It's time.. Frost DK and 2 handed weapons

They also believe that Frostmourne is not a Frost weapon, despite the name, the look, and the Frost artifact being made using it.

Strange headcanon they’ve got.


contradictory isn’t?

when they star pushing “class fantasy” is when our classes lost all the fantasy and identity, a quickly reminder that they didn’t even play their own game.


Was it a new team handling legion when “class fantasy” was born? Idk there are a lot of angry fury warriors out there too. But thats another thread. 2 Hand Frost Woooooo!!!

Yes, hes the daddy of the Death Knights, I never denied it. But Lich King does not equal death knight. Death Knights were the Lich Kings commanders on the battlefield, thats why they were created. So does that make us Lich Kings? No. Does that make him a Death Knight? Only that we share some abilities but he is vastly superior to a death knight.

What about frostmourne makes it a frost based weapon? That it is called Frostmourne? That its blue? That it steals the souls of those that it it cuts down in battle? Oh wait that last one is more akin to that of unholy magic. Strange.

Definitely. But also allow specs to swap legion weapons around so we have more 2handers to choose from…

https: //wow. gamepedia. com /Arthas_Menethil
In Northrend, Arthas became the first of the Lich King’s death knights. He was given a suit of saronite armor and slew many of his own men.


We’ve been through this, until you stopped responding at least.

Click through to directly below that post and Dreadmoore is also listing out other examples of Frostmourne being Frost.

For the record though, I’m not arguing that Frostmourne is solely Frost. It obviously has Unholy aspects to it, but it’s primary theme is Frosty.


The primary theme was stealing locking away your soul within the blade. The artifact weapons did create replicas of itself, but those were frost damage if I remember correctly. If Frostmorne is frost just because of the name and that its runeforge was blue then of course you are going to be correct since you are limiting the information.

Its primary function was an unholy function. Shadowmourne was blue too and in fact was almost like Frostmourne except for in name and only stole fragments of souls and then released them for damage. So does the fact that Shadowmourne was blue make it a frost weapon? Just the fact that it had Shadow in the name make it exclusively an unholy weapon?

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Yes, no one is disputing that he was a pawn of Ner’zhul and that when the frozen throne was threatened by Illidan, Arthas came running and then putting on the crown and was once again locked in the Frozen throne and being the vessel for the Lich King so he could actually move around out in the world.

Dont forget that he was also using Frostmourne and Arthas’ soul was in that blade as well as Ner’zhul (well a fragment of Ner’zhul) and he was doing Ner’zhuls bidding that entire time and was creating Death Knights at that time as well. So was he really just a death knight or was he more in line with the Lich King? And back during those times, he used a lot of unholy magic.

Yeah 'cept you forgot the part where it does Shadow damage.

When you have acquired 10 Soul Fragments you will unleash Chaos Bane, dealing 73 Shadow damage

While I’m on the wiki…

Muradin realized then that the blade was cursed, but Arthas said he would gladly bear any curse to save his homeland. Upon speaking those words, the ice encasing the sword shattered and exploded outward. A jagged shard struck Muradin and seemingly killed him.

In the Icecrown Citadel raid deck, Frostmourne has a “Harvest Soul” ability. When it deals fatal damage to an opposing ally, its attack power increases by 1 and it deals 2 frost damage to each opposing hero.

Its greatest challenge was clashing with the legendary elven blade, Felo’melorn, which the sin’dorei scion Prince Kael’thas had reforged to combat Frostmourne. Though able to put up a defense against Frostmourne’s merciless onslaught, its fiery origins proving a good counter to the icy runeblade, Kael’thas ultimately abandoned the battle, leaving Frostmourne undefeated.

But again, there is no denying Frostmourne does Unholy things as well. It’s just ridiculous to claim it isn’t primarily themed as Frost.


You’re orginail argument was for the other poster to stop using The Lich King as an example or go to for Death Knights, I merely pointed out that you’re incorrect in saying that, as The Lich King is the perfect example to go to when regarding a Death Knight or what the Death Knight Class is based upon.

You however merely want to argue semantics to prove a point, but it’s not working.


As did Frostmourne in Arthas’ fight.

Seems to do a lot more Unholy/Shadow things than one instance of it doing Frost damage in a card game, and it being called icy. “Primarily” is a stretch.

If you want to use him as an example, then lets. What frost abilities did he use, either of them. Bolvar threw some pillars of ice around and did remorseless winter. Arthas, walked at you and used remorseless winter in HoR, in ICC he had some floating spirits, did remoreseless winter and built a platform back. The only thing that Frost dk’s have in common to either of them is remorseless winter.

The entire argument is “Arthas was Blue, Frost is Blue, Frost should be 2h”. Thats what that argument really boils down to. You can be like the Lich King, use a 2h and walk around using Remorseless Winter.

An encasement for a weapon does not mean that it is a frost weapon. The Lich King had a prison of ice and Frostmourne did have part of Ner’zhul in it.

And no, it isnt primarily themed as frost. “Frostmourne Hungers” was one of the biggest voice lines that the Lich King had meaning it wanted souls, it was hungry for them. It was also refered to as an unholy blade if I remember correctly.

And the thing with Felo’melorn, it couldnt overcome a runeforge on the blade. Wow.

This is where I step out.
From previous interactions and that right there, I know that nothing short of a Blue saying “FROSTmourne is themed Frost” will convince you.

There is no point in continuing, agree to disagree and whatnot.


What about it? You seen the cinematic didnt you, where he put a runeforge on his weapon without a runeforge? You can keep emphasizing “frost” in Frostmourne all you want, it doesnt make any argument other than “it has frost in the name”. Well it does more unholy than frost. Steals souls, shadow damage, was used to kill every single person in a raid with unholy magic and was attempting to raise them all as his new champions.

Wow, it did a little bit of frost damage and it has frost in the name, its not really an argument now is it?

Sigh ok I feel like you’re taking us down a rabbit hole here, let’s back up a little and get back on point…

Let me ask you two honest questions. Game mechanics aside, and looking strictly at lore only… Do you support the Death Knight class using Two-Handed weapons (in addition to DW, not taking anything away) And if Yes or No, tell us why?



i think its happened in wod, everything wend downhill since mop in almost every single aspect of the game, include the class design/fantasy


Yes, the frostmourne

yes, because it have ice powers

thats bullcrap, frost also use souls, this is not “more akin” to unholy magic, this is akin to “Death knight magic”

Shadowmourne is also a frost weapon.


Looking at lore, they used everything under the sun. Arthas, dk or LK used a 2h weapon, his first 2 dk’s that he raised, well 2of the first at least, DW and used a sword and board. They used everything.

And never once have I been against weapon choice, it’s how to do it. Others have twisted that fact because I don’t agree on how it should be done. Even in the beta I suggested on how they could do it. They decided to cement that they didn’t want it as a part of frost. Just like they don’t want DW as a part of blood or unholy.