It's time.. Frost DK and 2 handed weapons

What you replied with pretty much shows what you are doing here, trolling.

says the guy who don’t play dk and think the frostmourne is not a frost weapon

you are the troll here fam


And this is coming from a warrior trying to tell someone else that what they say isn’t valid because they “don’t play”.

That’s why I say you are trolling. You have no actual argument to put forward.

Hey the warrior here, the who have more ilv and did more than you with DK since Legion

And no, i didn’t said that what you said is not valid because you don’t play, its because besides not playing you are being disingenuous saying crap trying to validate your points

your attempts to “prove” the frostmourne is not a frost weapon, because you wanna by all means make the 2H fantasy something distant from the frost spec is pathetic and laughable, and everyone can see you are the troll here.


So you play your warrior, like I said, nice try. According to people since you main warrior you have no say with dk.

as you can see, i play both, i also play warlock, hunter and a shaman, all of then with acceptable ilv and content done.

you don’t have to “main” a class, to talk about it, but you at least have to play it, something you never did besides doing one lfr run

so yes, you indeed have no say with DK, especially when everything you said is trolling or failed attempts of gotcha


I have played it, in BFA unless you are saying it changed drastically since December which then show those changes. I built an engine 4 months ago, just because I’m not doing it right now doesn’t mean I all of a sudden doesn’t know how they work or how to do it again.

And you haven’t done any raids on your dk, nor any mythics. You are just putting yourself in the same category as me while still trying to use the argument against me. It’s hypocritical.

did you? apparently you just lv up, the last thing you did was Antorus lfr, and you didn’t even finish it, you ilv is so pathetic that is bellow easy cheaper WQ, Also no mythics, then your are not a mythic player either. no ranks in pvp either, honor just at 25, you didn’t even get the PVP talents

so, what do you do actually? cause apparently you only have an alt to maybe farm some old raid and to babble about 2H

like i care what you do.

apparently you did nothing except LFR since wod, and you didn’t even finished both raids, what did you do before exactly? i at least tried to find a guild to do antorus heroic with this one, but never find one.

yes, because frost do not have 2h anymore, it feels crap i have no desire to push him into raids, and i hate mythics in any class, so.

Like i said, you don’t have to be a mythical raider, or a gladiator to talk about, but you have to play the class/spec, and by cheeking your armory you don’t.

If i got an average ilv means i play the class, i do at least some stuff to talk about what i would like, because i indeed do play it, even if i suck at it.

You do not suck, you do not even play it, thats 2 different things.

All of this included the fact that you try by all means make the 2H fantasy alien to frost by some reason.


Do you know the difference between play and played. Played mean I played it in the past. Looking at my gear you should be able to come to the conclusion that I stopped during the first warfront release that was just so easy to get into that I didn’t have to do any mythic dungeons or anything lower than that. I got this ilvl in an afternoon and if I started playing again I could get to where you are just as fast.

I currently don’t play it, I don’t care about pvp talents so why bother with it since I don’t pvp and I didn’t like the spec so I played something else while getting some other classes to 120 and getting to the 340 mark at the very least because I knew I was going to stop playing and 340 should be more than enough to start with the new expansion, and if current leveling is any indication of gearing, I could have stopped at 300 and be fine with the level squish that is coming.

So really you are pointing out that you are a hypocrite.

like i said, seems like you just lv up, and thats it.

Never did something not now neither before except the final raid lfr, thats seems odd.

in short, you never did nothing before, and now nothing besides some warfronts, yet you are the specialist about DKs, about the DW and 2H dilemma and also about lore, the DK fantasy and indentity, even the specialist about the weapons like frostmourne( who by some reason is not a frost weapon) and everyone else is a troll.

i rly liked how you flopped by saying "im not rly against 2H!11! after everything and after get your ear pulled by everyone else here, by now you look like Italy in ww2, nobody have an idea what role you want to do, neither yourself


If I just leveled up how was I able to do warfronts? You needed 320 ilvl to enter them. That was easy to get, but it’s not like the spec changed much at all past leveling aside from some access to traits.

And again, you haven’t done anything either on your dk so your argument is invalid.

And I haven’t been against 2h, just misinformation.

I think 360 or 370 was your top end back when he was playing it seens. So would be close to top end.

That being said, Kelliste, people mainly think you are against 2h because when asked,

U answer with a wall of text never just saying Yes. Saying you aren’t against it isnt exactly for it. U tend to talk around points brought up often. I think u mostly annoy me on a personal lvl when u talk because u remind me of Democrats and them answering yes or no questions with a spew of crap never actually answering it.

The spec needs fixed. Bad. Both frost and unholy need worked around because no one likes pimple popping and frost feels smooth, but hitting oblit doesnt feel good. Anyone who says all the specs are great is delusional. That being said, having 2h introduced tomorrow wouldnt hurt anyone and if someone decided to use it, they would just be gimping themselves, but thats their choice.


Ignore the Trolls (aka Kelliste)! Ask and pray for the return of the original identity of the FROST DK!! Ask and pray for 2H!!!

Glory to DK, glory to 2H, glory to decision making, glory to Arthas the first DK.

2H and DW for everyone! Ask, ask and don’t stop asking for it!!


Strictly speaking from a Lore standpoint, can you clarify exactly whom you’re referring to when you say his first two dk’s that he raised used DW and sword and board? I’m not saying you’re wrong, I’m just drawing a blank as to whom you’re referring to. Thanks!

