. Again, the argument was to bring back more weapon options, are you against it? Or do you just want to be argumentative because you want to “be right” on one thing so you can go to sleep tonight?

And again, you have been misquoting me over and over again to suit your agenda and narrative, and im getting sick and tired of it.

so, you not only didn’t saw the pics i put you will also not proof yourself by showing those pics, all right.

for someone who keep saying others are lying you are a liar no? i said i don’t read most of it, cause i rly don’t want read a wall of nonsense of how 2h should not come and a rant about balance from someone who do nothing with dk at all.

i don’t think it rly is, its pretty relevant when he ask how many DW exist, implying DW is something rare.

im all for it, but are you? seems not.

there is nothing to misquote.

and there is not rly an “agenda”

people want 2H back to frost, because its the main DK weapon, the majority of then use and its the default thing, do you deny that? if not then we do not have nothing to discuss anymore.


not totally sure what’s going on about the screenshots and their current weapons, but here are all of their weapons (or lack of weapon) as of 4 minutes ago


Hes just arguing to argue. The entire point of the discussion that I was having with another member was that other dk’s use more than just 2h so weapon restrictions should be laxed.

And this guy has an itch for me to say what he wants and im just not going to give it to him because its not important and not relevant to what the discussion was.

I also said that the screenshots that I seen were probably not the final version, aka the final product, aka from the alpha and beta when they get things to work first and then apply newer models to later.

Hes just being adversarial to be adversarial because he doesnt like what I say even though he has admitted to not reading what I say. Ignore him. Thats what im doing from now on.

just dead on how many of then use 2H like the DKs they are

you are just avoiding the question and the point, so you can keep ranting about 2H, then saying “im not reaaaaly against!11”

so, its a dead point, they all seems using 2H including sally, except Mograine, who use nothing at all.

god’s forbid that im defending 2H to frost in the very thread who ask that, and showing why they should come back because its thematically


Yeah i agree with Kelliste this time guys sorry. Kelliste is right 2 hand frost does need to come back. Then you dont have to compete with hunters for gear while twinking ICC. But yeah Kelliste youre right 2 hand always was the superior sub spec and just needs to be brought back :joy: this is still a pro 2 hand thread. Please continue below.

Icy touch spam…pretty much any frost dk ability worked for threat and stealing aggro right into cata dungeons. Because dks hadnt been nerfed down to hit like 11 year olds at that point yet. We were still the walking embodiment of the frozen north. 2 HAND FROST YALL

So sarcasm now, great. 2h wasnt superior aside from a very few set instances. And saying that doesnt mean I am against 2h so people better not lie again in what I am actually saying.

There are mechanics that made DW better, if you deal with those mechanics properly, everyone benefits. Blizzard doesnt have to do a ton of balance work, and you guys get 2h since you want it so badly.

I would rather people actually rather work on getting a good spec created so that if 2h is introduced they have to do absolutely nothing other than remove the restrictions on abilities and deal with the differences of the 2 weapon sets. If there are no differences, then there is no reason for one or the other to be left out… right? But when you start to add things like MotFW, and trying to create a spec within a spec it doesnt really work out too well in the balance department. Again, if you resolve the issues between DW and 2h then everyone can use whatever they want.

While every ability did create threat and still does for everyone, Icy Touch didnt have the threat modifier making it do even more threat while in Frost Presence, and that was taken out in Cata. It was put in because of the 30% nerf to avoidance meant that Rune Strike (causes a high amount of threat) wasnt active as much since it was directly tied to avoidance.