As for DW and Lore can you name any other famous Death Knights that actually use two one handed weapons? Darion Mograine is the only one that comes to mind, seeing him with two one handed weapons in game, but from a lore stand point he has also used the Corrupted Ashbringer in the past as well, which is a two handed weapon. So would you consider him Frost? Or did he just switch from Unholy to Frost when he changed weapons?

I’m just trying to make a point that the lore is convoluted, even you said yourself it’s a lot of bad writing (which I agree) my point is, if someone wants to use Arthus (Before when he was a DK, and even Afterwards when he becomes the LK) as an example from a Lore stand point as to why Frost should use a two handed weapon again, then I think it’s a perfectly vailid conclusion to make, and one that shouldn’t be brushed aside just for semantics sake…

Anyway that’s just my two cents, but to each their own there.

Bottom line I think if Death Knights don’t get the ability to play as Two Handed frost in Shadowlands, than it’s probably never going to happen. I think this will tell us one way or another what the future holds for Frost Death Knights.


The 2 DK’s that im talking about were his 2 right hand men in Lorderon when he killed his father and these 2 guys helped kill the citizens, they are also in game. Marwyn and Falric.

Mograine being one, and Thassarian being another though the model he used is a 2h model, but some 1h models are just as big. Mograine for the most part is Blood, Thassarian is Frost and Rivendare was unholy and they are referenced in the older talent trees. Might of Mograine, Threat of Thassarian, Rage of Rivendare.

There really isnt that many lore Death Knights out there, at least not under the Arthas LK. There are the 4 horsemen, new 4 horsemen, Thassarian, Mograine, Koltra? Spelling is probably wrong, and outside of that there really isnt much more. Lore characters arent actually really limited to game mechanics. They arent limited by game mechanics but the player is.

If you want to use Arthas as someone who you want to be its fine, but he is all specs combined and swirled together. He spread disease, hes the reason why there is that entire dead scar leading to Silvermoon, he created armies of the undead, abominations within his citadel, froze Tirion in place, turned Vrykul women into Valkyr, killed an entire raid and attempted to raise them as his greatest champions, raised undead and walked behind you just toying with you and your group while you tried to outrun certain death.

He has done a lot more than look blue and have a 2h weapon, and if people are looking into lore for what they want to emulate then you have to look at the entire thing. Arthas is a cool lore character and he alone drew in a lot of people to play Wrath.

Thats because frost DKs also use undead, diseases, use blood and turn people into undead and whatever, its a Death knight thing, not an unholy specific thing, and its the problem with class design in wow now and hopeful they will fix next expansion giving the class their identities back

by your own example Marwyn don’t use a single frost/ice based skill, i mean who deal frost/ice damage, he does have obliterate but his other skills are “unholy” skills, with corruption and shadow damage, he is “more unholy than frost”, and its the only one who DW, showing its not a pattern but a rare exception, and yes DK screams big weapons

Falric using a shield is a callback to the captain unit in war3

is actually very rare to find DKs who use most frost or strictly frost skills anyway, they always do the complete package shadow and frost, or blood and frost

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You know, I could write an essay about how absolutely far removed you are from what me and Dralth is talking about and you are actually responding to nothing. So I will leave you with a quote taken from their post.

“As for DW and Lore can you name any other famous Death Knights that actually use two one handed weapons?”

From that question alone, they arent asking about frost, though they do ask if I would consider him as frost, which again I addressed. Ultimately their argument is that weapon choice should be applied to the entire spec from a lore standpoint because Dk’s technically use whatever weapon they want. Runeforging makes any weapon into a Rune Weapon.

Gameplay wise is a completely different story.

Falric is still a dk, and if you actually understood what was being discussed then I wouldnt be having to explain it to you because you have frost on the brain like so many other people.

Lore however does not directly reflect gameplay.

So if they do bring 2h frost back they should give us a button in the weapon forge so you click it and instead of 2 1h swords it changes Frostmourne to 2h weapon. That way frost can keep dw but also support 2h for the artifact weapon.

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Oh you’re referring to the two bosses in the Halls of Reflection from WotLK, one used a sword and shield the other duel wielding. Yeah I forgot about those two. If I remember correctly they were Ghost when we fought them. But it was so long ago, I could be wrong. I’ve slept since then so my memory is fuzzy. ha

Yeah you’re correct, there’s not enough lore behind it after Arthas. When it comes to Arthas as the Lich King, I’ve always thought of him as the ultimate death knight, someone who embodies all 3 specs of the Death Knight. Maybe he doesn’t use all the abilities, however I think its more of the principle behind what the Lich King stands for, from a lore stand point.

So with all that being said, I think it’s perfectly reasonable for someone to use the Lich King as an argument for the return of the Two-Handed Frost Death Knight play style.

Now outside of Lore and more towards game play I think anytime a game developer takes away a play style that a majority of the player base actually enjoys and is replaced with a less popular one, then you’re going to get push back. And that’s why I think this topic of 2H frost death knight will never go away, not until if or when Blizzard returns it.

I’ll admit I haven’t scrolled back through all 600+ posts on this topic and read, so if you’ve already said this once, forgive me. But I’m curious. How would you do it? I’m just wondering…



Come on don’t let it die bring it back